They call me Longlegs
The more I'm involved with social situations the more I run the risk of being entagled in everyone elses drama, when I try to approach the problem logically and objectively if it contradict with their preconcieved thought, people shut me down, they don't recognize the faults of their reasoning, they play convoluted social games like two faced hypocrites and cover them up with lies and social attacks, people call me naive for being honest and not engage with their games, but they said they value sincerity.
All these social games are exausting, I tried to understand their motives, how their games work, I even enagage with these office politics level stupidity, but the more I understand the more I dislike these people.
On one hand I don't want to be a friendless hermit, but on the other I can't help but feel disdain for everyone.
How do you guys do it? How do you unchain yourself from tolerating their antics to actually engaging with them in a frequent basis? I understand the older I get the more I need to interract with people because the proffesion that I chose (lawyer), but I don't think I'll ever engage with everyone else other than through chameleoning my way through their bullshit and feeling intense dislike.
All these social games are exausting, I tried to understand their motives, how their games work, I even enagage with these office politics level stupidity, but the more I understand the more I dislike these people.
On one hand I don't want to be a friendless hermit, but on the other I can't help but feel disdain for everyone.
How do you guys do it? How do you unchain yourself from tolerating their antics to actually engaging with them in a frequent basis? I understand the older I get the more I need to interract with people because the proffesion that I chose (lawyer), but I don't think I'll ever engage with everyone else other than through chameleoning my way through their bullshit and feeling intense dislike.