Hello Gloomy O
I like Pina Coloadas but recently I have discovered Cape Cods. It is cranberry juice and vodka. Rum, vodka, and beer (not all at the same time) are ok but I still believe that Tequila is still for crazy people.
If you would, please indulge my curiosity about J type people. Do you really like order and cleanliness like all the literature on MBTI says you do?
I haven't tried some of that~ I'd like to, but in America I'm underaged right now (where I was before I wasn't). I'll have to remember some of those suggestions for future reference, though :B
I think INFJs are a bit different than some other Js when it comes to order and cleanliness. We tend to organize things on a personal level, rather than visual one (unless company is coming over). From the little I've read on that subject, and from personal experience, I believe that we are more prone to ordering things how we would like, i.e. so that we know where things are, but our workspaces, to the naked eye, really are
not the neatest places around.
We also focus on inward organization of mind, thought, and emotion.
But yes, I personally get slightly irate if my balance of order, however bizarre it may seem, is thrown out of whack.