1. Can you describe this sense of impending failure? Is it a feeling, a thought, a belief, something else entirely?
Just a skepticism and even a fatalistic sense that things are doomed to go wrong, or that realistically nothing ever works as I expect or anticipate. It is inevitable that, since I won't control others, someone will do something to [perhaps inadvertently] undermine the desired outcome; and since I am not omniscient, I will have overlooked something; and, since whatever has a beginning has an end, even the things I love that are beautiful will one day wither and die.
In any sense, it is a fear of impending failure and foreboding that hangs over me sometimes. I expect the other shoe to drop, because that outcome seems inevitable.
2. Does the sense of failure go away if you are successful in something that you think you will fail in?
I get a nice rush and some confidence from successes in areas I was afraid to fail in... but it never completely goes away. I just become more confident in my ability to deal with problems and failures as they arise, I feel more personal efficacy... but am still aware I have limits.
3. What does the sense of failure apply to in your life (ex. work, job, love life, friends, etc.)?
Work, love, life goals, hobbies, anything. I often feel like I'll get fired, I fear the people I love will leave me (because I'll fail to be the person they want me to be), I fear the opportunities I seek will always be beyond my control.
Within these parameters, I can still seem very happy and experience joy... but there is always a bittersweetness to it as I feel the foreboding of failure.
4. If you are successful in overcoming this sense of failure, what did you do that helped you?
Like above, success in areas of foreboding helps recalibrate a bit and also lends a sense of potency to my agency as a person.
The other thing that helps is simply having learned to accept that everything ends and failure does occur sometimes out of my control.
There is nothing I can do to prevent it from happening. I mean, in the end, we all die, right? What I've learned to do is love life while I have it, and engage life as best as I can even if I'm aware at some point that failure or loss can occur.
5. What can other MBTI types do to help INTPs' cope with that sense of failure?
Not sure, it's mostly an internal shift.
I think sticking with the INTP through failures, NOT trying to always "brighten it up" for them but just being with them. Face it, an INTP sees lots of stuff and the negativity comes from rational honesty in many cases (as far as the INTP can tell)... so don't deny what the INTP is experiencing/perceiving, but DO encourage them to keep going, give positive ideas for how to overcome failures, teach them its okay to fail and that they shouldn't just disengage, etc.