So many levels to whether something is hard or easy.
When I was first entering college, English was easy, made A's in writing, reading, all the different aspects of it.
Algebra was hard -I had a block, thought I couldn't get it, so I ended up needing to take algebra three times until I finally got it.
Then I took more advance math, and accounting later, and some programming too. I wasn't a natural at it, but I didn't care if I failed it the first time, I took it again. I had some strange drive to complete a degree no matter what.
But I never took Calculus, it was one of the only classes I was afraid to try, just a few classes short of a computer degree, but Calculus scared me off. So I switched to an accounting degree and that was easier for me than the computer degree.
But hard can mean you need strength in so many categories like...
Physical strength
Spiritual strength
Teachers Ability to Inspire You about a subject
Your desire to study four hours at night for every two hours of class.
How much you want to learn something
If you fail, retake a class until you get it
Adaptability Strength
Perseverance Strength
Purpose Strength
Desire Strength
Whether you are young, old, male, female, nourished, depleted, sick, depressed, healthy, whether you had vitamin b complex and have mental energy to complete something, whether your genetics and brain are up to the task, whether you have family support to help house, feed you while you study, whether you are eating well and feeding your body and brain, whether you are a single parent working full time and going to school full time, or are a single student on your own, or are rich or poor, all those things make a huge difference, whether you have transportation, a pandemic, or a college you actually want to spend time in, and a study place, etc.
Oh, its ALL suffering! The hours you spend listening to lectures by awful teachers when you don't want to be there,
the hell of it all and then you work your life away and does it show? Not even that much. But keep trying, because its one hurdle after another, but you are still worth it, its better than working in a fast food place. Slaves to the system and its kind of a waste to see how hard it really is.