The problem with movies is same as with food.
You can pack them with a lot of stuff, but the way the ingredients mix is more important than what they are.
For example the older movies were certainly less packed, and had quite a number of huge shortcomings, when it comes to certain things compared to todays movies.
In recent year, I was quite stunt by a number of movies, but the overall pattern, is that they are extremely over the top in so many ways.
Yet they just lack something you had in the older movies.
Maybe it is just nostalgia effect. Older is better, but I doubt it.
Frankly even kids movies are so over the top today, that I wonder how kids can keep up with the movies.
It is also very visible how movies today aim to beat the most out of the budget.
The thing is once art goes from art to commerce so strongly that the art is left behind, its very easy to see.
It may be a money making machines, but it loses a lot of the art that people want to see.
Its like in the old times someone just told you "Buy cheese its good for you!"
Today you get so over the top commercial that you feel its a freaking mini cinematic experience, but when its over sometimes, you wonder what the commercial was advertising.
Same feel with movies.
You can mindlessly enjoy them, but once you stop and think about the whole movie, you just cannot figure out what it was about.