Melllvar. For many things in life 99 percent sure is good enough. In crossing the street, better than 99 percent is recommended. In mathematics only 100 percent is acceptable.
I started reading your post. I read this part:
You started with the epsilon. We don't care what that epsilon is. You said the rational is inside that neighborhood. Then you said it must be greater than the epsilon. NOT IF IT IS INSIDE. When you said that, I stopped.
Notice that cardinality is not mentioned in these statements. Cardinality is irrelevant.
Hold on. You said, "Proof by contradiction." In order to have proof by contradiction, you must have a clearly stated premise. I don't see that. The only stated premise I see is "pick an epsilon > 0. A proof must have clearly stated steps. You won't find them though because what you are after is false ... but just in case I'm wrong, you're welcome to try.
Pi, there is no way in hell you have read any of my past few posts. I've given you multiple contradictions for your supposed proof (not the last one, the "finding a smaller rational than the irrational" one) and explained how your thinking is off here at length. As I said, all your proof showed was that you could create two irrational numbers that had a rational number between them. On the other hand I already offered a direct proof that there must be at least two irrationals that do not have rationals between them - among other things, the cardinality of the set of irrationals is greater than the rationals.
Proof by contradiction is exactly what you did in your proof of a smaller number than N, what you call reductio ad absurdum. Assuming a premise is true and then show that it leads to a contradiction, thereby proving it false. My assumption was to assume that you were correct and any infinitesimally small neighborhood of numbers close to zero would contain a rational number, if that neighborhood contained any non-zero numbers at all.
Sorry, but in the end you are refusing to accept this because it conflicts with basic intuition about numbers (that's developed solely because of the way they're written), when if you look at the basic properties of the rational/irrational numbers it obviously has to be true. Irrational numbers have infinite decimal expansions, they occupy continuous regions along the number line (unlike rationals), they are uncountable while the rationals are merely countable. It doesn't matter to me, I've had fun researching it and coming to understand it. The 99% was referring to my explanation, as I've made a lot of stupid mistakes already in this discussion, but I have no doubt left about the theorem itself.