I don't have any advice for you on what to do your research project on, but I do have some advice on 'how' to find your research topic. Especially since it seems the method of research that you're undertaking appears to be research via literature review.
One thing you may have noticed about research is that much like Rule 34 of the internet; for pretty much anything you can think of, there is already research(/porn) of it.
So, one of the fundamental things you must first understand is that the point of the research project your school is having you undertake is not to find new knowledge. Rather, the point is to critically analyse the existing research and identify gaps that you might be able to fill, and probably take some educated guesses on what answers might fit in the gaps.
Ergo, what you should be focusing on at this point is educating yourself on the existing research surrounding a topic and building up a context. You say you want to research something philosophical, so there's your starting point.
So, go to the library, figure out how to search for academic journals and start building up a pile of reading materials on anything philosophy based. Maybe spend 2 hours hoarding reading materials, and start reading. Don't build up too much to read, because you want to be able to explore tangents and follow rabbit holes. Just keep reading and thinking. Your notes should focus on what you find interesting, what you agree with and what you disagree with. Sooner or later you should start to see patterns of scholars agreeing/disagreeing with each other. Build your own opinions.
Just keep reading for a while. After a couple of weeks, you should be able to narrow down on what you've found most interesting. Stick with it and keep following your curiosity. Eventually you'll be looking for something and won't be able to find the answer, or you won't be satisfied with the answers you do find.
Congratulations. You've just found your research topic! Hooray! If you've found something that genuinely interests you, the hard part is over.
I guess that's probably thoroughly confusing, so if I were in your shoes, here is what my search might look like:
I want to write embark on research in philosophy.
What are my interests? Hmm I like food. I wonder if there's much philosophical works relating to food?
Oooh who is this Brillat-Savarin chap?
[falls into rabbit hole]
[2 weeks later, chooses to write thesis on Philosophy, Rubik's cubes and Artificial Intelligence.]
My point: choose a place to start within your field of interest, build a mental context of the topic, and follow your curiosity, questioning everything along the way.
One last thing, don't underestimate the importance of a bibliography. For bonus points, build up an annotated bibliography as you go. Those things are useful AF. When I wrote my thesis, I'd have been lost without it.
Oh and speaking of referencing, never ever procrastinate it. It'll make things so much harder. Learnt that one the hard way time and time again.
Anyway, I hope that helps.