Yeah socrates kept going around asking people questions and then when they answered him he'd say 'yeah but why do you think that?' (ie the 'socratic method')
WHY.....the key question so many never ask
Look at the news...the news tells us where, when, who, what but rarely why
WHY is the big one because understanding why is to understand what is really going on and that's why the engineers of perception have to create false narratives ie 'propaganda'
So goebbels was the nazi propagandist but he was influenced by others for example edward bernays who was the grandson of sigmund freud. Bernays is known as the 'father of public relations' and as well as helping corporations to get women smoking cigarettes and using a host of other useless products he also helped the government sell wars to the public eg the invasion of guatamala
Snowden released documents about the british version of the NSA, called GCHQ, which exposed a special unit they set up called JTRIG. The purpose of JTRIG is to enter online chatrooms and forums and cognitively infiltrate them which is to mean: to sow doubt in peoples minds
So if someone has a theory that conflicts with the offical narrative the JTRIG agent will go online and inject dissinfo or deflective stuff to try and make people doubt what the person is saying
They may even attack the character of the person to discredit them in the eyes of other readers; they are trained to carry out the 4 D's: Deny, Disrupt, Degrade, Deceive. Below is an article by glen greenwald on it.
You and me are old enough to remmeber a time before internet and all this mass surveillance stuff but the youngsters now are growing up to think this is normal and to just accept it as part of life. B
ut it isn't normal and yet it is the world we are now living in
Concerning the nazis, canadian journalist Dean henderson summed it up well:
''Though Hegel's philosophy was admired by Marx, it was equally attractive to Adolf Hitler and the Rothschild Business Roundtable that sponsored him. The roundtable saw in the dialectic a boon to their monopolies by presenting phony communism (antithesis) as bogeyman to capitalism (thesis). The ensuing conflict which manifested in the cold war produced a huge market for arms and oil which their trusts manufactured.''
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
Glenn Greenwald
Feb. 24 2014, 11:25 p.m.