combine the understanding of overweight of the gabriel method with the understanding of human health as communicated around the 801010 world.
the gabriel method teaches
that calory restriction makes fat, because it's traumatic famine, and fat is preparation for frequent famines.
that the body decides how fat it wants to be, based on sophisticated intelligence. the decision is what i call set point.
that various forms of stresses are what programs this intelligence
that various foods are stressing the body in the wrong way (causing it to want to be fat)
(it correctly realizes that foods ought to be live foods, that means for example fruits and raw vegetables)
that absence of certain foods can stress the body in the wrong way ('')
that psychosocial anxieties and attachments exist as such hormonal stresses ('')
that eating behaviors and activity behaviors cause different forms of stress
so, to reprogram the body, the setpoint, a lot of things have to be changed, it requires total dedication but also patience, because it's in part a very intuitive or instinctive process, you can't push it forward, by being too obsessed about it.
the gabriel method teaches that to loose weight means to reduce appetite, because as your body is willing to burn fat, it gets energy from fat, hence it requires less food. likewise, when the body is not willing to burn fat, it will create hunger. . it may still burn fat if forced, but that fat will come back, eventually the hunger will win, because the body wants it. if the setpoint drops, your appetite drops. you must learn to stay 100% true to your appetite. it will be huge on some days and low on others. the body is alive and moody.
so never allow for painful hunger. however, one expression of low appetite can be high tolerance for low degree hunger. there are different kinds of hunger. if you genuinly feel like playing ball is more interesting that going for a snack, than it is okay to do that for a period of time.
the gabriel method is wrong about some details:
it suggests you need omega 3 from fish or protein from things like cooked eggs. that's nonsense and john gabriel is almost admitting it. he says, he is becoming more and more convinced, that raw foods are the best foods.
you do need some omega 3 from flax seed, but you also must reduce omega 6 from all the other oils.
the 801010 + starch solution low fat vegan world teaches you correctly:
that fat makes fat. (actually it makes you fat faster, but doesn't always make you more fat, because setpoint is the king ruler and eating fat is just one voice for being fat, in the democracy)
that processed foods (flour, oil) make you fat. empty calories.
that animal products kill and processed vegetable oils are also toxic to the brain and body and insulin sensitivity.
that no high amounts of protein are needed for physical strenght. muscles run on glycogen, if the body has enough glycogen to afford the presence of muscles, it will grow muscles. muscles grow slow, protein from plants is more than enough. the body is recycling protein, little protein is ever lost, no need to refill like crazy.
that carbs do not make fat, but that the presence of fat in the blood is the cause for broken insulin sensitivity, which is why some people believe in the low carb paradigm, when they break insulin functionality by eating tons of fat, they would normally gain weight, but won't gain weight as quickly, if they manage to eat virtually no carbs. however, if their setpoint is higher than their current weight, they will have enough appetite to gain weight anyway. please pay attention to how most low carb gurus are fat. take advice from people who a) used to be really fat for several years b) became lean and stayed lean for several years. 3) who are not public gurus, because those fuckers use drugs to achieve results. keep in mind, that marco ratios are just one voice in the democracy of setpoint, but a major factor in general health. the body lives on glycogen and ages on fat.
this vegan low fat paradigm is wrong in the following claims
1) thea say carbohydrates do under no circumstance make fat. wrong. if the setpoint is high, everything makes fat, empty calories or various forms of stress can cause the set point to be high. people with low set point (like infamous durian rider) are no logical evidence of the idea, that carbs don't make fat.
eat a high carb low fat vegan diet, try to make it mostly raw, mostly fruit and vegetables and greens, but do not follow the advice from lean people, do not overeat like crazy, to communicate abundance to your body, it does not work like that, pay exact attention to your appetite, eat huge meals if you feel like, but eat tiny meals if you feel like, eat constantly if you feel like it, eat rarely if you feel like it, learn to become one with your body, it's one key to minimizing stress. make sure though you get acquainted with the feeling of having filled glycogen storage. you must be abel to tell the difference between being fully alive and being in fasting mode, where appetite is suspended because the body is depressed. it requires practice.
i have probably forgotten a number of important things, but i can come back later.
hope you do not waste many years, following stupid ideas.
loosing weight in the only permanent way is already something that takes years (if it's a lot of weight anyhow), but doing it wrong can turn it into a matter of needing more reincarnations