One atom of me
What I mean by higher order thinking in this case, is conscious deliberate thinking done slowly with deliberate goal.
No child needs to be told the dog is not a cat. Even if they cannot distinguish them by words say, a retarded child calls both cat, they still can tell they are not the same.
That is visual recognition.
What I am trying to say is we are trying to approach AI as if we can solve all of the fine stuff. Visual cortex is something that shows us that its possible to be intelligent with just associative and comparative.
We associate few figures assume frequency of its appearance and color and shape and there is object born in our mind with verbal category.
Seemingly nothing spectacular happened. Yet is exactly what most of our mind does most of the time.
No child needs to be told the dog is not a cat. Even if they cannot distinguish them by words say, a retarded child calls both cat, they still can tell they are not the same.
That is visual recognition.
What I am trying to say is we are trying to approach AI as if we can solve all of the fine stuff. Visual cortex is something that shows us that its possible to be intelligent with just associative and comparative.
We associate few figures assume frequency of its appearance and color and shape and there is object born in our mind with verbal category.
Seemingly nothing spectacular happened. Yet is exactly what most of our mind does most of the time.