"louie-louie-louie-lou-ieeee, louie louie you're g
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I know, I've posted threads like this before. But this time, I'm done. I'm serious about getting out of this rut. I need to put insight into action. I feel desperate.
I posted this on a similar forum, breathed in all of the insight I got into my own conclusion, and decided meditation would be the best thing to start with -- yet I can't focus for jack shit, I am not aware of what is going on in my body and I am so consciously aware of every new thing or thing in general that I do that it's hard to be productive. Literally, I'm like "okay, just focus on where you are. breathe. how am I breathing? what the fuck am I doing? I look dumb as shit. Ugh, that aspergers tho? I'll worry about that later...but what if it explains this issue? How else can I trace this back? *thought pops up that is too complex to articulate in speech or type* I think I need to eat..." It's so fucking ridiculous. I'm deciding to post this here because like I said, I've posted here before, got good feedback, and I relate to the INTP/INP type at least in the MBTI system (or in other words, a stereotypical collection of traits associated with the type) which obviously doesn't mean shit, but at the same time also kind of does, at least in a communicational/social wavelength. So maybe that might help. Call me an attention-seeking dipshit, fuck it. I'm so done with this. I'm taking anything I can get at this point, anything of relevance.
And yeah, this is going to be TL;DR as fuck, but if you're interested in giving me feedback for whatever reason: please try to make a concerted effort at, at the least, getting a sense of my situation. Reading each paragraph will give you the best idea of the essence of my situation, because it is very complex and each paragraph elaborately ties the core mechanics of my situation together, like a story. In other words, skimming may lead to misunderstanding of my situation. So, read this like a story. If you're not interested in a story, I suggest you stop reading.
My life is in shambles. There are quite a few things going on at the moment, but it can be boiled down to a process called existential depression and anxiety. The root of it: if I can't pursue or access my purpose, there is no purpose anymore. I believe that there is a rational reason why; instead of explicitly stating why, I think my story will explain. The state of my well being and cognition could potentially hold me back, which is why this is even as big of an issue.
I got into typology almost two years ago. After struggling to find my type for about eight or nine months (despite other forumers finding it easy to pick out a type for me), I once again realized I was diagnosed with Aspergers ages ago (about 4 or 5 years old, so late 90s) and that led me to wonder if that was a reason why; a different brain structure. One year earlier, I found out I had such a diagnosis, and I went back in forth of being in denial, wondering what the fuck aspergers really was, and theorizing fallacies fueled by hope. I noticed having aspergers conflicted with my values, and a year later, I realized it may or may not be a possibility that my cognition may be autistic; I am of the belief that there is always room for error in the case of an observationally conclusive diagnosis, especially autism. I gathered some information from my childhood which made me afraid because at face value, it did seem to explain why the diagnosis fit -- which threw me into a suicidal loop for the first time in my life. But then, I formulated a plan to do everything I can to reevaluate such a diagnosis as accurate as possible, and learn as much about it as possible, so I can test others opinions. My depression and social anxiety deepened, suicidal thoughts and concept of suicide contrasted with my situation deepened and evolved, went into psych hospitalization twice, resumed therapy and psychiatry appointments, did group therapy on two separate occasions, and a year and three months later, I'm in the same paradigm; just more defined. I know much more about aspergers, mainly through an empirical perspective all consisting of factual information, anecdotal observation and personal theories.
I don't believe Autism is that arbitrary as people state it is. Everyone experiences it differently, but it's a similar process if it's a brain structure, which it is -- overconnectivity in certain regions of the brain resulting in deficits in others compared to a typical brain structure. It is a different cognitive wavelength of processing information compared to "neurotypical" processing. Autistic processing is naturally linear, while neurotypical processing is naturally balanced. It makes sense that autism is a disability in this case -- because it's a different way of processing information, people with Autism become stressed out trying to emulate or interact with the "neurotypical" processing wavelength (e.g integrating oneself into the world), and have to make a conscious effort to make up for such a deficit. Even if a person with autism can emulate the process pretty well externally, internally it causes stress since it is not a natural process, and will mentally drain the person with autism. This is bad because it takes away from the experience acting as a distraction. Compare that to a neurotypical process, which is much more balanced and dynamic in multiple aspects, not just in a social context but in a complete cognitive context. Obviously, this is all very broad, but this explains why neurotypical people will have an advantage productively in many aspects, even intellectually -- obviously neurotypicals are not incapable of possessing high intellectual capabilities, and they are probably more capable of grasping concepts because they have a natural ability to see a broader perspective, compared to the autistic person who naturally fixates on certain aspects. I posted about this in greater detail on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/2f433u/my_opinion_on_asd_discuss/ I also think this explains why people with Autism may have difficulty finding their type, for instance. Because it is a different brain structure, the way cognitive functions normally would manifest would be vastly different -- resulting in an unbalanced type. This is what I believe autism to be. And keep all of that in mind combined with my situation, because this all ties into my concerns.
But that's one thing. A major part of my crisis, but just one part of the picture. A clear part of the picture. I still have that plan to re-evaluate that diagnosis locked into the long-term, just don't know when. The main things that are fucking with me is this constant wall of anxiety and depression, and nonstop thoughts roaming through my head. Literally. The thoughts and feelings about autism are there to influence the main issues, and the scary thing is that autism may have been the issue after all.
I've dealt with this for the past five years, and my well being has generally gotten worse as time went on. I turned 20 this past summer, graduated high school (if you even count private "special school" a real graduation, and I didn't accomplish jack shit in technical school either) and I am still in the same boat, same depth of the water. Actually, I've had a very complex life. I haven't had consistent education. Public school made me really anxious in the fourth grade, and after a mishap involving a teacher, I was shipped to private school. I missed three years of school due to personal issues. "Personal issues" -- family abuse, poverty and borderline homelessness. So a lot of things have held me back, and hindered my personal development. I went through a socially awkward phase because of what was going on, which was hell starting high school (aka resuming school), and alienated childhood friends and potential friends due to that. I developed social anxiety, and then depression. I burned bridges which could have led to success, and other bridges that weren't even in my control were also burned. And now here I am. I still have bridges which are in danger, which is why I'm posting this.
I'm trying to focus on short term goals at the moment. Due to my depression/anxiety/issues (or just autism, which is the worst case scenario) I've been borderline agoraphobic, a forced shut-in residing in my room. I've came out of my cave and tried to get somewhere, even to the point of almost landing a job at a cafe last summer and made a friend or two, but it was never really worth it and gave me more insight into my problems or exposed problems I had with depression/anxiety/issues (or autism, god forbid). I withdraw after stress and try to analyze what went wrong, and then recharge. Depends on how serious the issue was, which in the most extreme cases, I've decided to avoid situations where, at least, I think I failed, and which may expose or exacerbate the issue further. So, I've been mostly wasting time for the past 4 years. I am at a standstill. 20 years old, and never had a job, license, driver's permit, credit, and a really inconvenient support network (no friends, struggling family). I haven't learned really anything about the intension of "reality" (life) over the past two years, and my academic experience in "high school" and technical school was wasted away by daydreaming and depression/anxiety/issues (or autism, I swear to fucking god). So, again, here I am, at a standstill.
Now, I've gone back and forth between being withdrawn/daydreaming/distracted by other things I thought were of value (and which negative possibilities of those things influenced my depression/anxiety) over the past four years which contributed to the hole I'm in right now. But now, at age 20-and-almost a-half, in the same hole, deeper -- this is starting to get really fucking pathetic. I'd do literally anything to get out of this hole and start bettering myself, and working towards small goals vis-a-vis long term goals/an area of stability (happiness). But I'm struggling to. Because I have so much bullshit going on in my head: thoughts, feelings, and ideas triggered by depression/anxiety (or autism, kill me now) -- so much so that my energy is chronically low, and a part of me is nagging "Recharge! Go play that strategy metagame for an hour to take the edge off." or some stupid shit. It doesn't matter how small of a goal I can set for myself, like brushing my teeth or taking out the trash -- hell, I save pages I want to read later as bookmarks and lack the effort to read it, or do it because I'm spending so much time 'recharging' over things that don't matter. I want to learn new things, but I can't completely comprehend anything I am unfamiliar with -- whether it be a concept, idea or even word sentence -- sometimes things just don't fucking register in my brain and don't appear to logically make any sense. The funny thing is, if it's related to some abstract model in my imagination contrasted with components of "reality" (I'll get to "reality" later) or something that just doesn't matter in the long-term (like something to take the edge off, like a strategy game) then the issue isn't as bad. So basically, things I am only familiar with, I can comprehend with just a solid amount of accuracy. Now, if you want to get clinical about this, you could probably just summarize all of this as low dopamine and serotonin. Obviously.
However, I find that even when I'm reading up on something that I might be familiar with, like autism/ASD for example, I get scatterminded, skim through paragraphs to let everything settle in, and find myself going back and forth between the external world (what I'm reading) and my internal, fucked up mind of bullshit. Within 5 minutes of reading something of value, I automatically find myself linking it to how it might be compatible with my situation or potential situations further down the road. Numerous times. Actually, that's about at least 75% of my day -- creating hypothetical situations in my head. Usually, social situations; I attribute this to my social anxiety. I'm always having these stupid conversations with myself, like rehearsal. You name it, positively or negatively tinted, they automatically pop into my mind and I often save more realistic ones as these "social scripts" that I can have access to if I don't know how to respond to something or if the conversation calls for that script. Because well, I'm not that interesting of a person, and externally at least, I totally lack any sort of gusto whatsoever. This ties into my unfortunate circumstances which robbed me of having typical life experiences appropriate to my development, and also my withdrawal period over the past five years -- I can't relate to other people in regards to content about myself. Or I'd just be like "Duhhh, hey! Does anyone like the color blue??? I saw a funny youtube video earlier!" like a dunce, without elaborating further.
The biggest reason why I have such a hard time with this, though, is because those things that matter are related to things I want for myself, and things I want to experience. Even if it is just something to know, something that seems relevant to myself or my life or what I want to be part of the construction of my life. I want to learn and keep learning, that's hallmark to being an open-minded person, learning is self-improvement, it just makes so much sense to me. But because it matters, it stresses me the fuck out. Whenever I try to learn something, I get into this hyper-conscious and almost manic state where I'm like "Okay, let's fuckin' do this! Okay, that's interesting. Wait, what the fuck does that mean? I'll google what "derived" means. Okay. Let's read more. Okay, what the fuck? That reminds me of my cousin, didn't she say something like that example of people like that illustrated? Why am I not even that close with my cousin anyway? *hypothetical social situation pops into my head* *start telling off my cousin, aunts and uncles, going into this intellectual rage* Wait, is it just aspergers? *go back on reddit's sub for aspergers* Okay fuck this, I'm playing GTA." Or some shit. I always get thrown into this loop whenever I confront what matters, and end up going back to what doesn't matter, because I simply stress the fuck out and end up getting way too distracted by hypotheticals derived from what I am reading. It might just be anxiety mentally preparing myself. I have no idea how to get out of this loop.
Back to the social anxiety and related issues. I'm a pretty skeptical person. Extraverted iNtuition, not confident, just fucking crazy -- whatever you want to call it, I always second guess myself and often evaluate every angle of an issue. Part of me sometimes feels like it's not because of my circumstances, but because of Autism. Then the anxiety deepens. I go into this paranoid-esque state of mind. Every time I make a mistake, and not just socially, every goddamn time I make a notable mistake, I automatically link it to 'is it autism?'. I evaluate every goddamn potential inability of mine and link it to whether or not autism is the root of my processing. For instance, I was watching "Mr. Show with Bob and David" a few months ago, which was this mid-late 90s sketch comedy show which was very "Monty Python's Flying Circus" esque, in that the plot of every sketch transitioned into the next and the show would evolve. I found that a lot of these sketches would poke subtle jabs at society, and while some of them I figured out, some of them I didn't (though I, generally, knew it was satire) and while I really enjoyed it, I made such a conscious effort throughout watching it trying to figure it out, that it was depressing and even exhausting. I couldn't help but feel that if I didn't get what they were mocking (even though a lot of it was related to factual and historical information I am ignorant to due to my inconsistent education) it was because I was autistic and stuck in "concrete" processing mode. My social anxiety has also gotten worse over the past year, and because I have so many thoughts and feelings in my head, and such low energy, I have similar experiences in social situations compared to trying to learn a new concept. So, I might look autistic in that I might miss a joke because my mind is skimming through conversations going back and forth between that and my thoughts. Or because I might have trouble structuring my thoughts out loud with complete accuracy, especially in deeper conversations, because of the clusterfuck of thoughts and feelings, and anxiety. It's chaos.
However, while things like human interaction are universally important, I wonder if it's really worth it to have friends. While an intimate relationship would definitely be important to me, I wonder if most women I value are even authentic, decent human beings. I say this because I find that most people are, in one way or another, controlled by a system. Actually, we all have been at some point in our lives, but what matters is realizing what the system is doing to us humans and generally detaching from it, unless inconvenient to do so (I go by "damned if you do, damned if you don't" and weigh my options considerably; in this case it can be a lesser of two evils). This system is called society. Now, when some people think of the term society they think it means people in general. That's not society, that's humanity. However, we as humans have slowly created this system, society, to develop order and structure, and it seems a couple of power seekers developed an attitude which over time, has been taken way too far, and is now glorified and interpreted as 'heroic' (e.g. patriotism). Authority is everywhere, in multiple contexts, and misutilized. We, with the help of the media, have developed this social 'game' we play everyday with people that complicates things that shouldn't be complicated in the first place (e.g. intimacy), and even things non-related to social patterns. We have developed social hierarchy, which is basically peace, inverted. That's just a summary. And yet we wonder why people develop depression. So, I guess you could say I agree with the philosophies by people like Bill Hicks and George Carlin, and have adopted a similar motivation and attitude towards life. I believe everyone should mind their own business and just live, and not take life too seriously. But, since a lot of people aren't willing to do that, I'm okay with doing that myself and associating myself with people who have similar attitudes.
However, and this is important -- it's hard to take the first step and jump start everything with all of these thoughts going on in my head, some of it I illustrated above. Like I mentioned, the autism possibility scares me. I feel like a lot of my values wouldn't be reached if I have such a cognitive way of being, one that heavily affects lateral thinking, which would make it hard to become the person I want to be, and live the life I want to live. I can tell that from what I've observed, autistic people would have a hard time setting up a life that I am trying to establish. I don't want to experience life autistic; with the narrow thinking/processing disrupting my adventurous spirit, and the sensory abnormalities misconstruing positive life experiences (like concerts). I don't want to burn bridges with decent people I could be compatible with, because of a pathetic bullshit way of processing dynamic information. I feel like this disability could prevent me from being able to take advantage of society (again not talking about people in itself, but a system) in order to gather positive elements into my life. I don't want to operate on social scripts to get by in a conversation, which is a waste of my thoughts, if that's even explained by autism. I don't want to be more naturally attuned to what doesn't matter, especially if that's a rigid routine I've settled into, explained by autism. Even if I were to find some positivity, I feel like the stress caused by my way of processing would be wasted time and not worth it -- the way I would process information conflicts with the way the world should be processed. If you read that thread I posted about aspergers above, you might see why there is an issue being on a different cognitive wavelength. Also, it's hard to focus on things that matter, even the most simple, when you do things like indirectly linking your father's downfall -- going from a solid guy and family man, to an prescription drug addicted, psuedo-manic madman -- to the aspergers diagnosis you received as a very young child (my mother suspected something was going on, and referred me to a psychiatrist, was being treated by this psychiatrist who ended up retiring about three years later, and he referred me to another psychiatrist who ended up being irresponsible, meanwhile my father felt like he wasn't doing enough to support us and decided to start seeing my new psychiatrist, and was prescribed adderall, he had a reaction and the psychiatrist kept prescribing). I feel like these events are interconnected, and if I wasn't autistic, or if my mother didn't suspect something -- my father might still be with me and my family today, or the situation may have not been as bad and my father could have recovered. I can't help but hold myself accountable in some way. I can't help but be distracted by this guilt, and many other things, that are triggered by my self-loathing, low self-esteem; such as OCD like symptoms -- forcing myself to engage in rituals that make me miserable (such as watching a sad scene in a movie more than I want to) and sometimes even put me at risk -- all because of a great feeling of relief and conquer afterwards (though, I'm starting to hold a tighter reign on that via rational thought, with some success).
All of this reminds me that it wasn't like I had a choice to come into this world. I mean, it is my life -- why is it selfish to be in complete control of it? After all, Bill Hicks said "It's just a ride" -- to put this analogy in a different perspective, would you want to be stuck on the ferris wheel when you're afraid of heights? Compare that to my worst case scenario. See the connection? If the worst case scenario comes to fruition -- that if I do have Autism, and if it prevents me from reaching a positive platform in my life where my values are reached, then why the fuck should I keep living? It's disappointing. Wasted youth, seeing other sentient beings enjoy the elements I value that I never was able to experience, stressed out by a world that I am cognitively miswired to, etc. It's no different then being on that satanic rollercoaster forcing chunks of vomit out of your system. They're both unpleasant experiences. So, why suffer with that? All of that would give me motivation to just throw in the towel and kill myself.
So yeah, a lot of things going on, more elaborate than that, but that's kind of the gist of it. I basically feel like Steven Wilson in Porcupine Tree's "Fear Of A Blank Planet". As for right now, I want to focus on getting a job, income, being able to drive, and moving out. Trying to take things in bite-sized chunks for now. More specifically, I'm trying to find volunteer work because I have no job experience. Again, with all of these thoughts and issues roaming through my head, with the depression and anxiety (or autism, start decorating my grave), the suspense -- I cannot focus, and with every mistake I make I link it to the worst case scenario and start having suicidal and even homicidal thoughts. It's bad. So I'm trapped in a hole of internal fear. I have no idea how to get out of this hole. Like I said, I'm trying to make a concerted effort at meditation to start clearing my mind so I can prepare for learning about the life I want to build for myself, yet at the same type I feel like my psyche can't be arsed to deal with it. I feel resistance. Therapy isn't helping. I think my mother also has issues right now so she's having trouble grasping my situation. Prescription drugs aren't helping so far and I really don't want to go through the trial and error process of that (let alone be on prescription drugs all my life, or be ignorant of what's in my body) so I stopped taking them yesterday. I don't have access to anything that could help me take the edge off yet still be productive and in the moment, potentially such as cannabis (yet I want to do my own research first, then again, it's hard to like I illustrated above). No one to reach out to IRL. I'm flat broke. The list goes on. Only thing I have going for me is living along a suburban U.S. route where there are many shops and attractions accessible by walk.
Every time I tried to get out of the hole, I got sucked right back in, either because I fell into relapse or because a mistake scared me away. I can't keep going in this loop. I'm running out of time and I need to take action soon! Yet, I feel like life and society are one big clusterfuck, waiting to fuck me right in the ass until I bleed experience that doesn't even matter. I don't want to be part of a system, I don't want to deal with the grinding 9-5 life, I don't want to be another story of how I had to adjust my values and dreams to find 'stability', I don't want to be unable to branch out, for all my life. And for fucks sake, I don't want to be autistic. I need feedback on how to get out of this loop and take the first step, with limited resources. And before you tell me "oh, just consider more professional help" or the like -- I've done it, even when I thought it was pointless, just for the sake of being open minded. Didn't help. Also really trial-and-error, and there's only so much I can explore before the well of relevance runs dry.
And yeah, you might be looking for a TL;DR but I'm just too tired to make one right now. I spent half a week writing all this, by the way. I had serious trouble sleeping at night, trying to figure all this out and motivate myself to structure my thoughts into these paragraphs. I continue to have trouble sleeping consistently. I guess you could say this is a little insight into what my mind is like. I know this is long as fuck but I really wanted to get this out. So, to reiterate and expand upon the topic: How the fuck do I deal with existential crisis-like feelings and thoughts? Is it Autism? Am I just an unhealthy IN type? "Reality" and everything is driving me crazy. Read it, offer some insight, suggestions, advice, complain about this being TL;DR, call me a faggot, post this on 4chan, whatever. I'm just tired of this bullshit, and desperately trying to find a way out quick.
I posted this on a similar forum, breathed in all of the insight I got into my own conclusion, and decided meditation would be the best thing to start with -- yet I can't focus for jack shit, I am not aware of what is going on in my body and I am so consciously aware of every new thing or thing in general that I do that it's hard to be productive. Literally, I'm like "okay, just focus on where you are. breathe. how am I breathing? what the fuck am I doing? I look dumb as shit. Ugh, that aspergers tho? I'll worry about that later...but what if it explains this issue? How else can I trace this back? *thought pops up that is too complex to articulate in speech or type* I think I need to eat..." It's so fucking ridiculous. I'm deciding to post this here because like I said, I've posted here before, got good feedback, and I relate to the INTP/INP type at least in the MBTI system (or in other words, a stereotypical collection of traits associated with the type) which obviously doesn't mean shit, but at the same time also kind of does, at least in a communicational/social wavelength. So maybe that might help. Call me an attention-seeking dipshit, fuck it. I'm so done with this. I'm taking anything I can get at this point, anything of relevance.
And yeah, this is going to be TL;DR as fuck, but if you're interested in giving me feedback for whatever reason: please try to make a concerted effort at, at the least, getting a sense of my situation. Reading each paragraph will give you the best idea of the essence of my situation, because it is very complex and each paragraph elaborately ties the core mechanics of my situation together, like a story. In other words, skimming may lead to misunderstanding of my situation. So, read this like a story. If you're not interested in a story, I suggest you stop reading.
My life is in shambles. There are quite a few things going on at the moment, but it can be boiled down to a process called existential depression and anxiety. The root of it: if I can't pursue or access my purpose, there is no purpose anymore. I believe that there is a rational reason why; instead of explicitly stating why, I think my story will explain. The state of my well being and cognition could potentially hold me back, which is why this is even as big of an issue.
I got into typology almost two years ago. After struggling to find my type for about eight or nine months (despite other forumers finding it easy to pick out a type for me), I once again realized I was diagnosed with Aspergers ages ago (about 4 or 5 years old, so late 90s) and that led me to wonder if that was a reason why; a different brain structure. One year earlier, I found out I had such a diagnosis, and I went back in forth of being in denial, wondering what the fuck aspergers really was, and theorizing fallacies fueled by hope. I noticed having aspergers conflicted with my values, and a year later, I realized it may or may not be a possibility that my cognition may be autistic; I am of the belief that there is always room for error in the case of an observationally conclusive diagnosis, especially autism. I gathered some information from my childhood which made me afraid because at face value, it did seem to explain why the diagnosis fit -- which threw me into a suicidal loop for the first time in my life. But then, I formulated a plan to do everything I can to reevaluate such a diagnosis as accurate as possible, and learn as much about it as possible, so I can test others opinions. My depression and social anxiety deepened, suicidal thoughts and concept of suicide contrasted with my situation deepened and evolved, went into psych hospitalization twice, resumed therapy and psychiatry appointments, did group therapy on two separate occasions, and a year and three months later, I'm in the same paradigm; just more defined. I know much more about aspergers, mainly through an empirical perspective all consisting of factual information, anecdotal observation and personal theories.
I don't believe Autism is that arbitrary as people state it is. Everyone experiences it differently, but it's a similar process if it's a brain structure, which it is -- overconnectivity in certain regions of the brain resulting in deficits in others compared to a typical brain structure. It is a different cognitive wavelength of processing information compared to "neurotypical" processing. Autistic processing is naturally linear, while neurotypical processing is naturally balanced. It makes sense that autism is a disability in this case -- because it's a different way of processing information, people with Autism become stressed out trying to emulate or interact with the "neurotypical" processing wavelength (e.g integrating oneself into the world), and have to make a conscious effort to make up for such a deficit. Even if a person with autism can emulate the process pretty well externally, internally it causes stress since it is not a natural process, and will mentally drain the person with autism. This is bad because it takes away from the experience acting as a distraction. Compare that to a neurotypical process, which is much more balanced and dynamic in multiple aspects, not just in a social context but in a complete cognitive context. Obviously, this is all very broad, but this explains why neurotypical people will have an advantage productively in many aspects, even intellectually -- obviously neurotypicals are not incapable of possessing high intellectual capabilities, and they are probably more capable of grasping concepts because they have a natural ability to see a broader perspective, compared to the autistic person who naturally fixates on certain aspects. I posted about this in greater detail on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/2f433u/my_opinion_on_asd_discuss/ I also think this explains why people with Autism may have difficulty finding their type, for instance. Because it is a different brain structure, the way cognitive functions normally would manifest would be vastly different -- resulting in an unbalanced type. This is what I believe autism to be. And keep all of that in mind combined with my situation, because this all ties into my concerns.
But that's one thing. A major part of my crisis, but just one part of the picture. A clear part of the picture. I still have that plan to re-evaluate that diagnosis locked into the long-term, just don't know when. The main things that are fucking with me is this constant wall of anxiety and depression, and nonstop thoughts roaming through my head. Literally. The thoughts and feelings about autism are there to influence the main issues, and the scary thing is that autism may have been the issue after all.
I've dealt with this for the past five years, and my well being has generally gotten worse as time went on. I turned 20 this past summer, graduated high school (if you even count private "special school" a real graduation, and I didn't accomplish jack shit in technical school either) and I am still in the same boat, same depth of the water. Actually, I've had a very complex life. I haven't had consistent education. Public school made me really anxious in the fourth grade, and after a mishap involving a teacher, I was shipped to private school. I missed three years of school due to personal issues. "Personal issues" -- family abuse, poverty and borderline homelessness. So a lot of things have held me back, and hindered my personal development. I went through a socially awkward phase because of what was going on, which was hell starting high school (aka resuming school), and alienated childhood friends and potential friends due to that. I developed social anxiety, and then depression. I burned bridges which could have led to success, and other bridges that weren't even in my control were also burned. And now here I am. I still have bridges which are in danger, which is why I'm posting this.
I'm trying to focus on short term goals at the moment. Due to my depression/anxiety/issues (or just autism, which is the worst case scenario) I've been borderline agoraphobic, a forced shut-in residing in my room. I've came out of my cave and tried to get somewhere, even to the point of almost landing a job at a cafe last summer and made a friend or two, but it was never really worth it and gave me more insight into my problems or exposed problems I had with depression/anxiety/issues (or autism, god forbid). I withdraw after stress and try to analyze what went wrong, and then recharge. Depends on how serious the issue was, which in the most extreme cases, I've decided to avoid situations where, at least, I think I failed, and which may expose or exacerbate the issue further. So, I've been mostly wasting time for the past 4 years. I am at a standstill. 20 years old, and never had a job, license, driver's permit, credit, and a really inconvenient support network (no friends, struggling family). I haven't learned really anything about the intension of "reality" (life) over the past two years, and my academic experience in "high school" and technical school was wasted away by daydreaming and depression/anxiety/issues (or autism, I swear to fucking god). So, again, here I am, at a standstill.
Now, I've gone back and forth between being withdrawn/daydreaming/distracted by other things I thought were of value (and which negative possibilities of those things influenced my depression/anxiety) over the past four years which contributed to the hole I'm in right now. But now, at age 20-and-almost a-half, in the same hole, deeper -- this is starting to get really fucking pathetic. I'd do literally anything to get out of this hole and start bettering myself, and working towards small goals vis-a-vis long term goals/an area of stability (happiness). But I'm struggling to. Because I have so much bullshit going on in my head: thoughts, feelings, and ideas triggered by depression/anxiety (or autism, kill me now) -- so much so that my energy is chronically low, and a part of me is nagging "Recharge! Go play that strategy metagame for an hour to take the edge off." or some stupid shit. It doesn't matter how small of a goal I can set for myself, like brushing my teeth or taking out the trash -- hell, I save pages I want to read later as bookmarks and lack the effort to read it, or do it because I'm spending so much time 'recharging' over things that don't matter. I want to learn new things, but I can't completely comprehend anything I am unfamiliar with -- whether it be a concept, idea or even word sentence -- sometimes things just don't fucking register in my brain and don't appear to logically make any sense. The funny thing is, if it's related to some abstract model in my imagination contrasted with components of "reality" (I'll get to "reality" later) or something that just doesn't matter in the long-term (like something to take the edge off, like a strategy game) then the issue isn't as bad. So basically, things I am only familiar with, I can comprehend with just a solid amount of accuracy. Now, if you want to get clinical about this, you could probably just summarize all of this as low dopamine and serotonin. Obviously.
However, I find that even when I'm reading up on something that I might be familiar with, like autism/ASD for example, I get scatterminded, skim through paragraphs to let everything settle in, and find myself going back and forth between the external world (what I'm reading) and my internal, fucked up mind of bullshit. Within 5 minutes of reading something of value, I automatically find myself linking it to how it might be compatible with my situation or potential situations further down the road. Numerous times. Actually, that's about at least 75% of my day -- creating hypothetical situations in my head. Usually, social situations; I attribute this to my social anxiety. I'm always having these stupid conversations with myself, like rehearsal. You name it, positively or negatively tinted, they automatically pop into my mind and I often save more realistic ones as these "social scripts" that I can have access to if I don't know how to respond to something or if the conversation calls for that script. Because well, I'm not that interesting of a person, and externally at least, I totally lack any sort of gusto whatsoever. This ties into my unfortunate circumstances which robbed me of having typical life experiences appropriate to my development, and also my withdrawal period over the past five years -- I can't relate to other people in regards to content about myself. Or I'd just be like "Duhhh, hey! Does anyone like the color blue??? I saw a funny youtube video earlier!" like a dunce, without elaborating further.
The biggest reason why I have such a hard time with this, though, is because those things that matter are related to things I want for myself, and things I want to experience. Even if it is just something to know, something that seems relevant to myself or my life or what I want to be part of the construction of my life. I want to learn and keep learning, that's hallmark to being an open-minded person, learning is self-improvement, it just makes so much sense to me. But because it matters, it stresses me the fuck out. Whenever I try to learn something, I get into this hyper-conscious and almost manic state where I'm like "Okay, let's fuckin' do this! Okay, that's interesting. Wait, what the fuck does that mean? I'll google what "derived" means. Okay. Let's read more. Okay, what the fuck? That reminds me of my cousin, didn't she say something like that example of people like that illustrated? Why am I not even that close with my cousin anyway? *hypothetical social situation pops into my head* *start telling off my cousin, aunts and uncles, going into this intellectual rage* Wait, is it just aspergers? *go back on reddit's sub for aspergers* Okay fuck this, I'm playing GTA." Or some shit. I always get thrown into this loop whenever I confront what matters, and end up going back to what doesn't matter, because I simply stress the fuck out and end up getting way too distracted by hypotheticals derived from what I am reading. It might just be anxiety mentally preparing myself. I have no idea how to get out of this loop.
Back to the social anxiety and related issues. I'm a pretty skeptical person. Extraverted iNtuition, not confident, just fucking crazy -- whatever you want to call it, I always second guess myself and often evaluate every angle of an issue. Part of me sometimes feels like it's not because of my circumstances, but because of Autism. Then the anxiety deepens. I go into this paranoid-esque state of mind. Every time I make a mistake, and not just socially, every goddamn time I make a notable mistake, I automatically link it to 'is it autism?'. I evaluate every goddamn potential inability of mine and link it to whether or not autism is the root of my processing. For instance, I was watching "Mr. Show with Bob and David" a few months ago, which was this mid-late 90s sketch comedy show which was very "Monty Python's Flying Circus" esque, in that the plot of every sketch transitioned into the next and the show would evolve. I found that a lot of these sketches would poke subtle jabs at society, and while some of them I figured out, some of them I didn't (though I, generally, knew it was satire) and while I really enjoyed it, I made such a conscious effort throughout watching it trying to figure it out, that it was depressing and even exhausting. I couldn't help but feel that if I didn't get what they were mocking (even though a lot of it was related to factual and historical information I am ignorant to due to my inconsistent education) it was because I was autistic and stuck in "concrete" processing mode. My social anxiety has also gotten worse over the past year, and because I have so many thoughts and feelings in my head, and such low energy, I have similar experiences in social situations compared to trying to learn a new concept. So, I might look autistic in that I might miss a joke because my mind is skimming through conversations going back and forth between that and my thoughts. Or because I might have trouble structuring my thoughts out loud with complete accuracy, especially in deeper conversations, because of the clusterfuck of thoughts and feelings, and anxiety. It's chaos.
However, while things like human interaction are universally important, I wonder if it's really worth it to have friends. While an intimate relationship would definitely be important to me, I wonder if most women I value are even authentic, decent human beings. I say this because I find that most people are, in one way or another, controlled by a system. Actually, we all have been at some point in our lives, but what matters is realizing what the system is doing to us humans and generally detaching from it, unless inconvenient to do so (I go by "damned if you do, damned if you don't" and weigh my options considerably; in this case it can be a lesser of two evils). This system is called society. Now, when some people think of the term society they think it means people in general. That's not society, that's humanity. However, we as humans have slowly created this system, society, to develop order and structure, and it seems a couple of power seekers developed an attitude which over time, has been taken way too far, and is now glorified and interpreted as 'heroic' (e.g. patriotism). Authority is everywhere, in multiple contexts, and misutilized. We, with the help of the media, have developed this social 'game' we play everyday with people that complicates things that shouldn't be complicated in the first place (e.g. intimacy), and even things non-related to social patterns. We have developed social hierarchy, which is basically peace, inverted. That's just a summary. And yet we wonder why people develop depression. So, I guess you could say I agree with the philosophies by people like Bill Hicks and George Carlin, and have adopted a similar motivation and attitude towards life. I believe everyone should mind their own business and just live, and not take life too seriously. But, since a lot of people aren't willing to do that, I'm okay with doing that myself and associating myself with people who have similar attitudes.
However, and this is important -- it's hard to take the first step and jump start everything with all of these thoughts going on in my head, some of it I illustrated above. Like I mentioned, the autism possibility scares me. I feel like a lot of my values wouldn't be reached if I have such a cognitive way of being, one that heavily affects lateral thinking, which would make it hard to become the person I want to be, and live the life I want to live. I can tell that from what I've observed, autistic people would have a hard time setting up a life that I am trying to establish. I don't want to experience life autistic; with the narrow thinking/processing disrupting my adventurous spirit, and the sensory abnormalities misconstruing positive life experiences (like concerts). I don't want to burn bridges with decent people I could be compatible with, because of a pathetic bullshit way of processing dynamic information. I feel like this disability could prevent me from being able to take advantage of society (again not talking about people in itself, but a system) in order to gather positive elements into my life. I don't want to operate on social scripts to get by in a conversation, which is a waste of my thoughts, if that's even explained by autism. I don't want to be more naturally attuned to what doesn't matter, especially if that's a rigid routine I've settled into, explained by autism. Even if I were to find some positivity, I feel like the stress caused by my way of processing would be wasted time and not worth it -- the way I would process information conflicts with the way the world should be processed. If you read that thread I posted about aspergers above, you might see why there is an issue being on a different cognitive wavelength. Also, it's hard to focus on things that matter, even the most simple, when you do things like indirectly linking your father's downfall -- going from a solid guy and family man, to an prescription drug addicted, psuedo-manic madman -- to the aspergers diagnosis you received as a very young child (my mother suspected something was going on, and referred me to a psychiatrist, was being treated by this psychiatrist who ended up retiring about three years later, and he referred me to another psychiatrist who ended up being irresponsible, meanwhile my father felt like he wasn't doing enough to support us and decided to start seeing my new psychiatrist, and was prescribed adderall, he had a reaction and the psychiatrist kept prescribing). I feel like these events are interconnected, and if I wasn't autistic, or if my mother didn't suspect something -- my father might still be with me and my family today, or the situation may have not been as bad and my father could have recovered. I can't help but hold myself accountable in some way. I can't help but be distracted by this guilt, and many other things, that are triggered by my self-loathing, low self-esteem; such as OCD like symptoms -- forcing myself to engage in rituals that make me miserable (such as watching a sad scene in a movie more than I want to) and sometimes even put me at risk -- all because of a great feeling of relief and conquer afterwards (though, I'm starting to hold a tighter reign on that via rational thought, with some success).
All of this reminds me that it wasn't like I had a choice to come into this world. I mean, it is my life -- why is it selfish to be in complete control of it? After all, Bill Hicks said "It's just a ride" -- to put this analogy in a different perspective, would you want to be stuck on the ferris wheel when you're afraid of heights? Compare that to my worst case scenario. See the connection? If the worst case scenario comes to fruition -- that if I do have Autism, and if it prevents me from reaching a positive platform in my life where my values are reached, then why the fuck should I keep living? It's disappointing. Wasted youth, seeing other sentient beings enjoy the elements I value that I never was able to experience, stressed out by a world that I am cognitively miswired to, etc. It's no different then being on that satanic rollercoaster forcing chunks of vomit out of your system. They're both unpleasant experiences. So, why suffer with that? All of that would give me motivation to just throw in the towel and kill myself.
So yeah, a lot of things going on, more elaborate than that, but that's kind of the gist of it. I basically feel like Steven Wilson in Porcupine Tree's "Fear Of A Blank Planet". As for right now, I want to focus on getting a job, income, being able to drive, and moving out. Trying to take things in bite-sized chunks for now. More specifically, I'm trying to find volunteer work because I have no job experience. Again, with all of these thoughts and issues roaming through my head, with the depression and anxiety (or autism, start decorating my grave), the suspense -- I cannot focus, and with every mistake I make I link it to the worst case scenario and start having suicidal and even homicidal thoughts. It's bad. So I'm trapped in a hole of internal fear. I have no idea how to get out of this hole. Like I said, I'm trying to make a concerted effort at meditation to start clearing my mind so I can prepare for learning about the life I want to build for myself, yet at the same type I feel like my psyche can't be arsed to deal with it. I feel resistance. Therapy isn't helping. I think my mother also has issues right now so she's having trouble grasping my situation. Prescription drugs aren't helping so far and I really don't want to go through the trial and error process of that (let alone be on prescription drugs all my life, or be ignorant of what's in my body) so I stopped taking them yesterday. I don't have access to anything that could help me take the edge off yet still be productive and in the moment, potentially such as cannabis (yet I want to do my own research first, then again, it's hard to like I illustrated above). No one to reach out to IRL. I'm flat broke. The list goes on. Only thing I have going for me is living along a suburban U.S. route where there are many shops and attractions accessible by walk.
Every time I tried to get out of the hole, I got sucked right back in, either because I fell into relapse or because a mistake scared me away. I can't keep going in this loop. I'm running out of time and I need to take action soon! Yet, I feel like life and society are one big clusterfuck, waiting to fuck me right in the ass until I bleed experience that doesn't even matter. I don't want to be part of a system, I don't want to deal with the grinding 9-5 life, I don't want to be another story of how I had to adjust my values and dreams to find 'stability', I don't want to be unable to branch out, for all my life. And for fucks sake, I don't want to be autistic. I need feedback on how to get out of this loop and take the first step, with limited resources. And before you tell me "oh, just consider more professional help" or the like -- I've done it, even when I thought it was pointless, just for the sake of being open minded. Didn't help. Also really trial-and-error, and there's only so much I can explore before the well of relevance runs dry.
And yeah, you might be looking for a TL;DR but I'm just too tired to make one right now. I spent half a week writing all this, by the way. I had serious trouble sleeping at night, trying to figure all this out and motivate myself to structure my thoughts into these paragraphs. I continue to have trouble sleeping consistently. I guess you could say this is a little insight into what my mind is like. I know this is long as fuck but I really wanted to get this out. So, to reiterate and expand upon the topic: How the fuck do I deal with existential crisis-like feelings and thoughts? Is it Autism? Am I just an unhealthy IN type? "Reality" and everything is driving me crazy. Read it, offer some insight, suggestions, advice, complain about this being TL;DR, call me a faggot, post this on 4chan, whatever. I'm just tired of this bullshit, and desperately trying to find a way out quick.