Well, I have a Christian background, being raise by my parent's who did identify themselves that way. That being said I'm more of a casual observer of that way of living because I find it to be full of foolish zealots who don't even truely practice what they believe, also though I have been on a few intellectism vs spiritualism debates because the two seem to cancel each other out. I feel the challenge of her faith would be good to refine it and at times I could use a "dash of sugar" to tge usually angry, bitter, snd subversive seeming thoughts I tend to spout. Back to the point though. When we were arguing she did continually say that it was just a spar and that we were doing it for fun to which I agreed and when people came up she was just as adamant as I that it was a friendly talk.... at times I catch her watching me from across the room, normally at least 7 times per shift, seemingly to many to be a coincidence, she doesn't speak to people for long but she does talk but usually ends up finding her own little corner. I think shes an infj I don't know, she usually has the infj look of sorrow and despair that seem to propagate that type. But whenever I catch her eyes she doesn't turn away. I've called her "bambi" regularly based on the look. But when I do go to try and talk to her without fail I only get a sentance in or so before so starts to move on. Its a tad confusing to me... I tried to tell her I thought she was intriguing and was gonna just ask her to coffee but she moved away quickly per the usge... I then said that "I was thinking about letting her be my friend", which I meant in a I don't make/keep friends very well type of way, but then she walked off, sarcastically saying, "what a pri ekedge that would be", before I could clarify that I'm not very outgoing and have few friends...
Those are the INFJ eyes.
She does sound like an INFJ. The sarcasm, staring, confusing signals, all of that.
They're tricky. (I honestly ruled them off my dating list after being with one for a few months; I find them way too emotionally confusing and REALLY hard to read. I'm okay with emotional partners as long as they're straightforward and I understand what they are actually feeling. I find INFJs to have a million different masks over their true thoughts, opinions, intentions.)
Ah I feel like I can really relate to your dilemmas though
I'm thinking of my old girlfriend so much. So I guess I'll just tell you my experience
Not sure what your age is, but from what I've observed many INFJs tend to go through at least one period (usually starting in their mid teens?) where they sort of experiment with their identity by trying to put themselves into a certain group/ forcing themselves to live out the person they see themselves as ideally
Like if they identify as goth or skinny pretty fragile girl or quiet elven nature queen they will put an unhealthy amount of effort into presenting that way. (I know an INFJ who had a serious eating disorder, depression, horrible anxiety etc trying to fit in with the crowd she idealized herself as belonging in.)
I honestly have no idea when this ends.
But just keep in mind that they can be a lil touchy about who they see themselves as.
So if she is presenting as a
They also plot
Well it's not necessarily a malevolent type of plotting. It's just that they think about things in a lot of depth, predict effects of different roads of action, and then with this almost psychic image of the future that they think they have choose an option that will lead to results that feel right.
Which can make others feel like the INFJ is manipulating them, which she isn't really, most times.
I dunno if any of this is helpful at all I'm goin to sleep, g'night
Welcome to the forum btw. You seem like you'll fit right in.
I'm looking forward to talking with you- I've got some advice/experience in getting from awful socially to awfully social.
Anxiety tips, perspectives that help you feel comfortable
& I've had an up and down religious path but I'm currently Christian, so I can understand that point of view as well.
Yada yada.