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Inside the INTP Bodybuilder - The guided tour


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
There is much speculation whether an INTP can be a bodybuilder. I have accomplished what seems to be odd for a personality type that is not a "S" type. Perhaps I can offer some insight to anyone interested in my journey, "bodybuilding nutrition" and exercise "suggestions".


think again losers
Local time
Today 2:55 PM
Mar 17, 2011
I don't think it's impossible for an INTP to get into body-building. Just like running, building can be a solo-exercise which gives you time to think. I've taken to some building, though I had some difficulty because of a developed back issue. I'm trying to ease my way back into it ATM.

I may not be terribly interested in it, but if I'm going to do something to get healthy, why not build?


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 5:25 AM
Jun 20, 2012
What you eat to get 3k calories? Ain't you get bored lifting weights fast? I certainly do but have to continue because no work = no gains. :)


Professional INTP
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Dec 25, 2010
What goes through your mind, if anything, while you lift?

Why did you start, and why did you continue?


think again losers
Local time
Today 2:55 PM
Mar 17, 2011
There is pain, and a small feeling of satisfaction and release as you push through. You need to keep count of your reps, which hinders thinking thoroughly about things. Usually I'll assign all my rudimentary thinking to this time, like what I need at the store, how much work I need to do at what time, what my written responses to people will be, or just plain old day-dreaming. The rep counting does distract from deep thoughts, which is unfortunate, but if you manage your thinking time well you don't end up any further behind than if you were unhindered.

I also do a lot of mental modelling of other's behaviours while I workout. It's exactly the type of task that doesn't require the full force of your cognition, but the exploration time can lead to a lot of insights into the people around you.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Sep 25, 2012
Do you use steroids?

I lift weights to maintain a healthy appearance and to be healthy, but I don't see much point in getting any bigger. When I was younger, I'd lift weights and try to get strong due to insecurity, but after I got over that, I lost interest.

In your experience, does an insecurity over one's body drive some, perhaps most, bodybuilders? If not, what does?


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
I don't think it's impossible for an INTP to get into body-building. Just like running, building can be a solo-exercise which gives you time to think. I've taken to some building, though I had some difficulty because of a developed back issue. I'm trying to ease my way back into it ATM.

I may not be terribly interested in it, but if I'm going to do something to get healthy, why not build?

I can agree with a lot of points you raise. What is great about bodybuilding is that it depended on my ability to analyze my body and discover which methodology I would use to facilitate growth. I could not rely on a team to help me perform a task on a day. Team sports is like living vicariously through another persons achievements which does not interest me.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
What you eat to get 3k calories? Ain't you get bored lifting weights fast? I certainly do but have to continue because no work = no gains. :)

It really depends on the day. At that time, I was in the military and I went to the "chow hall". I at lots of chicken, rice, oats, beans, potatoes and tuna. I would supplement those meals with beef 3 times per week. I could give you a sample day if needed.

Well I focused on compound movements Squats and Deadlifts. If you spend 45 minutes squatting or deadlifting. You will not want to go any further.

I did isolate bodyparts 3 times per week and focus on those movements above for 2 days per week.

I can provide a sample day if needed.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
What goes through your mind, if anything, while you lift?

Why did you start, and why did you continue?

This will be a long post and I will return and answer this question later today.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
Do you use steroids?

I lift weights to maintain a healthy appearance and to be healthy, but I don't see much point in getting any bigger. When I was younger, I'd lift weights and try to get strong due to insecurity, but after I got over that, I lost interest.

In your experience, does an insecurity over one's body drive some, perhaps most, bodybuilders? If not, what does?

I never used steriods. At first, I thought I would do it natural because it was different. Then, I determined that I could make it without them. Finally, I currently have no issue with someone using them with the right protocol.

I agree, toward the end of my journey. I was lifted for just for a healthy appearance. i will address my reasons when I reply to Architects posts.

I think insecurity and the media's idea of what a man should look like when he is an "Alpha" male drives bodybuilders. Also, when you are not confident due to intellectual prowess, one may resort to physical activity that you can control to help you achieve. This is a small percentage of men. They majority of the bodybuilders are really insecure, in the typical way a woman is insecure. It is a strange phenomenon. How can a man that imposing be as insecure as a teenage girl?


Local time
Today 5:25 AM
Jul 18, 2013
I am into lifting weights mainly olympic lifting. The key for me is not physique or any extrinsic benefits like that it is instead to improve my posture and therefore think/understand the world better. The human body has been destroyed by sitting for so long and being inactive which inhibits the natural thought process. Trying to understand the body and change muscular imbalances is very interesting, I keep doing it as I want to see what it feels like to function like a normal human see mobilitywod.com for interesting ideas.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 9:25 PM
Feb 14, 2013
here and there
I'm not into bodybuilding so much anymore. I'm more into staying mobile/ flexible and strong/conditioned since I'm in Jui-Jitsu and MMA. Who are your bodybuilding heroes?
What are your stats? And PR's in the deadlift and squat?

Do you mostly front squat or back squat?


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:25 AM
Feb 23, 2013
I was good in push-ups. I trained every day until I reach 100 push-ups in a row. So I achieved that and stopped. But I want to start again. I think I'll start right now.

Push-ups are great because you go in everywhere and any time, no equipment required, just you and a flat floor. Exercises are very useful, you even think better when you're in good shape.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
What goes through your mind, if anything, while you lift?

Why did you start, and why did you continue?

While lifting I am thinking about which muscle fibers types will be activated in my muscle groups. Between sets, I thought about what i would be doing next, how many seconds till the next set and why it was important to rest for allotted time period.

I started lifting "seriously" around 23yrs old. After a lifetime of people calling me skinny and weak, i devised a plan to do something about it. I also thought if I looked more "muscular" I would be "sexier" and everything that goes with it. During this time I had not accomplished many of the goals I had for my life and was looking for something to be good at. I had just dropped out of engineering school a couple years earlier "math challenges".

I read everything I could find on bodybuilding and nutrition. I studied bodybuilders with similar body types and backgrounds. With this information i created a workout. I had mediocre success. After talking to one of the Sergeant that looked like LL Cool J about what he did. Our squad deployed and I spent that deployment training. When we returned, I was surfing the net and I joined a bodybuilding website and it changed everything. I watched and observed for a few months and then became involved in the forum. I began to learn the real "secrets" to getting more muscular. using these methods i trained. I began a blog to track my workouts. Also, by training I did not have to participate in organized PT with my unit. I really do not like organized PT, so this motivated me to be consistent. I began to get noticed by the "guys" in my squad and comments were made. Most people would love this attention, i however did not so I would wear my uniform top all the time so people could not really tell that I was getting bigger but they noticed again when we would deploy. I hated that, I did not want that kind of attention.

So finally in the forum we started talking about competing and how that would be funny to act like bodybuilders. So then I had a new challenge to see if I could be a bodybuilder and understand what that means. I learned everything I could about contest prep and even had a prep guy give me a plan. I was able to study how meal manipulation and training frequency affected a dieting bodybuilder. I tracked everything from training to sleep. Finally, after 10 weeks of "dieting" i competed and won my novice show. One may ask if I did not want attention, why did I compete now. I was testing my theories and it was working so that was cool. i accepted that I would have to get on stage to evaluate the whole experience.

Competing was done and now I was trying to figure out what to do next. So I wanted to be strong and evaluate that process. Now have another theory to test. I learned what I could about how to deadlift and set a goal to lift 500lbs. I modified my bodybuilding training methods to incorporate the strength training regime. I tracked each step in the process while preparing to compete one more time. I competed again and came in 2nd place for my Pro Card. This proved to me that my bodytype and training methods would not work for bodybuilding and so after an empty promise to compete again, I never did. I kept training and exceeded my goal of 500lbs. I deadlifted 555. So, because my desire to bodybuilding was going away, I was also losing weight. I started practicing like I was going to diet down for a show. I was still lifting heavy though. 555lb deadlifts 415lbs squats, i hated the bench press (so did my body) Little did I know my body was breaking. I was not built for what I was doing. One day I squatted 425lbs parallel. This was a record for me and I was "dieting" as well. My body said "FU, bastard" and my lower back was sore but it was not because of the record squat. I was doing regular squats 405 in my 88% range and I stayed between the 88% and 97% range for 8 weeks. If one knows anything about strength training, this is not right. Like I said my back said FU 8 weeks after my record lift. I had to stop training.

3 months later i went back to the gym, it was not the same anymore. I exceed all of my expectations and with nothing left to analyze. I stopped going. It was done. All during the experience people would ask me for help to analyze their routines an nutrition. I even won a contest and ended up in a magazine ad in the 6 of the major bodybuilding magazines. My Commanding officer found out about this and singled me out on a deployment roll call and of course I did not like that. Everyone knew i lifted but I still never took my shirt off. I trained with a hoodie and sweatpants regardless of the time of years.

Now I am done. I have tried a few times to lift and I cannot do it from a mental standpoint. I have analyzed everything related to bodybuilding and my body, there is nothing left. When I exercise now, I do pullups, pushups and walk on the treadmill. I used to hate running when i was in the service but I might try it. at least it will be something new to analyze. I probably will not do it. I could try Tai Chi. i still get questions about training but I have little desire to lift myself. My body has gone back down but I still look a little muscular compared to the old me. Now I just look like a normal "sensor" that did not lift. That is ok with me. I have plenty of other things to occupy my mind than bodybuilding.

Note: I went back to school and finished a degree (Not a technical one but I did get one). I had a lot of credits from Business, Communication, Computers Systems, Nutrition and Anthropology. I am a Program Manager.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
I'm not into bodybuilding so much anymore. I'm more into staying mobile/ flexible and strong/conditioned since I'm in Jui-Jitsu and MMA. Who are your bodybuilding heroes?
What are your stats? And PR's in the deadlift and squat?

Do you mostly front squat or back squat?

My favorite bodybuilders were Frank Zane, Serge Nubret, Porter Cotrell, Kevin Levrone and Phil Heath.

My Stats were 5'9 3/4

off season 193 13% bf on season 173

I could dead lift 315 30 times in a row
max 555

back Squat
max 425x1 I never did a marathon high rep squat. I kept it at 12 or less

front squat 325x3

Leg press
25 (45plates) x 30

Dips 115lbs x 6

Dumbbell Row 160x8

I took videos of most of these personal "feats" of strength. I thought it may come in handy like when a geek/nerd dates a really hot chick and take s picture so people will believe him

I am really weak now but my body loves me more now. What the fuck was I thinking to do that stuff? This tells me there is a price to pay for going against your natural inclination.

I liked back squating but I was a low bar squatter and it made squating easier. Front Squats was ok but long arms and "drooped forward hunched" shoulders make it really challenging.


Local time
Today 12:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Just to inquire about INTP versus ISTP, I've belonged to a gym for decades. My goals were always numbers on a particular machine. I have a bench press in my basement with a bar that negates the need for a spotter*. I've kept records of all the numbers throughout the entire time.

*In the gym I was always the loner. I could usually tell what I could lift and planned accordingly. It was very embarrassing when I recall lifting around 225 lbs, not making it and having to yell for help. Not very smart.

My weight was from 155 to 17x lbs. I would take the ratio of the bench max to my weight and try to improve that. The numbers ups and down fascinated me. My goal was always a personal best and then the same in cycle after an injury. No one knew what I was doing because to this day I never shared it.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
Just to inquire about INTP versus ISTP, I've belonged to a gym for decades. My goals were always numbers on a particular machine. I have a bench press in my basement with a bar that negates the need for a spotter*. I've kept records of all the numbers throughout the entire time.

*In the gym I was always the loner. I could usually tell what I could lift and planned accordingly. It was very embarrassing when I recall lifting around 225 lbs, not making it and having to yell for help. Not very smart.

My weight was from 155 to 17x lbs. I would take the ratio of the bench max to my weight and try to improve that. The numbers ups and down fascinated me. My goal was always a personal best and then the same in cycle after an injury. No one knew what I was doing because to this day I never shared it.

Are you an ISTP?

I did not like training with other people. I did not even want to listen to music because my goal was contrary to what most people are thinking in the gym. Personally, I do not think most people are thinking about why they are there while they are there.

Feel the burn ...


Local time
Today 12:25 AM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Are you an ISTP?
I picked that out as a goal. It happens to have a sensual aspect but sensuality is not my target. I thought I could use it to track my aging process as well as ponder Si data. Is that what an ISTP does? An ISTP would have to have consistent Se as a secondary process. That's not me. I favor Ne. So I conclude foundationally I'm not ISTP.


Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Feb 9, 2010
I go to the gym but I don't lift real weights. I just use the machines. There aren't enough weights lying around.

I am kinda IXTP.

I just grunt,squeal, and tell myself one more rep. 3 sets of 6 8 or 12 for each activity ,about 4 of them.

I do it for aesthetics as I don't like cardio too much I figured I might just try to use weights to gain muscle first.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
May 9, 2013
//ugh. Ill jump In here, although architet has already expressed his generality about intps and sports.

Fyi, just for anyone so I don't have to say it more than once: im going to speak in generalities, outliers to be expe ted:

INTPs are more likely to be interested in solo sports than team sports (Inferior Fe), if any at all.
Going off of that thought, TiNe is engaged by the thougt/theory of the building system, as many of you have mentioned already, Si should be obvious, repetitive movements over and over and over. And depending on how individuated you are, Fe if u talk/work out with people - it can be "bonding."

So overall, if an intp is interested in sports (not unlikely, esp if infetior pull with team sports), it is more likely s/he will prefer solo sports, however may also play team sports.

Make sure to see usage of: general, most likely, least likely etc

Also, perhaps, it engages the Se (not in the functional stack) for obvious ways

But I guess if you wanted to differ the inxp in sports (assuming there are both):
Simply ramble on about the theory of it (n> s) whereas the S *should* be more focused/content with the looks/feel/outcome (aux se of istp > tert si of intp)

//tour over, remember to tip your driver as he does it pro bono.
Thanks for flying "breaking everything down into functions airline."


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
I go to the gym but I don't lift real weights. I just use the machines. There aren't enough weights lying around.

I am kinda IXTP.

I just grunt,squeal, and tell myself one more rep. 3 sets of 6 8 or 12 for each activity ,about 4 of them.

I do it for aesthetics as I don't like cardio too much I figured I might just try to use weights to gain muscle first.

Is it a lady fitness gym?

Ok so maybe i will try to discuss the difference between using Ne in the gym vs Se in the gym.


You are thinking about why you are in the gym. The possibilities of trying different workout techniques, how your body will look, the reasons you are performing the techniques. Mind is racing with the possibilities. You are looking for the most creative ways to do the exercises. You maybe tweaking your workout in the middle of the workout to a different plan based on something you thought about during your rest period. He then have moments of doubt because now you changed something. Then you correct yourself because you know there is more than one way to achieve your goal.


You are not concerned with what you are doing in the gym, you are doing the same workout training methods for the last 5 months. You are in the moment feeling the rush of the exercise. You do not care, today is a new day so the lift you have been doing for 5 months will be awesome because you are there. You do it for the thrill of the big lift. You make a big scene in the gym and everyone knows you are there. You are there for a good time and everyone is in on the party. The mirror is your best friend and you and the party are comparing yourselves in it and to each other... IN THE GYM. Arrgh i AM hULK ...


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
//ugh. Ill jump In here, although architet has already expressed his generality about intps and sports.

Fyi, just for anyone so I don't have to say it more than once: im going to speak in generalities, outliers to be expe ted:

INTPs are more likely to be interested in solo sports than team sports (Inferior Fe), if any at all.
Going off of that thought, TiNe is engaged by the thougt/theory of the building system, as many of you have mentioned already, Si should be obvious, repetitive movements over and over and over. And depending on how individuated you are, Fe if u talk/work out with people - it can be "bonding."

So overall, if an intp is interested in sports (not unlikely, esp if infetior pull with team sports), it is more likely s/he will prefer solo sports, however may also play team sports.

Make sure to see usage of: general, most likely, least likely etc

Also, perhaps, it engages the Se (not in the functional stack) for obvious ways

But I guess if you wanted to differ the inxp in sports (assuming there are both):
Simply ramble on about the theory of it (n> s) whereas the S *should* be more focused/content with the looks/feel/outcome (aux se of istp > tert si of intp)

//tour over, remember to tip your driver as he does it pro bono.
Thanks for flying "breaking everything down into functions airline."

I think its unlikely that an INTP would need to use a pseudo "Se" to perform sports. An INTP is less like to jump into working out without digesting as much information and thinking about the possibilities of what is going to happen to their body. An INTP if he or she has not had a great experience being "athletic" may give up because of all the possibilities that they may not be successful (Ne/Si).

This is why it is likely that a "serious event" will push the INTP to exercise.

Se would look in the newspaper and find out the have a new gym with stripper poles in it and say that seems like fun and go. They would be less likely to think twice about the new experience.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
Bolded statement is Si, otherwise fine, also see my post above yours.

Also, Spirit, I'm doubting youre intp, not istp either. This post lacked ti, had a load of ne though..

I was reading a lot of Ne vs Se from an Ne perspective.

Gym rats that go to the gym just for the burn use the same routine. "I go to the gym to bench press because that where I get my rush."

It is unlikely that I am not an INTP but there is a possibility I could be all 8 cognitive functions, Carl Jung in a Voltron mechanized suit.


Prolific Member
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
May 9, 2013
I think its unlikely that an INTP would need to use a pseudo "Se" to perform sports. An INTP is less like to jump into working out without digesting as much information and thinking about the possibilities of what is going to happen to their body. An INTP if he or she has not had a great experience being "athletic" may give up because of all the possibilities that they may not be successful (Ne/Si).

This is why it is likely that a "serious event" will push the INTP to exercise.

Se would look in the newspaper and find out the have a new gym with stripper poles in it and say that seems like fun and go. They would be less likely to think twice about the new experience.

You literally ignored that entire post except my one sentence mention of Se. You were also wrong in your assumptions. I didn't say psuedo Se what so ever, I said that"perhaps it engages the (not in fuctional stack" Se, which is possible.

there is a possibility I could be all 8 cognitive functions
...im out of here before I get into more trouble.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
You literally ignored that entire post except my one sentence mention of Se. You were also wrong in your assumptions. I didn't say psuedo Se what so ever, I said that"perhaps it engages the (not in fuctional stack" Se, which is possible.

...im out of here before I get into more trouble.

I was in a rush so I posted what I thought answered your question. I have been studying Se vs Si heavily in the last 7 days and I decided that i would address that part of your post. I was going to get to the rest of the post.

I find it interesting that my sarcasm was taken seriously. The Voltron reference should have tipped it.

Furthermore, why would you get in trouble? I am not a moderator and I cannot do anything to you. I am not above criticism and I welcome the different points of view.


Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Feb 9, 2010
Is it a lady fitness gym?

Ok so maybe i will try to discuss the difference between using Ne in the gym vs Se in the gym.


You are thinking about why you are in the gym. The possibilities of trying different workout techniques, how your body will look, the reasons you are performing the techniques. Mind is racing with the possibilities. You are looking for the most creative ways to do the exercises. You maybe tweaking your workout in the middle of the workout to a different plan based on something you thought about during your rest period. He then have moments of doubt because now you changed something. Then you correct yourself because you know there is more than one way to achieve your goal.


You are not concerned with what you are doing in the gym, you are doing the same workout training methods for the last 5 months. You are in the moment feeling the rush of the exercise. You do not care, today is a new day so the lift you have been doing for 5 months will be awesome because you are there. You do it for the thrill of the big lift. You make a big scene in the gym and everyone knows you are there. You are there for a good time and everyone is in on the party. The mirror is your best friend and you and the party are comparing yourselves in it and to each other... IN THE GYM. Arrgh i AM hULK ...

It's the gym built in the condominium so even though it sucks, I am not serious yet and it's free. So far I am okay with the machines because I don't want to get stuck under a 100 kilo bar anytime soon.

Yeah, I mean IXTP because of that. I mostly do the same routine over and over again and I feel good when I get to increase the weights on a certain work out. I look at myself in the mirror and flex time to time. I use it as a form of venting anger or stress sometimes. Which is pretty much the best pre-workout supplement. I enjoy the burn at times and I can get carried away doing 6 7 sets of 12 when I normally do 3 set of 6-12. I don't think of anything at rest periods except how much should I reduce the weights for my next set.

But I have a lot of fun with my food choices and try to figure out how to get more protein and less carbs into the family dinner. Then I recently realized I have completely maxed out on the pulling machine that emulates a chin up and decided to use another attachment so I can do each arm individually and increase the weights from there. I adjusted the shoulder press machine to emulate a bench press machine (I think it was meant for both). I came up with my routine which was easy because there are 4 machines and I am a newbie so I can do full body everyday.

I sneak into the gym when it's empty and just make a fool out of myself because I just can't do them without kicking around. Really uncomfortable with other people in the gym.


Local time
Today 5:25 AM
Jun 25, 2013
I go to the gym to lift twice a week to build conditioning for martial arts. I don't really enjoy it like others seem to do but I have developed a routine to where I can just get the lifting done then leave because I don't like the meat market environment.

The problem a lot of people face when at the gym is that 80%-90% of the people there really have no idea what they're doing. For INTPs, it's good to know EXACTLY what to do and have it written down before going, otherwise you run the risk of giving up completely. One only needs to go to the gym to lift maybe twice a week for no more than 45 minutes IMO. Focusing on a few specific muscle groups per visit,(chest, shoulders, arms - monday, back, abs, legs wednesday) instead of full body workouts has provided more gains for myself and 35-45 minutes is plenty of time to do three sets of 15-15-10 reps for each exercise. The point is to challenge yourself but not to overdo it.

The rest of the week should be spent doing some sort of cardio workout. There's the Spartacus workout which builds strength and cardio at the same time and will knock you on your ass if you want to get in shape but eschew the gym completely. Also, kettlebell routines are a great way to get in shape and build muscle. The point is to experiment with what works best for you as an INTP as there are many ways to get in shape.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
It's the gym built in the condominium so even though it sucks, I am not serious yet and it's free. So far I am okay with the machines because I don't want to get stuck under a 100 kilo bar anytime soon.

Yeah, I mean IXTP because of that. I mostly do the same routine over and over again and I feel good when I get to increase the weights on a certain work out. I look at myself in the mirror and flex time to time. I use it as a form of venting anger or stress sometimes. Which is pretty much the best pre-workout supplement. I enjoy the burn at times and I can get carried away doing 6 7 sets of 12 when I normally do 3 set of 6-12. I don't think of anything at rest periods except how much should I reduce the weights for my next set.

But I have a lot of fun with my food choices and try to figure out how to get more protein and less carbs into the family dinner. Then I recently realized I have completely maxed out on the pulling machine that emulates a chin up and decided to use another attachment so I can do each arm individually and increase the weights from there. I adjusted the shoulder press machine to emulate a bench press machine (I think it was meant for both). I came up with my routine which was easy because there are 4 machines and I am a newbie so I can do full body everyday.

I sneak into the gym when it's empty and just make a fool out of myself because I just can't do them without kicking around. Really uncomfortable with other people in the gym.

You do not need a fancy gym to train.

The workout seems fine if that is what is serving your current purpose. The way you describe how you feel doing the exercises reminds me of my introverted sensor girlfriend when she returns from crossfit.

I can relate to the approach you have with your food choices. When I first started, I determined how many ways I could make chicken.

I did not like training with other so I wore a hood at the gym.

That describes my first experience training. I do not see evidence of "x" type. I'd be interested to know the reasons you think you could be an extraverted sensor.


ISTP Preference
Local time
Yesterday 10:25 PM
Jan 29, 2012
I go to the gym to lift twice a week to build conditioning for martial arts. I don't really enjoy it like others seem to do but I have developed a routine to where I can just get the lifting done then leave because I don't like the meat market environment.

The problem a lot of people face when at the gym is that 80%-90% of the people there really have no idea what they're doing. For INTPs, it's good to know EXACTLY what to do and have it written down before going, otherwise you run the risk of giving up completely. One only needs to go to the gym to lift maybe twice a week for no more than 45 minutes IMO. Focusing on a few specific muscle groups per visit,(chest, shoulders, arms - monday, back, abs, legs wednesday) instead of full body workouts has provided more gains for myself and 35-45 minutes is plenty of time to do three sets of 15-15-10 reps for each exercise. The point is to challenge yourself but not to overdo it.

The rest of the week should be spent doing some sort of cardio workout. There's the Spartacus workout which builds strength and cardio at the same time and will knock you on your ass if you want to get in shape but eschew the gym completely. Also, kettlebell routines are a great way to get in shape and build muscle. The point is to experiment with what works best for you as an INTP as there are many ways to get in shape.

Most people going to the gym seem to want the social aspect of a group experience. This is a reason I do not do group classes or join cross-fit. The thought sickens me.

I trained with the same duration as you are describing. An INTP doing a marathon workout is "asking for trouble".

High intensity Interval Training is a great option for the INTP because it is quicker and involves getting you heart rate up for 30-60 secs with a 60 sec rest. A typical INTP bone structure would find too much resistance training tough on their body. The tracking of duration times and the changes in heart rate, body temperature of will respond to the Introverted Sensor (monitors internal body affairs) inside the INTP.


Local time
Today 12:25 PM
Feb 9, 2010
You do not need a fancy gym to train.

The workout seems fine if that is what is serving your current purpose. The way you describe how you feel doing the exercises reminds me of my introverted sensor girlfriend when she returns from crossfit.

I can relate to the approach you have with your food choices. When I first started, I determined how many ways I could make chicken.

I did not like training with other so I wore a hood at the gym.

That describes my first experience training. I do not see evidence of "x" type. I'd be interested to know the reasons you think you could be an extraverted sensor.

I am working out mostly to just look good so I can fit clothes better. Although l appear disheveled at times, I can sometimes obsess over clothes and shoes.

I enjoy driving a lot or actually I used to a couple months ago when I was working.

I am a crazy car fanatic as well. I like games that either involve driving or some spatial puzzle solving.

I desperately want to also buy a wrench kit so I can get my car into pieces and replace all the horrible things in it which are just plenty.


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Jan 29, 2012
After reading Personality Type by Lenore Thompson, I am convinced that my Fe was a driving force for my consistency with bodybuilding. "Values are tied to the specific behaviors that maintain them, which link us to a place a time a family a society." pg 326 I had great times watching my dad use his athletic ability on the court. He was a great basketball player/martial artist growing up.

Because my Fe was looking for approval and consensus from others close to me, becoming successful in something physical seemed to be the logical choice. During this time, I had no family living close to me. In an effort to feel a part of something, bodybuilding connected me to my dad.

Fe will push a user to reestablish a connection with other people or a community and sacrifice ones personal Independence for external gratification. While bodybuilding, I contributed to the community by offering my advice on bodybuilding and nutrition programs.
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