Semantic Nitpicker
I'm making this thread to give everyone a technical breakdown of what is happening with each function, rather than just a stream of thought, wall-of-text explanation to dig through.
Let's start here by clearly defining the first dichotomy of how we work:
To perceive is to simply experience something, be it your senses, your memories, your imagination, words coming from a mouth, or a song from your headphones. Perception interacts with direction by illuminating both the circumstances and the available choices.
To direct is simply to make any form of decision, including the decision of what to perceive.
The feedback loop of perception and direction is what makes us conscious.
Both Direction and Perception are each dichotomized into an introverted and extroverted function.
Extroverted functions are the experience of the present moment. Everything happening right now is a combination of your extroverted direction and your extroverted perception.
Introverted functions occur too quickly to say exactly when they occur. They're only inferred by the impact they have on the external functions.
This means that when you think you are using an introverted function, you are still using the extroverted one to perceive the effects of the introverted function.
One way to think of it is like "energy" which we can only define by observable changes in matter. Extroverted functions are the matter, and introverted functions are the energy.
So now we have the following categories:
Introverted perception
Introverted direction
Extroverted perception
Extroverted direction
Dichotomize all of those again into:
...and you have the 8 possible functions.
Feeling is integral because impulse desire is the origin of all decisions, starting with the continuous desire to remain alive, at any given moment.
Introverted Feeling means that desires are implicit.
Extroverted Feeling means that desire is dependent on circumstances.
Thinking differentiates desires into momentary contexts (as provided by your perception) for comparison. This gives us the ability to make decisions that benefit us more, and subsequently survive, by accounting for time and context than if we followed our immediate impulse.
Introverted Thinking means that contextual comparison is implicit.
Extroverted thinking means that contextual comparison is dependent on circumstances.
Intuition integrates sensory experience into cognitively-conceived patterns and relationships. It handles our grasp of causality and time.
Introverted Intuition means that relationships of form are implicit. (beliefs, assumptions)
Extroverted Intuition means that relationships of form are constantly observed. (this thread)
Sensing differentiates patterns into forms that can be experienced. A pattern by itself can not be experienced unless it is given a form, such as a language or art. The sensory organs of our body are often included here because you can think of color, taste, and audio as our natural languages for self communication. Color would be as meaningless and arbitrary as our invented symbols if not for the contexts in which it appears to us.
Introverted Sensing applies sensory forms by which Extroverted Intuition can then experience patterns.
Extroverted Sensing receives forms from the world so that Introverted Intuition can infer patterns.
Functions automatically pair between the directive and perceptive axis, and the specific pair we find a preference for becomes the basis of our personality.
My personal theory on how the initial preference is chosen is based in weakness. As a baby, everyone is weak, fragile, and vulnerable. The process of growing and maturing encompasses our attempts to develop whatever lies contrary to that weakness in an effort to protect it and foremost, survive.
We may excel at using our dominant functions, but that which we value most is what we keep safe out of sight. This is why the inferior functions seem to be a consistent root of our struggles, and why we turn to our dominant function to attempt to deal with it. A weakness is essentially the part of ourselves we have the least control over, and are thus most controlled by.
Strengths are developed primarily to compensate for, and mask innate weaknesses. This is the simplest (and possibly most unnerving) explanation for why we are the way we are. Every moment that you are alive, whether you realize it or not, survival is naturally the highest priority. No other priorities can even be considered without first continuing to exist.
That's it all in a nutshell. I might elaborate a bit more later.
Let's start here by clearly defining the first dichotomy of how we work:
Perception and Direction
Or, Input and Output.
Or, Input and Output.
To perceive is to simply experience something, be it your senses, your memories, your imagination, words coming from a mouth, or a song from your headphones. Perception interacts with direction by illuminating both the circumstances and the available choices.
To direct is simply to make any form of decision, including the decision of what to perceive.
The feedback loop of perception and direction is what makes us conscious.
Both Direction and Perception are each dichotomized into an introverted and extroverted function.
Extroverted functions are the experience of the present moment. Everything happening right now is a combination of your extroverted direction and your extroverted perception.
Introverted functions occur too quickly to say exactly when they occur. They're only inferred by the impact they have on the external functions.
This means that when you think you are using an introverted function, you are still using the extroverted one to perceive the effects of the introverted function.
One way to think of it is like "energy" which we can only define by observable changes in matter. Extroverted functions are the matter, and introverted functions are the energy.
So now we have the following categories:
Introverted perception
Introverted direction
Extroverted perception
Extroverted direction
Dichotomize all of those again into:
Differential vs Integral
...and you have the 8 possible functions.
Feeling is integral because impulse desire is the origin of all decisions, starting with the continuous desire to remain alive, at any given moment.
Introverted Feeling means that desires are implicit.
Extroverted Feeling means that desire is dependent on circumstances.
Thinking differentiates desires into momentary contexts (as provided by your perception) for comparison. This gives us the ability to make decisions that benefit us more, and subsequently survive, by accounting for time and context than if we followed our immediate impulse.
Introverted Thinking means that contextual comparison is implicit.
Extroverted thinking means that contextual comparison is dependent on circumstances.
Intuition integrates sensory experience into cognitively-conceived patterns and relationships. It handles our grasp of causality and time.
Introverted Intuition means that relationships of form are implicit. (beliefs, assumptions)
Extroverted Intuition means that relationships of form are constantly observed. (this thread)
Sensing differentiates patterns into forms that can be experienced. A pattern by itself can not be experienced unless it is given a form, such as a language or art. The sensory organs of our body are often included here because you can think of color, taste, and audio as our natural languages for self communication. Color would be as meaningless and arbitrary as our invented symbols if not for the contexts in which it appears to us.
Introverted Sensing applies sensory forms by which Extroverted Intuition can then experience patterns.
Extroverted Sensing receives forms from the world so that Introverted Intuition can infer patterns.
Functions automatically pair between the directive and perceptive axis, and the specific pair we find a preference for becomes the basis of our personality.
My personal theory on how the initial preference is chosen is based in weakness. As a baby, everyone is weak, fragile, and vulnerable. The process of growing and maturing encompasses our attempts to develop whatever lies contrary to that weakness in an effort to protect it and foremost, survive.
We may excel at using our dominant functions, but that which we value most is what we keep safe out of sight. This is why the inferior functions seem to be a consistent root of our struggles, and why we turn to our dominant function to attempt to deal with it. A weakness is essentially the part of ourselves we have the least control over, and are thus most controlled by.
Strengths are developed primarily to compensate for, and mask innate weaknesses. This is the simplest (and possibly most unnerving) explanation for why we are the way we are. Every moment that you are alive, whether you realize it or not, survival is naturally the highest priority. No other priorities can even be considered without first continuing to exist.
That's it all in a nutshell. I might elaborate a bit more later.