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How did you decide what to major in?


Local time
Today 8:15 AM
Mar 29, 2010
After putting off going to university for 3 years, I finally decided to go without knowing exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, figuring things would just sort of fall into place on their own. Now, my first year is almost up and I'm no closer to knowing what I want to do than I was when I started.

I'm just too damn interested in absolutely everything. I'll get really interested in something, say, economics, then subsequently lose interest in it in a week or two later because I found biology, then comp sci, then psychology, then back to economics, then to chemistry, back to psychology, and so on. I can't make up my mind and it's stressing me out - and, needless to say, it's making it nearly impossible for me to focus on my work at hand so my grades are suffering from it. I just want to find something I can commit myself to simply because I love it (more than everything else), or discover a career option so enticing to me that it'll give me the incentive to wade through all this bullshit to get to it, but I can't seem to and I don't know how to go about doing this.

So as someone who knows how I think and has presumably gone through what I'm going through, how did you figure out what you wanted to major in?


Space Ninja
Local time
Today 3:15 AM
Mar 27, 2010
I had a similar problem during my first year of college. I got into school leaning towards biology, but I also loved history and psychology and was interested in computer science and learning japanese. Since I was mostly undecided as to what I wanted to do, I picked distribution courses that covered all my interests so that I didn't waste many credits while making my decision. Although I was doing extremely well in japanese, I ended up majoring in biology and minoring in chemistry because I have always been fascinated by organisms and their inner workings and the lab was like a second home to me. Even though I graduated not too long ago and I am proud to be a biologist, I still think that I may have done really well with any of my other prospective majors.

I would suggest that you set aside some time to explore different career paths and talk to the professors if possible. They may be able to tell you about careers outside of academia and the pros and cons of each. Look at what you can tolerate for years on end. Do you like to work with your hands? Do you like constantly working on new projects or something with a little more routine? Questions like these helped me a lot in making my decision.


It's Charlie Chaplin, not Hitler.
Local time
Today 12:15 AM
May 23, 2009
travelling mariachi band
My God, I'm not alone. I have been trying to figure out what I want to do for a career since 7th grade. I am too interested in too many things. History, Philosophy, Psychology, Physics. Unfortunately, half of those are useless and the other half require doctorate degrees. Any suggestions or tips you guys have for HecticRat will also help me a great.


Local time
Today 3:15 AM
Mar 28, 2010
Well, it was between history and CS for me, I pretty much decided I was going to do one of those by the time I was 16 or 17. I knew history would be interesting, but the lack of jobs drove me to CS.

Doesn't mean I know what I want to do with my life though.


Local time
Today 8:15 AM
Mar 29, 2010
Well, it was between history and CS for me, I pretty much decided I was going to do one of those by the time I was 16 or 17. I knew history would be interesting, but the lack of jobs drove me to CS.

Doesn't mean I know what I want to do with my life though.
Heh, yeah. That question was more encompassing than I intended. I just didn't want to ask the exact same question over and over again, word for word.


Consultant, inventor, project innovator
Local time
Today 4:15 PM
Jan 7, 2010
Perth, Australia
Philosophy? :)

I kind of flailed and didn't know what I wanted to do when it came time for me to choose a subject. I ended up doing maths, physics and computing. As it turned out, looking back, I would have probably preferred a specialist branch of engineering instead.

Oh well. Maybe I'll go back later in life and do an engineering degree.


Smooth Walker
Local time
Today 2:15 AM
Mar 28, 2010
Central Texas
After putting off going to university for 3 years, I finally decided to go without knowing exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, figuring things would just sort of fall into place on their own. Now, my first year is almost up and I'm no closer to knowing what I want to do than I was when I started.

I'm just too damn interested in absolutely everything. I'll get really interested in something, say, economics, then subsequently lose interest in it in a week or two later because I found biology, then comp sci, then psychology, then back to economics, then to chemistry, back to psychology, and so on. I can't make up my mind and it's stressing me out - and, needless to say, it's making it nearly impossible for me to focus on my work at hand so my grades are suffering from it. I just want to find something I can commit myself to simply because I love it (more than everything else), or discover a career option so enticing to me that it'll give me the incentive to wade through all this bullshit to get to it, but I can't seem to and I don't know how to go about doing this.

So as someone who knows how I think and has presumably gone through what I'm going through, how did you figure out what you wanted to major in?

Sounds like you're not really that damn interested in [subject] if you lose interest every couple of weeks when something new comes along. I struggled for a couple of years before I found what I wanted to major in. And I mean 'found', as I had no idea the career or major existed until I was a couple of years in (City Planning). I often found myself in the same pattern as you, switching from one possible major to the next. You have to recognize that pattern and understand what makes you lose interest in something that you were passionate about just a few weeks before, until you discovered some new major/field. For me it was the fact that so many of these fields were things I loved reading about or whatever on my own time, but hated the idea of having to hinge my living/money on the subject. Kind of like how I'm passionate as hell about music, but didn't become a professional because I don't want my musical knowledge and abilities to equal whether or not I can eat every night.

As a suggestion, write down a little list of subjects you love, regardless of career prospects, and then write down a list of what you don't necessarily love, but has decent to good career prospects and is at least interesting enough to keep you out of "kill self" mode in classes on the topic. Try to find a couple of fields in both lists that overlap in the kind of thinking, knowledge base, and skills needed to succeed in them (whatever 'success' means to you anyways).

Also, don't let your indecision over a long-term choice/path negatively affect short-term goals like not screwing up your grades in current classes. I had one semester like this and I paid for it dearly.


Lurker Extraordinaire
Local time
Today 2:15 AM
Jan 27, 2010
My major (mathematics) chose me to be honest. After submitting my ACT scores to Texas Tech I was forwarded to the dean of the math department (as I had scored a 33). Unknown to me at the time, the dean in conjunction with a renown math professor at the campus was looking for students to participate in a "study group" of sorts that comprised of 9 other math students. With this group came a $10,000 scholarship renewable up to 4 years and being a pupil of the most powerful man on campus (the math dean) who could easily send more aid my way. Needless to say, Math seems like the obvious choice.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 9:15 AM
Jan 10, 2009
I have no clue how the American major stuff works but if you can't decide on something, just choose a subject that combines aspects of various fields.


Lurker Extraordinaire
Local time
Today 2:15 AM
Jan 27, 2010
I have no clue how the American major stuff works but if you can't decide on something, just choose a subject that combines aspects of various fields.

Most American schools allow students to remain undecided or declare a major in "General Studies" for the first few semesters.


Local time
Today 8:15 AM
May 18, 2009
I took an Electronic Engineering degree. I loved it at first but... as time went on I started to dislike it. I now pretty much steer clear from anything like it. All thanks to my experience at University. I think the reason I didn't get along with the course is because the university was in a weird transitional state as it was merging with another one... I think had I have gone to a different university I'd be an electronic engineer by now.

I have started from scratch and applied to study Music because I pretty much live by it. Not only that, I love it! Even more so than I loved engineering.

The only reason I didn't go for music in the first place was because I was a 'late bloomer'. For most of my childhood I was impartial to music. This is probably due to my mother's lack of musical taste and my father's reserved persona. I never knew what he listened to properly until about 5 years ago...

Anyways, some doors were opened for me which gave me the opportunity to gain a place at a college (different to an American college) as an experimental student. So far so good. At least now apply to study for a degree. :)

Plan A is to be a "rockstar" ^^
Plan B is to become a music teacher as the music teacher I had when growing up was appauling...

No kid should be exposed to such bad teaching in a subject as important as music!


You Know You're Better Than This
Local time
Today 8:15 AM
Jan 18, 2010
A good way to decide is read up on all the jobs you can get with the qualifications you would receive.
Then again, I'm applying to university and I've already changed my mind twice (this involved writing long letters begging them to change my course, I'm still waiting on the most recent).
What are you truly interested in? what can you see yourself doing in the future?
I changed from psychology as I couldn't see myself being a counselor, I then settled on conservation and have now decided I can't see myself doing that either and so I'm trying to change to publishing media.

White Rabbit

Local time
Today 2:15 AM
Jan 30, 2010
I'm a sophomore, and I have no idea what I want to do.

Do interdisciplinary, if you can't make up your mind.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 3:15 AM
Apr 18, 2009
I pretty much knew I'd be science-y since I was a pretty damn little kid (like, 6). That on its own left open a variety of categories, though: chem, math, bio, physics, etc. In high school I really liked chem. This was both because of the subject and because I had two teachers in succession that I thought were really good teachers (the third one was kinda meh, but by then I was well-established). I also really liked math for somewhat different reasons: my math teachers were not all that awesome until my senior year, but I still enjoyed it. I never actually took physics beyond my 1 semester of it in middle school (until I went to college; I'm in my second semester of physics there now by requirement), in part because the program for physics at my high school was relatively limited. (We had an IB physics, but it was somewhat difficult to make it work in your schedule because it was SL but still had the requirement of taking the regular physics first, which most people didn't do.) Lastly, I wasn't all that fond of bio freshman year, so I didn't want to take that my junior and senior years.

As a result of all that and probably more, I'm currently a sophomore studying chemistry and math (after this semester I will be literally studying chemistry and math without any other courses), and am planning to go to graduate school for chemistry. My sort of "backup career" is to teach math at the high school level I think.

The main things that I somewhat regret doing less of are CS (which I do some of in my spare time, but am maybe at the level of a single semester's worth of work overall) and foreign languages (which I have a truly bizarre talent for, it seems). While at the moment I am still doing a little fiddling in Python occasionally and also learning Lojban, the former isn't really going to go anywhere without some stronger guidance or at least something to try to work on, while the latter is pretty much just for fun and probably won't go ALL that far in general.

I would like to try learning Chinese, if only for utility's sake, but I have no idea where to start, and since the sounds are nowhere near the same (unlike Lojban, Latin, and Spanish, all of which I've been able to learn with text, since the sounds are pretty similar to English) I would need some sort of spoken program to help. A pity Rosetta Stone is so expensive.

Thread Killer

Never-Around Member
Local time
Today 3:15 AM
Jun 6, 2008
Greed Islan- Er, cyberspace
It was timing and sequence of events among other things. I had a professor who really inspired me and encouraged me in writing. My strongest skill was always in writing. I was often considered the best writer in my classes, received much praise. I was picked as one most likely to publish a book when I grew up. Even in seventh grade, I had to periodically write essays on a given topic. In one case, it was on 9/11 (shortly after it occurred). Perhaps it was the emotional hype which was heavy in the atmosphere but my teacher told me she went so far as to read my piece before several college professors.

In any case, I have many interests and strengths...Most of which are useless. I like psychology but hate math and fear statistics. I get bored with art and have no patience to spend more than a few hours on a single work of art. I love music but don't like many aspects of the formal training and don't feel I am ready to study music composition at a university until I attain a more pragmatic degree and have attained a few more years of experience in what I currently do (as far as being involved with performances, studying what instruments I study, and writing music in my own time.).

I like social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, but like with psychology, these are either limited with what work I could engage in (especially for the latter, and anthropology doesn't interest me that much when all is said and done) or require more schooling than I am ready to invest in. Sociology is broad but would be best studied with the aims of getting a doctorate. I have no aspirations to get a PHD.

So I enlisted as a Professional/Technical Writing major. I plan to get a Master's in Communications. I like the broadness of the field. I like being able to write as I have a deep need to communicate but can only effectively do so via written means. When I am writing, I feel happy. I have to push myself to write for the sake of writing, but when I am writing, I feel fulfilled. I also am extremely pedantic and am very critical of my own writing and of the writing of others.

So it is where my natural strength lies. It has the breadth I need to find a suitable occupation, and I have no problem with changing occupations as I get bored when I am stuck in one thing.

So I used the approach of what I like and what I am best at. I take great pride in my ideas and find writing is the way I can get those ideas out there.

Even though I am lazy, I think this is something I will devote myself to once I have found how to keep myself motivated. If I can spend hours a day doing any one thing, it would be to write or deal with writing. Nonetheless, I have been doing different types of writing for many years (just with little structure) and this has been my most consistent past time, even if things went downhill in the past year due to my own idiocy.

I also have found that the people I mesh best with at my university are with the other English majors, particularly the Writing majors. It is this where I feel I belong and have something to contribute. It's also something I chose for myself. Most things I have done have been because I was pushed to go in that direction.

As someone who values freedom and independence more than anything (probably because of being without either for the most part), studying something which I chose without any poking or prodding from anyone makes me feel very good inside, regardless of what others say with their ideas on what a good major is and what a good major isn't. It still should be something you can shine in and devote yourself towards because you enjoy it when all is said and done.

I admit I don't have any clear idea of what I will do with this major, but I know I will find something. I would like to be employed with freelancing but feel very held back and hate to be a bandwagon joiner with everyone going after the SEO goldrush mentality. I don't mind writing for the heck of it, such as for Helium.com. But while I am open to various types of writing, I do hope to put my intense imagination to work some day whether it is in publishing a novel, doing screenplay, or whichever. Though with those things, I have decided to write for myself and my own enjoyment while eagerly emerging into the world of communications for professional work in dealing with real world subjects and business subjects.

So my only advice is to think of what you are good at, what you like, what you give your time to because you want to and think how that could tie into a career. Consider what things you would want to be devoted to. That way you will best serve society and not waste your time with work you don't care about.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:15 AM
Nov 21, 2007
Michigan/Indiana, USA
I decided to major in philosophy after I took a class in it, loved it, and knew that it was what I'd been looking for. It also helped that my other two choices (math and chemistry) had problems that I wanted to find a way around (math had 8am classes, chemistry had labs that lasted too long).


Beat Mango

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:15 PM
Mar 25, 2009
I eventually chose philosophy after long periods (we're talking years) of indecision. Having finished it now, I can say I'm happy I did it, but only for the people I met.

You know what I think with decision making, if you have a number of options and you don't feel particularly strongly about any single one, just pick one and commit to it. You could do far worse than picking one somewhat at random, committing to finishing it for better or worse and just putting your head down and bum up.


Only 1 1-F.
Local time
Today 10:15 AM
Jan 2, 2010
Destiny. I'd elaborate but really, responsibility and feelings gives you no choice. No, I'm not in college yet.


Local time
Today 3:15 AM
May 4, 2010
I picked Chemistry. Currently a PhD student and STILL wondering if it was the right choice. The one thing with sciences is that they're always in demand and lots of fellowships/scholarships are out there. Looking back, I recommend computer science or mathematics. The reason is that you can apply these to almost ANYTHING. Even liberal arts need math and programming at times.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 3:15 AM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Schach's suggestion to look into city planning is a good one. You can move around a lot, and if you ever reach the point where your city is "planned," (very unlikely) you can always head on out to the next city. It gives scope for a lot of INTP strengths, and it's an ever-changing landscape, figuratively and literally. Lots to think about, lots new every month, lots to figure out. One facet of it is what you already do: You look at something on your travels and say "what idiot did that?" Like a church next to a pornography outlet backing up against a school. The difference is you'd be able to do something about whatever travesty of traffic planning or zoning you saw, depending on resources and political support. There's a potential to get overwhelmed in minutia, but that exists everywhere.

Emergency management is another good one. Obviously FEMA needs all the help it can get, but states also have their own emergency management agencies. Some of what they do is preplanning and pre-sorting resources, but the heart of the matter is resourcefulness when disaster strikes. Like battles, plans don't usually survive first contact with the enemy, whether it's the other guy's army or a natural or manmade disaster. It is one of the fields where lack of emotional engagement is a real advantage when it hits the fan, although perhaps not so much in the normal bureaucratic dealings when there's no emergency. But think a minute: When's the last time there wasn't an emergency? Someone has something going all the time these days, we've got flooding in Tennessee, earthquakes in China and Haiti, and an oil spill covering the Gulf of Mexico. And somewhere in Pennsylvania a bridge is ready to collapse because PENNDOT forgot to wave a chicken wing and mumble an incantation to keep it standing today.
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