Philosophy, chess, psychometrics, cosmology, debate, writing, and math unlimber my Ti for everyday use. I plunge into areas I hardly understand and wade in that intellectual pond until I've achieved a fair bit of mastery. Three years ago, for instance, my chess strategy and skills were atrocious: pure patzer. Today I'm not a grandmaster but I feel I could hold my own in a park without getting hustled. Calculus is my new frontier - I was more inclined towards English than math in high school, especially because my math teacher hardly comprehended a lick of english (the green card jokes were as cruel as they were nonsensical), although I enjoyed Geometry because of its practicality and intuitiveness. I want to explore more of the nuances of probability theory too. Anyway, perhaps Ti is more a modality by which someone crafts a schemata of ontology or adumbrates (love that word) the underlying mechanics of any complex system. Based on this definition, I'd assume Ti would be most flexed and toned whilst engaged in new activities, which require categorization and deconstruction.