It takes an incredible amount of specialized knowledge
Jim has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Virginia, as well as a BS in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Colorado at Denver.
He has been actively involved in researching machine based cognition for 20 years, and has focused on embedded intelligence since the late 1990's. His areas of expertise include intelligent systems, robotics, embedded real-time systems, and planning in uncertain domains. He has been awarded several US and European patents for robotic systems, and is the author of numerous technical publications. In addition, he has been the session organizer for several conferences and symposia, and is the co-author (along with Louise Gunderson) of the recently released technical book "Robots, Reasoning, and Reification" on machine cognition and robotics.
Jim is the Cognitive Systems Architect at Gamma Two, Inc.
and in many fields to create advancements similar to the early days.
Louise has broad range of educational accomplishments, including a PhD in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia, a MS in Environmental Science and a BA in Biology from the University of Colorado at Denver, as well as BA in Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley.
Her areas of expertise include the automatic extraction of information from complex data streams, geospatial analysis of satellite data, data mining, human preference forecasting, and predictive modeling of human behavior. She is the author of over 20 technical publications, including book chapters and archival journal articles. Along with James Gunderson, she has completed a technical book which was published by Springer-Verlag in late 2008.
Seems like your requirements are met, to me :P