I.... I don't see how you're connecting individual functions to the latter two examples.
I've always thought it was generally accepted that:
Socrates: INTP
Plato: INTJ
Aristotle: ENTP
I got that general impression. But I was paying attention to the things they said. IMHO, Plato comes off more like an INFJ, and Aristotle as an ENTJ.
Plato made a lot of statements like "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle." Very feelingsy and compassionate towards others.
INTJs tend to be very oriented towards their own values and their own goals. They tend to believe in integrity to themselves, and tend to be not that worried if their ideas upset others.
Aristotle taught Alexander the Great. His lessons enabled Alexander to take over most of South-Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, the Middle East, Persia and part of India.
I was also reading how Aristotle used to walk in the gardens and his students had to follow him, or they wouldn't be able to learn from him. Seems to be dictating that others adapt to his ways.
The quotes that I read of Aristotle, seemed to be very practical in nature, but quite ruthless, like the quote that mothers love their children more than their fathers, which is practically and generally true (Te), even though it's false in the minority (lacking in Ti), but because mothers could be more sure than the kid was theirs, which seems eminently practical (VERY Te), but really very unfeeling towards the children, as it expresses that the mothers don't actually care for their children because they love them, but simply because they're "their" children, which really seems quite heartless, and very lacking in Fe.
If Diogenes =/= ENTP, I'll eat his underwear.
Some quotes of Digoenes:
"As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task." - Sounds very extroverted to me. Also, very P-ish, changing as a result of his friend's instruction and his enemies taking him to task.
"Those who have virtue always in their mouths, and neglect it in practice, are like a harp, which emits a sound pleasing to others, while itself is insensible of the music." - Very intuitive saying.
"Once he saw the officials of a temple leading away some one who had stolen a bowl belonging to the treasurers, and said, "The great thieves are leading away the little thief."" - Sounds like Ti. But has moral value to it. Could be Fi.
"A student of philosophy, eager to display his powers of argument, approached Diogenes, introduced himself and said, "If it pleases you, sir, let me prove to you that there is no such thing as motion." Whereupon Diogenes immediately got up and left." - Very practical and concise evaluation. Very Te.
Have you considered that he could have been a very smart ENFP? Like an ENTP, but with values, morals and a hint of practicality, instead of reason, logic and a hint of compassion?