So I've read that at least two (I think more) people from around here are/were in the army. Why do you do it? It's all that an INTP should hate, starting with being ordered around. I would never wanna be a soldier or any other army guy...
To serve my country. I didn't really have any trouble with authority
but during basic training I was late for parade & a corporal had
me in the office and was shouting / screaming in my face and as
he was doing it bits of spittle were landing in my face. I remember
trying so hard not to laugh because the physical beasting would have been so bad if i had. Luckily I managed to refrain. This sort of thing has always produced the net result of wanting to laugh.
Before entry i remeber arriving to do the fitness test and there was
this large guy who had flown over from Germany. A leaflet tells you
what you are required to do in the fitness test & three pull ups are
part of the test to gain admittance to the training. Anyway he failed which i thought was really odd because he had come all the way
from Germany & couldn't do the three pull ups. You think he would
have tested this before arriving. The reason he couldn't do them is because he was fifteen stone roughly (210 lbs) which is alot of
weight to pull up compared to the lighter guys.
I think British army training is even more strict & regimental than American.
On arrival we all had to stand at ease which is :
feet shoulder width apart, hands clasped behind back but with upper body half still in position of attention (chest out, shoulders back). This is typically used when soldiers must wait a short duration, ready to adopt the position of attention.
It was not a short duration lol it went on hours i think. Due to not
being able to move people started to faint whilst stood up. This intro
was the craziest bit of the training and a fair few decided the army wasn't for them straight away which is th whole point of this crazy introduction to British Army life.