I don't have strong feelings about this phenomenon. This would probably be partially rooted in obliviousness on my part and partially in a failure to comprehend the dynamics of groups. I have never been terribly aware of myself or anyone else for that matter, as being part of a hierarchy when in fact, that may have been/is the case.
Similar. Though, I guess I do notice group dynamics to a certain degree, but don't think them in terms of social hierarchy. When I first observe people in a group I tend to divide them into archetypes, or rough impressions of their personalities. I then try to observe what traits they have and how those influence others. So I get a approximate picture of the dynamics between them. I don't tend to think of it as social status, though, more of an observation of the result of personalities and environment. Some having "status" isn't something that registers quite like that with me, I think. I don't think in terms of who have higher status, but who has personality traits that are more influential and how.
I guess if I try to actively label people with social statuses, I find that some people with more influence can have less social status or be lower in the hierarchy and vice versa. I'm also more preoccupied with latching on to people I find interesting or fun to be around, rather than who is statusy. I don't really care whether people attribute social status to me or place me low in a hierarchy.
When it comes to how it shapes the world etc etc, I guess I've just accepted that the world suck in many ways like that and I've kinda given up on it. I don't expect much from most people, I just accept things and people like they are (free is free, shit is shit).