If I may borrow the term "God" for a bit, I think God is everywhere because God is everything, the ground you walk upon, the air you breathe, the food you eat and even the shit that comes out of your ass. Which at face value is disgusting but it's not because God isn't a person, I don't think any mere singular entity could possibly encompass the sheer majesty of the universe. People have biases, people have flaws, people have egos, that's all too petty for a God that created galaxies and black holes and complex ecosystems and, frankly, us.
I think God is the universe and not in the sense that we are in God's imagination but in a more literal embodied sense, God is the universe in the same way my consciousness is embodied, thus we are a part of God and God is intrinsically a part of us.
You don't like dualism or physicalism so you propose a third choice but no matter what you propose it's ultimately just going to be one or the other (with extra steps) and I think the only reason you're not a physicalist like myself is that you have a stigma against the physical. And fair enough, it's absolutely terrifying and if that wasn't bad enough it demands a level of humility that's difficult for anyone to accept.
By terrifying I mean death, if consciousness is embodied then when you die and rots that's not just your body dying and decomposing, that's you, it never stops being you, or what's worse it does, what was once you becomes a cadaver, which becomes fetid mush, until at last it becomes soil and goes on to become new things.
Of course the ego RAGES against this, the INDIGNITY of it! HOW DARE THE WORLD KEEP TURNING AFTER I AM GONE! Doesn't it know who I am, how important I am, I'm the center of my world after all. And that's when you realize it, of course the universe knows who you are, it never forgot... you did.
Enlightenment isn't becoming one with the universe, it's remembering that you always were, that you are finite and small and in the grand scheme of things you don't really matter as much as you think you do, and that's hard to accept, but it's ok. That pain, that rage, that ego, let it go and in a state of humble tranquility you'll wonder why you ever held on to it so tightly in the first place.
It's okay, life doesn't have to have a meaning, there doesn't have to be an afterlife, the good don't need to be rewarded or the evil punished, realize that all of these things stem from your ego, the joy you feel when your beliefs are validated and the pain you feel when they aren't. You create meaning because that's what a God does and you are not God but you are a part of God and that's a lot of pressure for someone who mere moments ago (relative to the timescale of the universe) didn't exist.
To know God is simply to know reality, for reality itself is God, and this God doesn't have a mind or intent like a person does, and yet it acts with purpose and direction, and we don't know why indeed there might not even be a why, the why might be something altogether grander than we can conceptualize. Natural selection for instance, why does God's favor go to those who are better able to survive and thrive, or maybe I'm getting it backwards, perhaps they are better able to survive and thrive because of God's favor?
Once we get our egos out of the way I think God's will becomes BLINDINGLY self evident, God wants what's best for us even if we don't recognize what that is, like a child being told by their parent to eat our vegetables we resent God's apparent cruelty but if we knew better we'd understand this cruelty was actually kindness.
God isn't a person, God just "IS" in such such a profound and all encompassing sense that I really don't have the words to explain it, there's no external frame of reference, all I can say is God is everything and everything is God, which just sounds dumb.
So God is in the toilet and if God can be said to have a sense of humor I think it would find us very amusing, getting so worked up over such a silly thing.