OP - Come on, give us more to go with.
What is your situation?
Yesterday I was in back to back meetings, one from 9AM - 10AM and another from 10AM - midday. The first one went fine, the second one resulted in me throwing a little INTP rage.
I had a lot to do and ended up in this 2 hour meeting with my line manager and a few other people, one of whom was new to the project and she decided to, at every given chance, try to lead the conversation away from what we were all there to discuss. She would start telling us stories about how she had been in similar situations and what she did in said situation. If the name of a person was mentioned then she would claim to know them and then give us an equally irrelevant and boring story of what this person did and how she worked with them.
Every time she spoke I made a point of sighing and picking up my BlackBerry to start reading mails. I got the INTP rage, the rage which makes your blood boil and the butterflies flap around in your stomach, the rage which you're too cowardly to actually vent. Come 11:30am we had finished the discussion on the actual subject...... and then this woman said "Well, I think I should give you an introduction and a bit of background about me".
I glanced at my boss..... He turned to me and said "We're done, go crack on with what you need to do".
The moral of the story, not all bosses are bad. Not all bosses are bossy. Good bosses know your weaknesses and strengths. He knows that I'll get more work done than anybody else if I'm left in a room on my own with no distractions. He knows how to motivate me. He leaves me alone, prior to that meeting yesterday I hadn't spoken to him in 2 weeks.
It's just a shame that bosses like that are hard to come by.