Psychology is obsoleting...just sayin'.
Look at the emerging scientific fields, ones that have a future ahead of them and ones that you are likely to enjoy = do well in.
If you're passionate about psychology and you see it as the best means into what you really want to do, then do it I guess. But I agree with Blarraun that I think it's becoming increasingly irrelevant as a field (a lot from psychology are moving into neuroscience, for example.)
I don't know what area of psychology you're interested in, but if you're interested in psychoanalysis (Freud, Jung, etc) or humanities-philosophy orientated topics, I'd bear in mind that it's a very minor part of psychology as it's taught today; most psychology academics think qualitative methods are bullshit and use quantitative, statistical methods of research these days. I'd research into the curriculum of wherever you're applying to beforehand to make sure they teach what you want to study.
Personally, I'm not convinced psychology is any better for getting jobs than a lot of other degrees, unless you want to go into something quite specific like counselling/ therapy/ social work/ teaching psychology, etc.
If you have an idea of a specific field you want to go into, then pick the degree that's the best route into that. Otherwise, if you enjoy the prospect of studying it, I'd pick something like computer science where you're very likely to learn useful skills that can be applied to a broad range of fields.