So it seems to indicate that yes, INTP's do go into the military. Why? Don't blast me but I'm puzzled why one would want to. Much of my extended family is military (air force - the father was a high ranking officer) so maybe I'm too close to see the thinking.
Military life suits INTx types.
1) Introversion: Military life initially involves basic training in a squad, which gives the impression of requiring extroversion. But the practicalities of military situations require one to be more self-sufficient in one's thinking and thus introverted. If you are standing on guard, you don't want 10 men standing guard together. You want 1 or 2 men standing guard, and the others resting, but being within earshot, so that if the guards see any dangers, they can yell for help. In addition, when a squad get held down by a machine-gun turret, they often would have to scatter around, and thus would have to be somewhat self-reliant to not get shot.
The real benefit of a squad, is to ensure that soldiers aren't always alone and thus sometimes have someone else to rely upon, and don't have to take their introversion to a dangerous extreme.
Civilian life, however, is about the whole community working together to build a home, a barn, a nuclear power plant, or grow food on a giant plantation, because working together, they can accomplish much more than by themselves. So civilian life is harder for introverts.
2) Intuition: If you were to take an enemy position using a known method, then the enemy would also know it. If it could be countered, they would, and there would be no point in using the known method. If it could not be countered, the enemy would know that too, would not bother to defend an impossible position, that would lose them men for no reason, and would retreat to a position they could defend. So the very nature of warfare requires that to win, you need to employ strategies that the enemy don't have. In addition, when you're under fire, you don't have time to look up a rule book. You have to trust your gut. So intuition is something necessary in warfare.
Likewise, if you look at the growth of civilisation, when we developed some science or technology that was useful, it quickly proliferated. Then it would end up being much quicker to copy the existing technology and use that, than to develop something new. In addition, if you used conventional methods, then others in your employ would know them and could "hit the ground running", so to speak. So largely, in peacetime, we get more and more methods becoming more and more conventional, and thus conventionality increasing and new intuitive ideas becoming less and less of the whole. So people who rely on conventional methods have a big advantage over unconventional people in the workplace, in dating, in socialising, and in most aspects of civilisation.
3) Thinking: Most of regular society comes about through dealing with others. People react to help you or hurt you based on how they feel about you. So to be a success, you have to be good with people, and have to be good at making them feel good, which gives Feelers a big advantage.
In the military, you have to control your feelings, to kill, and to withstand the stress and pressures of war. So in the military, Thinkers do better than Feelers.
So all in all, INTx have a lot of disadvantages in civilian life, that are actually considered advantages in the military.