Lost until Found
You needn't do so. All I ask is that people take something from my overly uptight criticisms.
But it's true. It's no overly uptight, you spoke a fact. And that fact showed that I didn't think in a basic math 1 level. it's emberrasing. Also I did not know your tone as this is over the internet and so didn't know if you were teasing me nicely or meanly.
PS: Wana know a secret I heard? ENFPs put emotioncons in there text Because we get emotional and don't want others hurting us. That is the truth, it's not about them (not hurting their feelings), it's about us (not getting our feelings hurt).
Same goes with the whole loving everyone. We try to love everyone because we want them to love us (so that we can be loved). We want to be loved because we can't stand thinking we arn't (low self-esteem?). But that's just a theory.