Thanks, Animekitty. I don't remember ever running into issues with any moderator on any INTP forum. It surprised me because much of it seemed random & I would occasionally wonder when "my turn" would happen. I would have regarded an apology or otherwise submissive communication for any punitive moderator action towards me as futile & just move on.
The core issue seemingly remains MBTI themed forum monetization potential which even some Jungian therapists tried out in the early days of internet chat forums as a means to attract well-paying clients impressed by their words & by extension knowledge & experience. Yet so long as the internet continues to evolve as a service to the general public not a discriminatory service as it was originally conceived & the general public continues to live under increasingly recessionary economic conditions to preserve resources for all of humanity hence ultimately inhibit human population expansion specifically, then the internet can only become an increasingly uninteresting opportunity for personal wealth creation regardless of content or even popularity.
Again, I myself foresaw this from the first INTP forum I joined & never regarded anything I offered or anything anyone else offered as worthy of any kind of exploitation. I was always only really interested in objectifying at least a single presumable INTP-categorized item for my own study after being tagged as one & wanting to understand what that meant to maximise my own potential & advance my career. Sure I could have just started a journal but the P in me sought feedback from any like-minded people.
Turns out most other INTPs if really so are seemingly as argumentative & disagreeable as I am. We challenged every assertion even our own. Just as we all have physical uniquenesses to help us distinguish ourselves from others so seemingly were our personalities trying to self-announce distinctions as well in spite of any shared personality traits to render us the same in some way psychologically.
And so to go full circle here, if there is no one here moderating actively & seeking to ban other members in seemingly random fashion as have many other INTP forums, is this then really an INTP forum? Is this place doing its due diligence to attract INTP personality types? And if so but the chat forum style is now too archaic, bland, uninteresting to contemporary INTPers is it the forum's fault or something else, e.g., that Jungian psychology & MBTI have lost relevance or utility?
And if anything, why? Am I the one who is in wrong or faithless? Am I the one lost here now? Sure everything changes. Some things get left behind naturally in the process. Is this INTP limbo here a tell that my very own INTP personality has been "banned" or at least been rendered meaningless by this contemporary world just as the Jungian psychologists discovered in attempting to drum up new clients for their own practices & livelihoods some years ago but failing, enduring online ridicule & accusations of charlatanry and even fraud at their professional credentials nevermind self-worth?
I.e., am I the one who is different now? If I am, did I change long ago or just recently? Am I just asking questions to be lazy & not get any work done? What am I looking for that I think I can find here?
Nah it's all fuckoff time & always has been irreverent fuckoff time for me in all my posts, all my participation in every INTP forum. It's just that I scored highest in P-ness, which I can't help but see being expressed in everything I offer or reflect on after offering.
Maybe it could be called openmindedness which like everything has its advantages & drawbacks, but that may even likely "distort" my other MBTI traits as if gravity's pull, so when I do embrace some judgment or conclusion it comes across as unusually passionate, feeling-driven, as if expressed from my shadow not me.
So there, Jung & MBTI. Your model CAN be used as a muse to compose something seemingly coherent & satisfactory.