@EloquentBohemian, regarding the writing: I think I must do that too: I've written so many stories about friends, even when I don't seem to express friendship to others. Might we be, as authors, projecting our emotions onto our characters and in so doing, making them safe to analyze and observe, since they're not ours (that's Chriss's emotion, not mine. That makes it safe for me to explore intellectually, because it can't affect me).
This squatted in my brain and festered ever since I wrote the reply to it a while back. This may be a bit disjointed, but let me see if I can get some coherent thought together.
I replied that I write in the first person, but in reality, the first person is the act of the writer creating a character out of one's self. I, the writer/narrator, choose to be a voyeur of myself. I, the Narrator, create a character who is Me
(even though I do not know who Me is) whose purpose is to reveal hidden aspects of my emotional depths to myself in a narcissitic voyeuristic 'Dance of the Seven Veils'.
It is a Dominant/Submissive relationship where the Dominant is the character and I (the Narrator) am the Submissive, for I can make it stop at any time. The character, Me, wants nothing less than to stand naked before the Narrator in its horrible glory, but the Narrator is in control and can re-dress or even banish Me.
This character I call Me is going to deal only with certain parameters of emotion in this particular situation which I, the Narrator, have created. I can choose how Me will act in this situation and only expose myself (the Narrator) to a certain amount of my emotional morass which is a mystery to me
(only going to undress some parts of the whole) and which I suppress.
This character, Me, may experience as much emotion as I am prepared to throw at Me, because now I am detached from Me and objective to what Me will experience.
Me is Punch in my own private
Punch and Judy puppet show who I can laugh or cry or deny or be indifferent to because I (the Narrator) am not Me.
In publishing what the Narrator has written, I can reveal parts of my hidden and estranged emotional daemon to others without fear of direct confrontation. I can even deny, if I so choose, that this Me is an aspect of myself (the Narrator) if others point this out. I have created a detached safe avenue for investigating my suppressed emotions without fear of being overcome by them or allowing emotions which I don't wish to confront, or which I fear, to assail me.
This is the same for every creative work an INTP births, whether it be a poem, a painting, a musical score, a piece of jewelry; whatever is the INTP's creative outlet. There is no such thing as an 'objective work of art'. Every creative piece is subjective, and being subjective, it must contain an emotional element. We imbue a creative piece with an aspect of our emotional melieu and set it outside ourselves so that it may be an object of investigation detached from us. It can be analysed. It can be dissected. We can view its emotional content because it is not
our emotional content anymore, it belongs to this 'other Me'.
I do not think the emotional aspect of an INTP is 'inferior', I think it is merely innocent and primal because it does not often 'go outside to play'. We keep it safely confined to a darkened quiet room and give it 'intellectual toys' to play with. But the 'toys' are insufficient. One does not give calculus to a small child, for the child cannot build castles from numbers. This child wanders its grey and shadowed confines, constantly seeking to escape and play with others; and when it does, when the window or door is flung suddenly open in times of extreme stress, the child runs screaming outside, fearful of the brilliant light of outside and the noise and confusion it is ill-equipped to handle.
In other cases, the Salome of one's emotions may rush through the opening, revealing her nakedness. She may appear as a Gorgon or a Goddess, but regardless, she is naked and one's self and others may not be able to deal with her brilliant Darkness.
The specific creative outlet, or outlets, which an INTP has are the ways in which the child of our emotions can play and our daemonic Salome may reveal herself. To cultivate one's creative aspects is to reveal one's emotions to one's self, and in consequence, to others.