What does that have to do with my post where I quoted Musk saying that he would rather be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right?
So OK he might be wrong, but if he is wrong about stuff then his company might suffer financial loss.
Thus the goal of his company to make profit in space flights is not possible.
Thus his company will seize to exist.
Thus no more space X.
None of that is about what I wrote. You're responding to a straw man.
I don't recall you, I, or anyone hiring Elon Musk to make space flight commercially viable. Do you? When was his deadline, and how much did you promise to pay him if he hit it?
The government nor people investing into Musk companies are not giving free hand outs. They are giving him money, because one day it will pay back.
Unless it was charitable expense with the intend to fuel space exploration and make people drive electric cars.
If US government already invested into Musk to do what the US government could do, they unmade their progress in space exploration.
Now they rely on Musk mostly. He has to deliver or US will fall behind in space flights completely.
The US also has Falcon rockets.
There's also Virgin Galactic.
They're trying to get lots of companies in on it.
Space exploration is expensive to everyone. Maybe they saw Musk as possible person to invest into space exploration with, because would not have his hands tied with government requirements.
Instead they would let Musk work within capitalist constrains and generate profit while making space flying cheaper.
NASA is relying on Musk's tendency to be an inventor. Even if he doesn't succeed, he'll probably come up with a lot of clever ideas that NASA will then use later on.
If Musk gets cheaper flights than even Russians he will be top monkey in space business world wide. Because right now russians are all star team making ton of money and making superb engines that even NASA used them. They also make them quite cheap and reliable and good. They also have good price range for dollars per kilo flights to low orbit.
The Russians are still using the Soyuz.
It costs $90 million a flight.
The Soyuz spacecraft was first launched in 1966. That makes it over 56 years old.
But these days, Tesla cars are pretty good, certainly when compared to other electric cars, and his Space X rockets have had pretty good results as well.
Have you seen other models from rivaling companies. Not bad at all.
Yes. They use the same design model as Tesla came up with.
Teslas are good, but they have niche market.
That market can be easily sliced up between companies that might provide something less expensive in more reasonable price range and with adequate design and comfort. Way sooner than people think.
Teslas still look bare bone in some ways for the cost. You don't think large companies are competition? After all they make huge profits from gas cars, why diverting production to electric ones would be expensive?
All they have to do is make some production halls for electric cars. Production halls that already exist.
You keep saying that "might == will", when it comes to being pessimistic about Tesla.
As I said before, that pessimism was warranted 10 years ago. Had people been pessimistic about Tesla then, and still were pessimistic about Tesla now, I could understand that.
But most people who seem to be pessimistic about Tesla NOW, were optimistic about Tesla 10 years ago, when it didn't make sense to be optimistic. They became pessimistic about Tesla and negative about Musk, since the US media have been mud-slinging at Musk ever since he said openly that he supported Trump & the Republicans.
You don't need to be a genius to figure out what is going on.
As for space flights unless Musk is launching rockets like the Russians are launching rockets his commercial viability is theory. He needs to have profit. Currently he is depth and understandably so. The US gave him money so that his debt won't hinder his progress.
So far Soviet Union launched most rockets ever and Musk is behind. He needs to at least match Soviet Union space program to match current Russia.
You want to go up in a Soyuz?
Also lets not forget Chinese space program. Very progressive guys in China.
The Russians came out with the microwave, the AF-47, and all sorts of new inventions.
What did the Chinese come up with, that wasn't already well-developed in other countries?
Doing things that are already conventional technologies, is
To set up a base on the Moon or on Mars, we'd need the same things as we would need for an International Space Station in space. We have the ISS. So we can make a base on the Moon or on Mars.
Musk wants to develop the Starship model. If it flies he won. At least in theory.
It supposed to be refueling and cargo carrying and people carrying.
He claims it will make Mars flight possible.
So are Virgin Galactic, and FalconX. Ships that go into space are VERY expensive. They also use a huge amount of fossil fuels and natural resources.
So everyone is looking at making space ships recyclable, because they'd be a LOT cheaper, and a LOT better for saving the planet from climate change.
But you are wrong about all we need is the tech we have.
There are oxygen recycling equipment in nuclear submarines.
There are equipment to withstand strong differences in pressure in submarines.
Hydroponics is a standard method for growing all sorts of crops.
Solar panels can suck up tremendous amounts of energy in outer space.
Some tech for Mars still needs to be made. Only difference is people in NASA had top engineers to do that. Not sure Musk has the labs for such things.
So what? I don't know if he does have top scientists and top labs or not.
If NASA had top scientists and top labs, NASA would not be turning to Musk for help, not unless the top scientists at NASA said that they can't crack these problems with their scientists and labs, and also said that Musk's unorthodox out-of-the-box approach is just what is needed to crack these problems.
So most likely, they want to fund Musk, because he's likely to come up with a weird NTP way to solve them that doesn't even need a lab.
Don't you want Star Wars and Star Trek to become real?
Star Trek somewhat Star Wars no. Lets just say I am not positive he will even come close to catching up with what was already done. So far he got to the level of normal flights that Russians make routinely.
I noticed that you're pessimistic about Musk.
I was pessimistic about Tesla and SpaceX several years ago, and am still unsure what the future holds for them now.
But that was because I was being realistic.
If the world is only listening to the media, and the media is turning on Musk because of politics, then it's the politicians who will end up making the decisions about which companies and spaceships will be used in the future.