'm gonna try this...
Objective - based on fact alone; only facts change the conclusions
subjective - based on interpretation alone; only interpretations change the conclusions
Each one is real and both are needed to exist by virtue that to interpret is a fact and a fact is also to intrepret.
So we can determine facts or interpretations based on the past or what is in the present. We can't do both at the same time by virtue of one being concerned with what has already occured and the other concerned with what is occuring now, so to speak.
And this is all fine, but it becomes a problem when the past does not repeat predictably; then the past is used to paint or project the future rather than elucidate. But funnily enough this is not a problem the other way around - the present has no obligation to the past and is the rawest form of existence. I truly believe it is when people focus solely on the past at the cost of the present that the most harm is done. Good memory is probably a curse.
For an example of what I'm saying we can look at psychiatry. It's fact based, although based heavily on the past. Many people that have tried it and failed to achieve what it claims show themselves as an example of how psychiatry fails in its conclusions (present occurences). Psychiatry seems unconcerned with this and thus becomes heavily invested in projecting into the future by ignoring the present. And ironically, when this happens, it also falls into the domain of interpretation by the fact that it projects. In fact, I think it is reasonable to look at any science and tell whether or not it is currently a failure by whether or not it arguably falls into both the factual and interpretive categories because it does not make logical sense for one to be both - a fact can not be interpretive and an interpretation can not be a fact.
Psychology generally on the other hand does not really claim to be factual. It knows it is intrepretive, at least that's how I think most people see it. It has a good combination of past and present and although it projects or paints the future, it does it's best to make the best projections by utilizing a combination of past and present and doesn't pretend to be anything different and come off as factual (these are really the only true psychologists imo).
My problem then with Socionics, MBTI, and Jung's psychological types (and I wouldn't be surprised if this is why he dropped the idea) is that it focuses on the past and attempts to come off as factual, but implicitly projects the past as the future via cognitive type. There's no concern for the present. It's just completely irrational. I've tried so hard to ignore this, but I just can't now. Everything always adds up to the logical conclusion that it has failed in its claims just as psychiatry has failed. They are both stuck in a self-fulfilling loop that ceases to accept reality for what it is. And the one's that fight for them cause themselves and others so much strife in doing so.
It's a hellish loop of getting too stuck in the past and allowing that to cause blindness. People love that hellish loop though, it's like trying to catch the end of a rainbow...if you could just get to the end you know there's a pot of gold waiting...and everything will be perfect. And if you think it works well for you, all the more reason to keep believing and supporting it, even if that means running in the same circle for a lifetime when deviating might lead to greater understanding even if it means to give up the possibility of a holy grail or even an explanation to everything. I doubt very few, if anyone, is going to understand this...but I'm going to try.