Okay, I'm finding that I really already don't have much of an ego. It only comes up when I have expectations and they are not met. I sometimes fall back into the expectation thing and then when I catch myself I can get rid of my expectations and then my worrying goes away. I then just do what I want and "actively" don't over analyze and extrapolate possibilities from situations because they cause anxiety. This allows me to actually be more confident because I have the illusion of knowledge. But, all knowledge is only an illusion in the first place, so that might as well be what I do. I know that I don't and can't know anything except just that. So why bother looking past the face-value of things? Not judging things as good or bad, and only just doing what I want to do in the current moment without even thinking about what I want to do. This way I don't even have to justify my reasoning because my reasoning is that I am living life. This way the ego can exist, but remain dormant.
This is the closest I can get to being fulfilled. What I thought was enlightenment only existed when I was not socially involved because I become distant from my reasoning and it goes out of whack because there is no one to control it. Reasoning requires some sort of control unless you have memorized the motions and know how to function in every situation by heart.