@Blarraun - If the higgs field was made out of a cloud of particles, how would that work? It's odd to think that those particles would be so evenly distributed across all space and not cluster.
I thought the higgs "particle" was simply "an excitation in the higgs field", one that even in conditions as hard to replicate as the LHC, only lasts for ten sextillions of a second. In other words, virtually in every other situation, the higgs field is a field, not bosons or a cloud of particles, if what I know is right.
But either way...
"Pushing" "Pulling" is semantics, but I'd call it falling towards the lowest coordinate of the 3 dimensional non-euclidean plane created by the gravitational influence of bodies in the vicinity.
Lets take this a step further. Imagine for a moment that the higgs is indeed a field in all normal space conditions, and that it's actually a fundamental property of "space". In other words, "space" isn't "nothing", but this fabric that creates lag when matter moves through it.
Going back to a concept in my gravity thread, lets say this space-fabric/higgs-field is being pushed out of the way by matter, and thus sortof being squeezed into a type of
spherical accordion all around a planet or object. In this accordion-like effect, there's more space-fabric compacted into a smaller area. The gradient emenating from this blue ball represents this pressure/density, per se:
Now here's when this approach is different...
Imagine for a moment that the velocity of an object approaching another object is measured by how much space is travelled in a certain time frame. So lets say the yellow ball is going 1 unit of spacetime per billionth of a second. If we zoom in closer we see this:
Each of these squares represents the same distance, but not the same amount of spacetime. The black squares to the left side have a density of 1 unit of spacetime per square. The grey spaces to the left have a density of spacetime that is something like 1.2 units of spacetime each. What does this mean?
If the yellow ball is travelling at 1 unit per billionth of a second, then the left side of the ball will travel (lets say...) 5 spaces in 5 billionths of a second. Now, the right side will travel
the same amount of spacetime in the same amount of time, but it will be at 4 spaces instead of 5.
So essentially, the yellow ball has shifted trajectories a little, just as you said, like a car. One of the front wheels traveled more than the other, and so it's further ahead, resulting in an overall slant toward the larger blue ball.
Except both 'wheels' actually traveled the same distance, but due to the density differences of spacetime, the overall effect is a falling trajectory.