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I suppose I should introduce myself.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
My name isn't actually Milo, it is Michael. My xbox gamertag used to be KrazyMilo, so that's where I got it from.

I was never really obsessed with figuring things out until my first year of college when my professor, PZ Myers, convinced me into being an atheist. This changed my entire life. I then began looking for the truth. I also took an ethics class that year and that opened my eyes to philosophy. I started reading books, online articles, and studies online. I was out to simplify everything I could into basic objective truths from which I could reconstruct my entire perception into a completely objective one. I learned about evolution, biochemistry, neuroscience, basic physics, chemistry, and psychology--pretty much everything that was practical to know. Knowing what I do now, it seems like I have all of the answers. Even if I don't consciously know it at the moment, I can formulate the answer quickly which is, I think what most INTP's experience, right?

I am big on excercise and eating a healthy diet. I actually eat a paleolithic diet which is sort of like Adkin's and I love to go on intense bike rides and lift weights. Paintball is my all-time favorite sport, but right now I can't really afford it since I am taking Summer classes. Also, I'm not really into getting rich. I'm more of a laid-back kind of person now that I am comfortable with what I know. I'm just out to live right now because worrying too much is just too stressful and not worth it.

My friends and family think I am a really odd person. I don't go by really any norms other than to wear clothes in public. I am very genuine in my personality and I'm not much for caring what other people think. All I can do is my best, and that is what I'm going to do.

I feel like I have already figured out the world though, so now the only thing left for me to do is help others, but people generally don't like taking advice either so, for the most part, I can't even do that. I am thinking about a job as a therapist or some type of social worker, but I would probably enjoy any job where I can genuinely help people.

Is there anyone out there who can relate to me?

I am also new to forums in general, but so far I am enjoying it. :D

This is starting to sound like a blog post or journal, so I'll stop now. Haha.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Apr 20, 2011
so you must consider yourself very empathetic since you mention that being a therapist would be a good role for you? I can relate to you, as I assume that I am an INTP with a well developed "F" function-- but it wasn't always the case. I think it took some heartbreaks and hard knocks of life and a lot of learning things the hard way to develop my empathy and be able to relate to people's emotions. Also, a lot of the times it was second guessing myself, not trusting my intuition and reads. Now I am a lot more confident regarding my intuition and regarding how others feel. So I'm interested in how you developed your empathy...?


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Jul 7, 2012
hello michael, welcome aboard.

and be well. :cat:


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
Actually, I am pretty sure I used be be a INFP and became an INTP with my transformation since my college experience. When I started learning all of this stuff, I actually became less sensitive to people's feelings. I eventually realized it, but I had already lost a lot my natural empathy. Now my empathy and understanding of others has come mostly from what I have learned about psychology and neuroscience. It is actually much more reliable than my natural empathy was too.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Apr 20, 2011
Actually, I am pretty sure I used be be a INFP and became an INTP with my transformation since my college experience. When I started learning all of this stuff, I actually became less sensitive to people's feelings. I eventually realized it, but I had already lost a lot my natural empathy. Now my empathy and understanding of others has come mostly from what I have learned about psychology and neuroscience. It is actually much more reliable than my natural empathy was too.

that's weird. I had this weird theory that I started life as potentially a hypersensitive (or HSP) INFP, but from early traumatic experiences and social faux pas, I repressed the "feeling" side of me and lived life through an analytical approach.

what were the processes or motivations behind your INFP ==> INTP transformation...

initially I wanted to believe the theory that MBTI type changes are RARE... but based on others' personal accounts and maybe my own too I'm willing to change my position on this...

but I will have to see that a personality 'really' was changed, versus forced behavior to fulfill life's needs, or otherwise repressed true nature, to really believe that one's type can so drastically shift. I am somewhat of an amateur at all this psychology stuff too but it is fascinating stuff once I delve into it.


Local time
Tomorrow 12:04 AM
Apr 15, 2010
I normally don't care about people's age, but in this case I would really like to know, how old are you?
It is so very rare to come across someone who feels that they have figured life out :confused:

Oh, and welcome :)


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012

Thanks! :)

I will be 21 in a couple of weeks. Perhaps I am just naive, but I really haven't come across anything I couldn't explain for a long time now. I am sure about everything in life so far, except maybe the exact career I want to have. I am an extremely happy person also. Of coarse, I could not have done it without the help of the internet.


When my professor turned me atheist, I became skeptical of everything. I began trying to figure out the meaning of life, any reason to keep living at all. I think I was pretty sensitive to emotions also, but I never thought twice about it. When I was reading about all of this stuff I realized that I should improve my own life experience, so I read a few self-help books on happiness and stuff like that. Basically, it taught me to not worry so much about the past and what everyone else thought about me. This, in turn, desensitized me to others, so I guess I might have gone through a similar process as you. I used to also be very neurotic around people, actually, not too long ago. I also came across reading about HSP at one point and thought I had it. I learned various things at the same time, as when I am reading something, articles and books would mention something else interesting to me, and I would begin to learn about that thing. That would happen a lot. I started to become an extreme thinker, then sort of recently I finally realized the meaning of life for me. My relationships with others. I then read more and more about psychology and also sat writing in a journal to help form my thoughts on how to improve myself. This brought be back to the boarderline of being an INFP except in an INTP way because I realized that feelings are logical.

The brain is highly plastic, so changes can occur the more you strengthen the neural pathways by using them which creates habits, and your habits eventually become who you are.


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Feb 9, 2010
Are you sure you are an INTP? I think you need to research on that more. Being decisive and happy isn't very common among INTPs. Or any introverted thinker.

Explore the MBTI functions in detail. Maybe after analyzing yourself you will come to a different conclusion. It takes a great deal of time but you will feel much relieved once you have it sorted out. You might have some Xs here and there time to time.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012

I have taken many personality tests and have read about it a lot already. I am pretty sure that I am, but perhaps the difference is my perceptions on the world. I have learned a great deal on the brain and have used it to my advantage. I change the way I act by changing my perceptions. I also have learned to be optimistic. I've debated with myself for some time on a way to live my life happily.

These are some things I've done that have changed me:

-I have learned to switch back and forth from intuitive mode to sensing mode.
-I have developed beliefs and perceptions that allow me to be extroverted when I want to or need to be.
-I have thought my way into being a feeler.

Also, I am very physically active, and I eat healthy to optimize the chemical's in my body. I have even figured out a way to increase my motivation (by increasing my dopamine receptors and with the help of the placebo effect).

It was difficult to get to the point I am now. I took a semester off of college and during that entire time I just read and read and took notes and made observations and came to conclusions. I read a LOT of scientific studies, and finally I got to the point where I could just come up with the answer to almost anything that is important to answer. Perhaps my type is now XXXX, but my default type is INTP when I am not altering myself.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Apr 20, 2011
is it possible that you were always an INTP-- and for whatever reasons, you lived most of your life as an INFP... but you always felt more comfortable in the INTP role and it is only now that you are being who you "really" are?

are you familiar with Dabrowski's theory of "positive disintegration" ? Have you gone through any "traumatic" experiences (rough breakup or death in family counts) that may have shattered some ego layers, so to speak?


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Feb 9, 2010

I have taken many personality tests and have read about it a lot already. I am pretty sure that I am, but perhaps the difference is my perceptions on the world. I have learned a great deal on the brain and have used it to my advantage. I change the way I act by changing my perceptions. I also have learned to be optimistic. I've debated with myself for some time on a way to live my life happily.

These are some things I've done that have changed me:

-I have learned to switch back and forth from intuitive mode to sensing mode.
-I have developed beliefs and perceptions that allow me to be extroverted when I want to or need to be.
-I have thought my way into being a feeler.

Also, I am very physically active, and I eat healthy to optimize the chemical's in my body. I have even figured out a way to increase my motivation (by increasing my dopamine receptors and with the help of the placebo effect).

It was difficult to get to the point I am now. I took a semester off of college and during that entire time I just read and read and took notes and made observations and came to conclusions. I read a LOT of scientific studies, and finally I got to the point where I could just come up with the answer to almost anything that is important to answer. Perhaps my type is now XXXX, but my default type is INTP when I am not altering myself.

Yeah that is what I meant. Try reading this. Those personality tests aren't even close. Analyze yourself. Look throughout your past. My point being is that you can't switch around letters on whims. I don't even know what trauma has that ability.

Apparently, this site is pretty decent. Dig into the 16 types there and the ranking of their preferences.

I will explain one thing. For you to be an Fi dominant from a Ti dominant your Ti dominant would have to be a Te. Ti and Te are worlds apart. Then you'd loose the essence of Fe. Which is very apparent in INTPs. It is that humanitarian that you were talking about. Serving others. Fi is essentially idealism. Hippie stuff. Some evil mechanism that makes people deaf to reality. Okay, I have a bit of a grudge against it but you can't refute it.

Fe is all for the good of people. It's INTPs last function but it is quite potent at least it prevents me from being a complete psychopath.

It's just that I can't relate. I hardly eat healthy. When I do I can't maintain it. I slumber into a cave of thought and I just pick up something that isn't healthy. Never liked biology.

Just indulge into that website. You will get a much better picture.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012

Very possible. My feelings could have been conditioned into me as a child. And I just skimmed the wiki on Debrowski's theory. I think I have read the 5 stages of INTP's before and might have used some of the information to help me. I don't remember though. I used any source that made conceptual sense to me, even if it wasn't meant to be applied to a belief-system.

Traumatic events... I had my first girlfriend in 11th grade. I became really attached, to her, but she broke up with me on the tenth day of our relationship. That was really traumatic to me though you wouldn't think such a short relationship would do so much damage. It did. I also started losing my hair right after that. That was traumatic a well. I am only 20 years old, but I look like I'm in my 30's because of how much stress I went through, which increased my androgens immensely. I also had cancer as a child, but there was no emotional trauma there since I was too young to realize what I was going through. Other than that, I have been high-stressed all of my life until recently when I finally was able to figure everything out that would help me.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
Yeah that is what I meant. Try reading this. Those personality tests aren't even close. Analyze yourself. Look throughout your past. My point being is that you can't switch around letters on whims. I don't even know what trauma has that ability.

Apparently, this site is pretty decent. Dig into the 16 types there and the ranking of their preferences.

I will explain one thing. For you to be an Fi dominant from a Ti dominant your Ti dominant would have to be a Te. Ti and Te are worlds apart. Then you'd loose the essence of Fe. Which is very apparent in INTPs. It is that humanitarian that you were talking about. Serving others. Fi is essentially idealism. Hippie stuff. Some evil mechanism that makes people deaf to reality. Okay, I have a bit of a grudge against it but you can't refute it.

Fe is all for the good of people. It's INTPs last function but it is quite potent at least it prevents me from being a complete psychopath.

It's just that I can't relate. I hardly eat healthy. When I do I can't maintain it. I slumber into a cave of thought and I just pick up something that isn't healthy. Never liked biology.

Just indulge into that website. You will get a much better picture.

I just analyzed it pretty deeply and I am 100% sure my natural type is INTP. You have to realize though that even INTP's can be extremely different from each other based on their past experiences and physical wellness. It is the neural pathways strengthened in the brain that matter the most in determining one's behavior.

Are any of you cross-dominant? I throw with my right arm, write with my left hand, kick with my right foot, and am right eye dominant, but I naturally hold a gun left-handed, so I had to learn to shoot with my right hand. I also can play ping-pong with either hand, left preferred. I am also a switch hitter. Also, my metabolism is through the roof, I can't gain weight no matter how much I eat, but I am really strong for how small I am.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Apr 20, 2011
@Milo I used to even pretend to be an extravert because it seemed that was what was required to fit into society and for my career... so even a trait so dramatic as introversion (mine is ~75%+) vs extraversion can be artificially altered.

For highly sensitive individuals, events can have a greater impact than people can ever understand. Regarding the ten (10) day relationship-- it really should not be the length of time, but the quality of the relationship. It meant what it meant to you, and the average person's experience should not shape your perception of yours.

I also don't believe that there was "no emotional trauma" due to your childhood cancer. What seems more likely is that all your hardships have made you a MUCH MORE empathetic person. So I believe the theory that you began life (and have always been) an INTP, but life events increased your empathy, and now you are falling back into your natural role as a "thinker" makes more sense.

Having cancer forces you (as a kid) to deal with thoughts of death and dying, which can really shatter an ego layer or two. It can make you feel more empathy towards other humans. That's probably why you've got life figured out... because you've faced death and you know how to appreciate life for what it is.


lust for life
Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Welcome to the forum. You seem pretty well-rounded, despite that your family & friends view you as odd.
I was never really obsessed with figuring things out until my first year of college



Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
@Milo I used to even pretend to be an extravert because it seemed that was what was required to fit into society and for my career... so even a trait so dramatic as introversion (mine is ~75%+) vs extraversion can be artificially altered.

For highly sensitive individuals, events can have a greater impact than people can ever understand. Regarding the ten (10) day relationship-- it really should not be the length of time, but the quality of the relationship. It meant what it meant to you, and the average person's experience should not shape your perception of yours.

I also don't believe that there was "no emotional trauma" due to your childhood cancer. What seems more likely is that all your hardships have made you a MUCH MORE empathetic person. So I believe the theory that you began life (and have always been) an INTP, but life events increased your empathy, and now you are falling back into your natural role as a "thinker" makes more sense.

Having cancer forces you (as a kid) to deal with thoughts of death and dying, which can really shatter an ego layer or two. It can make you feel more empathy towards other humans. That's probably why you've got life figured out... because you've faced death and you know how to appreciate life for what it is.

I think you might actually be pretty close, but I was only 8/9 when I had it. I actually hadn't even conceptualized death yet, I just thought it was just a nuisance. Also, the fear of my getting sick again (also losing my hair) is what drove me to learn about all of the biochemistry that I know about now which escalated into learning about the brain and all of that after I realized I actually had power over my own life in college and wasn't being protected by a higher power. Yes, I used to literally think I was invincible for a while. :rolleyes: Probably the biggest thing was realizing that I was free to do anything, that sin didn't exist and all that. It liberated me so much that I tried to convert all of my friends to liberate them! Then I lost all of my friends...

JK!!! But, I eventually learned that I should respect everyone's beliefs and realize that everything anyone does is most likely for their own good and a person's own thoughts are usually justified for that person.

Oh and another thing about me. I am always joking around. I am pretty funny, and that's one of the best ways for me to start talking to people. And when I smoke weed (I rarely do) I talk nonstop and everything I say is pure irony.

Now that I think about it, I actually think that I have always felt inferior to people. Maybe that is why I insist on learning the answer to everything--so that my ego feels superior. I've always been afraid to hurt other people's feelings too. I used to be really bad at taking criticism too and I would lash out, but then feel bad about it after, but my stubbornness would never let me apologize because it showed I was inferior.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012


Well, at least I think they do. Might just be me...well no it's not. They think I went crazy when I stopped eating processed food. Haha.


Local time
Today 3:04 PM
Apr 20, 2011
well I grew up (since 2yrs old) with bad asthma and it didn't really start going away (I still get minor attacks but nothing serious) until college, I'm 29 now. I know what you mean when you mention it [your cancer] was just a "nuisance." I was hospitalized many times and can remember almost dying once from the asthma. However, I don't think I fully appreciated how close to death I came.

I also never thought there was any "emotional trauma" from my childhood asthma. However, compared to an innocent child who does not face these hardships, it is a LOT to deal with for a kid. I'm just not much of a complainer nor a victim mentality type person. I know there are so many people who are so much worse off and have experienced worse that I tend not to value my experiences for what they are.

I think within all of us, there's that voice that says "please feel sorry for me." Ironically, I think those that have experienced traumatic childhood experiences do not have that voice speaking too loudly.

I have this theory (it's probably not original I'm just too lazy to research) that your capacity for happiness is dependent on your capacity for pain/sadness. And, the more intense pains one has experienced and overcome in life, this also increases one's capacity for happiness. And this also has something to do with one being able to be content with less.

Okay onto another topic, how did your professor turn you atheist? this is not something you reasoned before college? what was so compelling an idea in college that caused the drastic change?


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
I think within all of us, there's that voice that says "please feel sorry for me." Ironically, I think those that have experienced traumatic childhood experiences do not have that voice speaking too loudly.

I've always been the opposite, I hate it when people feel sorry for me. I never cared for sympathy because I felt like it made me look weak.

I have this theory (it's probably not original I'm just too lazy to research) that your capacity for happiness is dependent on your capacity for pain/sadness. And, the more intense pains one has experienced and overcome in life, this also increases one's capacity for happiness. And this also has something to do with one being able to be content with less.

For me, it was more the realization that everything I have could be lost. But I know that immediately after pain, comes a higher amount of relief that levels off after a while. Idk, a lot of my psyche is dominated by certain affirmations and concepts that strengthen my drive to do something, but it does work best when you have more emotion behind it.

Okay onto another topic, how did your professor turn you atheist? this is not something you reasoned before college? what was so compelling an idea in college that caused the drastic change?

Part of his curriculum was how to counter creationist arguments. It was a class on genetics and evolution (go figure). The logic just hit me and I easily swayed. The arguments were extremely persuasive, and I guess I've always been an open minded person, but I had never questioned it before. My high-school was really small and no one ever brought it up.

Once I realized I wasn't being watched over, I felt like I could do anything I wanted to without being judged. A whole new perspective emerged that caused me to appreciate how lucky we are to have this planet and to be a dominant species by chance. This insight only lasted a little while, but it was enough to get me asking way more questions and made me aware that I could change my perceptions at any time I wanted just by saying things like: Focus on this, success is your only option, pain is only temporary, life is a game, and other things like that that would help me in certain situations. There are also some concepts I can't put into words yet either. But, when I am researching, I am always in my default phase which is I want to keep learning until I've figured it all out because I don't want to settle for a life of ignorance when I can make it all that much better.


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Feb 9, 2010
@Milo I guess you're a little different from me.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012

I'm beginning to think that you are actually right. I am actually thinking that I am an ISTP now.


↓ It's called a butterphant ↓
Local time
Today 4:04 PM
Jul 27, 2012
Hi, welcome! Wether your an INTP or not I think your a really cool person. But i find it interesting that you believe you have figured out the world, at least in my short time on this earth I have come to believe that everything can not be figured out. Everyone can have their own well-thought-out opinion on everything, but whether they believe their opinion is always correct or not can never be truly decided by them. And to think that every opinion they themselves have is exactly correct is a bit arrogant; and totally unfun because if I was them what else am i going to do with my day but think! :) ----I hope at least some of that made sense

I am a huge health nut myself!! I also love helping anyone that asks me for advice. I think being a therapist would be really great. It would be cool if you were like a special INTP therapist, because the few therapists I have been to dont really get what's going on in my head. Well its great to see we have at least a few things in common!

Again, welcome!


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012

I find it interesting that you believe you have figured out the world, at least in my short time on this earth I have come to believe that everything can not be figured out. Everyone can have their own well-thought-out opinion on everything, but whether they believe their opinion is always correct or not can never be truly decided by them. And to think that every opinion they themselves have is exactly correct is a bit arrogant; and totally unfun because if I was them what else am i going to do with my day but think! :) ----I hope at least some of that made sense

When I said that I feel like I have already figure out the world, I didn't mean that I have literally figured out everything. It's more like I've figured out what matters in my life, and how to achieve those goals accordingly. I do feel like I could achieve anything if I put my mind to it though. Maybe it is my positive mentality that allows me to achieve more, and perhaps also gives me extra confidence in myself. And, to be honest I think a lot, but it's only if I am trying to solve a problem which has been occurring a lot since I am taking 5 summer classes right now. When I want to figure out the answer to something, I have to figure it out otherwise I'll be frustrated. I need to know how every part of an entire system works before I can be content. Thinking takes a lot out of me sometimes because of this. I would rather not be thinking, and just living.

Maybe I just want to believe I've figured everything out so that I can give myself a break. Haha.

I am a huge health nut myself!! I also love helping anyone that asks me for advice. I think being a therapist would be really great. It would be cool if you were like a special INTP therapist, because the few therapists I have been to dont really get what's going on in my head.

Awesome! I haven't found anyone very big into health from where I'm from which kind of sucks. Whenever I feel like discussing it with people no one has any idea what I'm talking about. Lol. Glad someone else on here is interested in it! :)

And I love giving advice to people as well.

Are you pretty athletic then? And really good at strategic games like chess or paintball?


↓ It's called a butterphant ↓
Local time
Today 4:04 PM
Jul 27, 2012

Awesome! I haven't found anyone very big into health from where I'm from which kind of sucks. Whenever I feel like discussing it with people no one has any idea what I'm talking about. Lol. Glad someone else on here is interested in it! :)

And I love giving advice to people as well.

Are you pretty athletic then? And really good at strategic games like chess or paintball?
hmm... maybe we could be trendsetters and start a healthy trend here! haha

yeah i used to play a bunch of sports but now im really into soccer. I also skiing a ton in the winter and love to hike, bike, raft, kayak, run, and paddleboard. I acctually just got back from a backpacking trip a few hours ago :p

chess is kinda boring for me really, but I love card games like poker and bs. I am really good at them. Never been paintingballing but always wanted to.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
hmm... maybe we could be trendsetters and start a healthy trend here! haha

yeah i used to play a bunch of sports but now im really into soccer. I also skiing a ton in the winter and love to hike, bike, raft, kayak, run, and paddleboard. I acctually just got back from a backpacking trip a few hours ago :p

chess is kinda boring for me really, but I love card games like poker and bs. I am really good at them. Never been paintingballing but always wanted to.

I play soccer every week with a group of friends, or I did until school got really intense. I'm on my last week so I'll be going back to that soon.

I'd enjoy doing those things as well! I've never rafted or paddle boarded before though. I'm good at chess, but it does get boring after one game. Ha. Always been good at strategy. Poker is fun too, but I don't think I'm too good at it.

I'm going on a camping trip with a bunch of friends soon for my birthday. Don't know where yet. Last year we went to Porcupine Ridge in Michigan. Pretty fun, except my friend "forgot" all of the utensils and cooking stuff only to later discover that he just didn't unpack them from the van... Great times. Haha.


↓ It's called a butterphant ↓
Local time
Today 4:04 PM
Jul 27, 2012
I play soccer every week with a group of friends, or I did until school got really intense. I'm on my last week so I'll be going back to that soon.

I'd enjoy doing those things as well! I've never rafted or paddle boarded before though. I'm good at chess, but it does get boring after one game. Ha. Always been good at strategy. Poker is fun too, but I don't think I'm too good at it.

I'm going on a camping trip with a bunch of friends soon for my birthday. Don't know where yet. Last year we went to Porcupine Ridge in Michigan. Pretty fun, except my friend "forgot" all of the utensils and cooking stuff only to later discover that he just didn't unpack them from the van... Great times. Haha.
Love soccer :) Next summer I want to volunteer to be a ball shagger for The Rapids our professional team. I mean who doesnt want to be within ten feet of David Beckham when he plays them!

You must go white water rafting sometime, great fun. I got back a few weeks ago from a 6 day trip in Utah. After those 84 miles of paddling my arms were killing me!

Haha funny story! I hope you go somewhere super great for your next birthday! Camping is always a good time.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
Love soccer :) Next summer I want to volunteer to be a ball shagger for The Rapids our professional team. I mean who doesnt want to be within ten feet of David Beckham when he plays them!

You must go white water rafting sometime, great fun. I got back a few weeks ago from a 6 day trip in Utah. After those 84 miles of paddling my arms were killing me!

Haha funny story! I hope you go somewhere super great for your next birthday! Camping is always a good time.


That's a really good vacation idea. You already have me thinking about it. Ha.


↓ It's called a butterphant ↓
Local time
Today 4:04 PM
Jul 27, 2012

That's a really good vacation idea. You already have me thinking about it. Ha.

Cool! If you ever have any questions about it you can message me or something


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Feb 9, 2010

I'm beginning to think that you are actually right. I am actually thinking that I am an ISTP now.

Strangely, it is quite common for INTPs to mistakenly themselves as ISTPs and vice versa. I spent much of my years after being typed INTP whether I could be an ISTP or INFJ. Only in recent months I have been able to accept I am an INTP. However there is just one thing that never fits. A pretty strong interest in Se type activities even though I am horrible at them. My eye to hand coordination is appalling.

However you seem way more interested in your health. The ability to maintain a diet has been extremely difficult for me. I used to be mindlessly athletic at school. I never tried to improve my physical health, just played basketball every single second I could. It was like masturbating. I still was and am fat.

I still have a mild suspicion that you have Fi in you. I am not sure why. Maybe you are simply overwhelmed by your college experience.

Are you able to innately judge ones character? Do you have a rigid set of morals?


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012

Okay, awesome!


I don't think I'm good at judging people's characters, but I have a very strong sense of my own morals. But, in college I learned a great deal on moral principles in my ethics class.

I naturally feel sorry for anyone getting hurt in any way even if they have done something to deserve it. I am the kind of person who would try and stop a fight, yet would also not be afraid to fight someone if I had to. I'm actually naturally good at fighting, but I avoid doing it for the sake of peace. Wouldn't hurt an animal. Have a good sense of what is fair. Naturally really good at math and mechanical reasoning. Not so good at my vocabulary (takes me a long time to learn words), but I'm extremely good at grammar. I was sort of into philosophy and really good at it until I just really got sick of possibilities and just wanted straight facts that were practical for me to use.

I am health conscious because of everything I've learned about the body and food. I am atheist because of what I learned in biology. I have a better sense of morality because I took an ethics class. I was not very active until 8th grade when I joined wrestling. I am extremely good at video games and strategy games.

What if everything I've learned has covered up my personality? I also wonder if my cross dominance allows me to have sort of a multipersonality. I am really creative sometimes, and sometimes I'm only practical.


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Feb 9, 2010

I don't think I'm good at judging people's characters, but I have a very strong sense of my own morals. But, in college I learned a great deal on moral principles in my ethics class.

I naturally feel sorry for anyone getting hurt in any way even if they have done something to deserve it. I am the kind of person who would try and stop a fight, yet would also not be afraid to fight someone if I had to. I'm actually naturally good at fighting, but I avoid doing it for the sake of peace. Wouldn't hurt an animal. Have a good sense of what is fair. Naturally really good at math and mechanical reasoning. Not so good at my vocabulary (takes me a long time to learn words), but I'm extremely good at grammar. I was sort of into philosophy and really good at it until I just really got sick of possibilities and just wanted straight facts that were practical for me to use.

I am health conscious because of everything I've learned about the body and food. I am atheist because of what I learned in biology. I have a better sense of morality because I took an ethics class. I was not very active until 8th grade when I joined wrestling. I am extremely good at video games and strategy games.

What if everything I've learned has covered up my personality? I also wonder if my cross dominance allows me to have sort of a multipersonality. I am really creative sometimes, and sometimes I'm only practical.

I guess that's why I got the Fi impression. I don't have much morals. They are always changing to suit whatever I have done. I pretty much walk over every single boundary.

I have always observed that true personality is always visible. It's sort of a 'signature'.

For example, Fi is always known to stand up for what they believe is right. Even if it's not terribly that big of a deal. If their order in McDonalds came out wrong, they'd go back and fix it.

They settle scores right away in my experience. It's instant response. You can see complete dissatisfaction right away.

edit = Wait... seems like I have been typing people wrong too. uhh... shit. They say INFPs aren't confrontational too. Just ignore that whole bit.

I am known to be completely aloof and tolerant. I'd try to make do with the bad order unless if it was completely unacceptable. I'd bear a bully's taunts and insults. Then I have a violent outburst once I can't tolerate anymore. Which I can't control to save my life. Goes as far as to smashing things to just leaving my phone and wallet at home to take a long angry stroll down the roads.

Everyone notes this from me. I am known to be a daydreamer and tolerant.

My point is that it sits, everyone notes it when you are off guard. Especially, when you sit by yourself. At least in my experience, when I have nothing to do then I see myself doing things that IXTPs would.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012

I guess that's why I got the Fi impression. I don't have much morals. They are always changing to suit whatever I have done. I pretty much walk over every single boundary.

I have always observed that true personality is always visible. It's sort of a 'signature'.

For example, Fi is always known to stand up for what they believe is right. Even if it's not terribly that big of a deal. If their order in McDonalds came out wrong, they'd go back and fix it.

They settle scores right away in my experience. It's instant response. You can see complete dissatisfaction right away.

I am known to be completely aloof and tolerant. I'd try to make do with the bad order unless if it was completely unacceptable. I'd bear a bully's taunts and insults. Then I have a violent outburst once I can't tolerate anymore. Which I can't control to save my life. Goes as far as to smashing things to just leaving my phone and wallet at home to take a long angry stroll down the roads.

Everyone notes this from me. I am known to be a daydreamer and tolerant.

My point is that it sits, everyone notes it when you are off guard. Especially, when you sit by yourself. At least in my experience, when I have nothing to do then I see myself doing things that IXTPs would.

Regarding the McDonald's scenario, if I noticed the error right away, I would just be like "I think I ordered a McDouble, not a McChicken" in a pretty calm manor. I wouldn't hold it against anyone either, I'm really patient. I'm also the kind of person who really just has nothing to say unless asked or I have a lot of time to think about something to say. When on a topic, I can go into the specifics of it pretty easily though.

Are you suggesting that I might be an INTJ then? Cuz I am extremely unsure since many of the personalities seem to describe me. And the scores always put me close to the middle between F/T and P/J. ISTP just seemed close to who I feel like on the inside. Someone who just wants to get to the point. I sometimes fantasize about being extremely fit and defeating people in fights. Kinda like those slow motion parts that happen on the Sherlock Holmes movies. They are so vivid that I actually feel my muscles tensing.

Maybe everyone does that though, cuz who doesn't wanna be a bad ass. Ha.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 12:04 AM
Mar 15, 2012
So I'm curious, all those subjects you've studied and listed; you've learnt them ALL online? To what sort of level would you say? Must have found some damn good sources.


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Feb 9, 2010
Regarding the McDonald's scenario, if I noticed the error right away, I would just be like "I think I ordered a McDouble, not a McChicken" in a pretty calm manor. I wouldn't hold it against anyone either, I'm really patient. I'm also the kind of person who really just has nothing to say unless asked or I have a lot of time to think about something to say. When on a topic, I can go into the specifics of it pretty easily though.

Are you suggesting that I might be an INTJ then? Cuz I am extremely unsure since many of the personalities seem to describe me. And the scores always put me close to the middle between F/T and P/J. ISTP just seemed close to who I feel like on the inside. Someone who just wants to get to the point. I sometimes fantasize about being extremely fit and defeating people in fights. Kinda like those slow motion parts that happen on the Sherlock Holmes movies. They are so vivid that I actually feel my muscles tensing.

Maybe everyone does that though, cuz who doesn't wanna be a bad ass. Ha.

Ohh.. same here. I guess it's just that you've recently been introduced to a lot of information and you are interested in health.

Well you did point out that you think you were once INFP and you seem to carry quite a bit of optimism.

You are probably an INTP just with different interests and stimulation. I also have an endorphin reserve I love to use, go-karting.

Then again, I could be a contemplating ISTP.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012

Evolution - High school and college.
Biochemistry - Mostly from reading scholarly research plus I have a good background from my knowledge of chemistry. Also learned from TED.
Neuroscience - Scholarly research and TED.
Basic physics - Calculus 2 class in college.
Chemistry - College and high school. Was my intended major for my first year.
Psychology - High school, college, scholarly research, TED, books.
Nutrition stems from all of these.

My purpose for doing all the extra reading and stuff was to keep myself from getting any diseases. My allergies have disappeared and I was able to put on some muscle. I had pretty bad depression too for a while so I read many books to help myself on that and to lower all anxiety.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
Ohh.. same here. I guess it's just that you've recently been introduced to a lot of information and you are interested in health.

Well you did point out that you think you were once INFP and you seem to carry quite a bit of optimism.

You are probably an INTP just with different interests and stimulation. I also have an endorphin reserve I love to use, go-karting.

Then again, I could be a contemplating ISTP.

I also trained myself to be more positive. I used to be pretty negative until I started reading books and articles on the subject. I also am naturally really aggressive, but I've learned extremely well how to keep a cool mind. That is actually one of my strengths now.

State of Mind

Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 31, 2012
As someone a few years older and recognizing your experience with figuring things out in regards to all aspects of life. I read the china study, endless online reading and videos, essays, and books about everything and anything I was thirsting to figure out.

It does get tougher to keep your pace to figure out, and believe me what ever answers you have made for yourself are not permanent.

Focus on what you really want to know before actually knowing isn't that interesting anymore.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
It does get tougher to keep your pace to figure out, and believe me what ever answers you have made for yourself are not permanent.

Many of my answers are based off of nutrition alone to optimize all of my hormones so that my well being and positive outlook comes more naturally and is not merely a product of "mind over matter." I have changed myself physically which has also naturally changed me mentally (cognitively and emotionally).

What sort of answers were you talking about? Just mindsets? For mindsets, I have a very few general ones that I used in certain situations that seem to work very well. I used some psychology to figure those out. When I am working out and about to fatigue I tell myself "I never had a choice." This allows me to better ignore the pain and focus better on what I am doing because it "takes away my choice to quit." I made this based off the paradox of choice aspect of psychology.

Now thanks to @hurricanejane (It's working really well, thank you! :) ) I have used the thought that there is always someone out there who cares about me and what happens to me. I seems to be giving me a confidence boost. I'm speculating that it is similar to the confidence you get when you are with a group of close friends. It seems to be the same feeling to me anyways.

Are those the kind of answers you think are not permanent? Also, it helps to believe that the placebo effect works on anything you want it to work--that way you get a placebo effect of the placebo effect.

Focus on what you really want to know before actually knowing isn't that interesting anymore.

Can you explain this?


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Feb 9, 2010
I also trained myself to be more positive. I used to be pretty negative until I started reading books and articles on the subject. I also am naturally really aggressive, but I've learned extremely well how to keep a cool mind. That is actually one of my strengths now.

Yeah, that is where I noticed the apparent difference.

Maybe it is me, I can't 'train' to be positive. I believe it is the result of low self-esteem and an obsessive thought pattern. I never read whatever I think would be practical. I just read random stuff online. Pick up random books that catch my attention and go about being entertained in various interests.

I am naturally extremely passive. A time bomb with no timer. Out of nowhere, I am yelling and attacking people at the most basic annoyances. I try to put more 'seconds on the clock' by performing some tension relieving activities.I cannot 'train' myself to be more aggressive as I naturally dislike confrontation. The dispassion of what I am doing currently could contribute to this. I don't strain perfection on most trivial matters. Only on the ones that I am passionate about so I would never confront anyone.

I am not sure, did you contradict yourself? How can one be hostile and aggressive, yet will not confront someone who has messed up their restaurant order?

Just wondering.


Brain Programmer
Local time
Today 6:04 PM
Jul 14, 2012
Yeah, that is where I noticed the apparent difference.
I am not sure, did you contradict yourself? How can one be hostile and aggressive, yet will not confront someone who has messed up their restaurant order?

Just wondering.

I'm not a hostile person. I suppose I am more assertive than aggressive now that I have learned to control myself. I said that I would confront the person, but in a lighter tone.

I guess in speaking with people I was mostly passive because I never really had much to say or cared for trivial matters so much, but if anything ever became physical I would be extremely aggressive. I have now balanced both to more moderate levels. All of my aggression comes out when I am at the gym or biking or playing sports.


↓ It's called a butterphant ↓
Local time
Today 4:04 PM
Jul 27, 2012
Now thanks to @hurricanejane (It's working really well, thank you! :) ) I have used the thought that there is always someone out there who cares about me and what happens to me. I seems to be giving me a confidence boost. I'm speculating that it is similar to the confidence you get when you are with a group of close friends. It seems to be the same feeling to me anyways.

I'm so happy that you found what I said helpful! I'm glad it works for you too :)


Local time
Tomorrow 6:04 AM
Feb 9, 2010
I'm not a hostile person. I suppose I am more assertive than aggressive now that I have learned to control myself. I said that I would confront the person, but in a lighter tone.

I guess in speaking with people I was mostly passive because I never really had much to say or cared for trivial matters so much, but if anything ever became physical I would be extremely aggressive. I have now balanced both to more moderate levels. All of my aggression comes out when I am at the gym or biking or playing sports.

Oh, that's just violently angry,IMO. I have that problem too.

I have always done something to vent anger so I never recognized it as 'training'.
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