^^these are good points.
well... rather, one of them is a good point. The political/economic advantage to discredit a real global warming far outweigh the political/economic advantage to create one as a lie.
However, it really doesn't take a massive scientific conspiracy to make something like this happen. There are tons of scientific articles published, and... quite frankly, no one is going to care about random other articles outside of their field. Or at least, if they do care enough to read them, they certainly don't care enough to re-check the all the statistics and things themselves. Everyone's busy with their own research, anyway.
Without lots of people checking them, though, there's a pretty good bit to gain as an individual. If you're the scientist who proved that manmade-CO2 emissions were leading to a global apocalypse, and your findings changed the world's emissions policies and led to a safer future (of course, no one could tell what would have happened, so if everyone is convinced you averted disaster, then it's as good as if you really had, for the purposes of recognition/fame/etc), you can bet there's at least a Nobel prize in it for you.
tbh, though, most of the argument I've seen over global warming is done by politicians, and not scientists. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever actually heard a scientist say CO2 emissions were heating the planet up. Granted, I wouldn't have heard much about it, since I'm a physics major and take classes on unrelated topics from Physics professors, but the times that it has come up (talking about major sources of energy, for instance), they've made brief reference to "our carbon footprint" and then moved on without mentioning the climate at all. It could be that they thought it was so obvious that everyone knew what they meant, but it could also be that they just weren't sure about it themselves, and didn't want to say something they couldn't back up.
Still, I've heard a lot more from politicians than scientists on the subject.... and a politician's benefits for such a thing are pretty obvious. Having a "looming threat" you're fighting off (manbearpig!) to seem important, redirecting everyone's attention away from your other power-grabbing policies, etc.
*shrugs*, ok, sorry polaris. I'm in college atm, and I'm consistently baffled by unscientific stories (usually told to us by professors about colleagues... except that most of them do it a little bit) about different peoples' research. I think I left a few of those stories somewhere on this forum... but dunno if I could find em, and I don't have time at all to type them up again (I shouldn't be anywhere near this forum right now, for at least a week). I've never known a physicist, at least, who takes themselves, as scientists, so "seriously" as you did. I do know the Chemists are a little more uptight/have a higher opinion of what they're doing, and the biologists even more so (not sure about doctors/dentists, but they would probably fit in here), but it's most often high school students who are looking forward to going to college in some science field who view it as "pure" as you do.