I'm sorry I don't even know where to put this but I'm horribly disturbed and I don't want to go back, but I at least kind of want to talk about it a bit and anonymous forum is the only thing I can think of. I typed in "teen porn" on google images to see what it would bring up and I didn't stay long but I think I can say with some certainty it churns out paedophilic images on the first page results, i don't want to make anyone go and check themselves but is there something one can do, i know they probably have some policy against this but Jesus Christ, how would they even check? I feel sick even posting this, if mods want to delete this thread and conversation can be moved to PM with anyone interested i get it, or move to a different section. Sorry, I just feel sick like I'm faced with the ugliest side of the world possible and I want to faze it out but then again I want to help somehow idk what the fuck man Jesus even if it's not paedophilic but made to look like it it humanity is fucking sick. I guess I just don't want to feel alone right now or something i should talk to someone irl or on the internet