a metaphor for going through life being sky high or possibly believing in a fancy self image. avoiding the ground, cold facts, but the ground keeps coming for you, as you run out of fuel. your dreams are your own thoughts, not devine revelations from an all knowing higher self. this is not a materialist prejudice. i learned it the hard way, by asking for guidance and fooling myself in all kinds of ways, giving unwise authority to manifestations of primal fears and such. dreams may be more honest than your waking thoughts, but they are not more directed and composed than waking thoughts could be, they are not set up like a riddle to test your interpretative skills, they are what they are, just associations, confused, imprecise, of ambiguous meaning, not knowing what drives them, as your waking thoughts are just associations, except your waking mind avoids ambiguity and pretends to know things more exactly, at the expense of other possibilities and most of all avoids to think about certain subjects that seem overwhelming, hopeless, pointless. so you can spin dreams further as you wish, you have the authority to daydream. which is the act of interpreting a dream. as you can ask yourself: what was i just thinking? why do i believe that? what are these thoughts trying to accomplish?