I feel shocked to see some of the answers that were given to tdono17 here. Indeed, he came to explain that he was feeling desperate because of real troubles in the world that does not offer him a reasonable chance to find his way.
So he was coming here in hope to find like-minded people able to understand him, and maybe offer some effective guidance.
He really was in need of something like a
University of INTPia, and not only made of cold links to online courses but also of seriously thoughtful people to talk with.
And then people came here and just did not pay attention to the existence of any problem at all, but just to claim that there should not be any problem, no point to complain, everything ok, not even a need of any help.
What I feel (or interpret) of these answers, is that they were rude to him (I mean this is the end result of what he probably got of it, even if it was not intended), assuming all his troubles were his fault; that, as there should not be any problem, so it is wrong to complain and to ask for any help. This way they were just making him guilty of his own experience and of the adverse circumstances he was facing.
Do you really think everything is OK in this world ?
This reminds me of my own experience.
First of course as concerns the school and higher education system which I see as really wrong, and that were such a huge burden to me; with people around first just claiming it was up to me to succeed up to getting the phd for being able to teach maths in my way; then people around pretended all the misfortune that came to me by following this way my fault, it was just up to me to say "no" and build myself out of this nonsense.
Then, with respect to my misfortune in my search for love: people around kept denying the existence of any problem, while I knew my situation was rather desperate, and that my chances to find my love were low. I was right in my fear and pessimism; optimistic people were wrong, but the truth turns out to be indefensible in such a circumstance.
This misunderstanding is based on the fact that many people in this world have no sense of the true or false, but only a sense of the cute vs ugly beliefs or expectations, so that any sense of what's really going wrong is taboo. This biased spirit rules the world, and it's a pity even clever people may be tempted to spread its influence.
More comments on the general features of this very same kind of misunderstanding are
there (especially sections "what is spirituality" and "the cult of the violent social paralysis") as this is a fallacy at the very basis of the success of so many "spiritual teachings".
I guess the whole impression that tdono17 got from this little discussion, is that most people here (other intp) were not ready to understand him, but were just rude and unconcious people like everybody around (non-intps), and did not really have anything to say, any sense of purpose or effective project in life that may be worth to mention and to guide him to, but consider it wrong to seek for any such thing. And this might be the reason why he just left this forum and did not expect anything from here anymore. Then, how could you tell whether he did not commit suicide yet, out of despair to not find anything worth doing in this life or even anybody to care for such a question ?
As for me, I did find things quite worth learning and/or doing in this life, especially in science and how to change the world by software. Indeed, don't you remember,
science is something wonderful, so that it's such a pity that the school system does not give significant clues of it, to such a point that many people are not aware of it. Why did not you suggest this ? Maybe because you don't have or know good enough introductions to science to suggest ? I've dedicated quite a time working to express some of the main scientific concepts in clearer terms.
I'm only desperate to see nobody interested to seriously care about those things that would be so interesting and worth investing oneself in, as I did find. So I'd have been ready to try discussing with him in case some of my suggestions could fit with the kind of things he may have been interested to do (which was not very clearly specified). (I sent him a private message...)