There may be some similarities, but nothing significant, they have nothing to do with each other.
I knew a girl with Aspergers in another forum and you could easily notice that there was something odd. They have no empathy at all, you make a joke, they dont get it; you try to be friendly, they ignore you; they can be suddenly very harsh for no reason; etc. They have very narrowly focused interest which they are very constant with, not like INTPs, and they talk weirdly with no use of any kind of body language. Aspergers is not a matter of personality, its a neurological problem, a kind of lesser autism.
You think its easier to only just get it right that you can hide behind your insecurities with feeble psychological suggestions, Dissident preying on what you presumed mentally challenged women and then bashing them for your own failure as a man. Well now you are the monkey in the cage and I'm holding the taser. Let's have some fun shall we...
Let Dissident's post be a lesson to all of you I am not stuck in here with you for you are stuck in here with me that is the answer to every sentence ever with "life" in it and any other meme that represents your pecking order:
"There may be some similarities, but nothing significant, they have nothing to do with each other.
I knew Dissident has Aspergers in this forum and you could easily notice that there was something odd. Only sociopaths have no empathy, social empathy is akin to altruism and an oppressive super imposed ego, you dont get how to make a joke, they dont know what you are doing; you bumble into their social circle unkowing of the meme's or inside jokes to do what I don't know but you certainly aren't familiar enough to be friendly unless you are cheap company just a moron or needy, the opposite sex ignoring perhaps you approached like a faggot; they can be suddenly very harsh for no|with* reason and a smile on the face giving all the introverted attention in the world; etc. They have very narrowly focused interest which they are very constant with unlike Dissident whom enjoys talking about how he fascinates about pencils and pedo porn, not like INTPs, and they talk weirdly (on forums) with no use of any kind of body language such as picking of the nose. Dissident is not a matter of personality, they are a neurological problem, a kind of lesser person. I propose we all ignore Dissident."
Seeing as ignorance is never a working solution I make this long mimicry of a rant all while laughing my ass off somewhere deep down inside my introverted little mind. So when does the xNTx witch hunt begin? I got plenty of pitch forks and torches and my new weapon of mass destruction a blunt spoon that I will keep stabbing into your eye slowly over and over until you die a long and deliciously painful death like the colorful box of trix that you are silly rabbit. *lick*
"No reason" is reason there will always be reason... You can not think to escape thought what kind of a time paradox are you living in fool!? In other news Zero is now a number. Wrong is simply "not right". Nothing wrong with negative thoughts, they are there to save your ass and learn from if you never had them you would have already died by now. No has many compound alternatives no-thing, no-pe, no-ne far more choices and paths than yes a simple submission like a dying dog rolling over and playing dead.
Take your goals and expectations bend over and shove them up your ass. I don't need your regressive psychology for I am not traumatized by my perceptions. I am the ubermensch and your cause and effect are merely pawns in my process oriented view.
Steal the thoughts of others for that is called learning and education is the progressive understanding of one's own ignorance all those things you got right well get them wrong now and take every path. Aim to fail aim to win DO ALL THINGS all must and will be learned even if it must be thrust upon you blindly and unwillingly with painful demise. It has been said don't reinvent the wheel.
Reply at me in the subject header tell me are you a positive thinker or a chameleon on the scale of object relational theory and I will gladly rip apart your message for you. I'm like a honeypot of viral thoughts tweet away. I have Aspergers and its full of winning. GET ME YOUR GROUPTHINK IS WEAK even with post counts over 9000! SPAM MORE more mroe please lol I fap to your spam.