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This thread is an outgrowth of Re: Transhumanist 'party... and I thought it would be better served to bring it over here with a new thread. Agent Intellect has discussed this to a modest extent but that is dormant at present.
For convenience I will comment in blue.
For convenience I will comment in blue.
The problem how to effectively let GR and QM work together is not clearly resolved yet, but one of the main reasons is that quantum field theory is itself very hard to handle anyway. A lot of work had to be done to make quantum electrodynamics, and the problem with gravitation is just one step harder. Still, it is not just plain contradictory. Indeed, there is loop quantum gravity which is a proposal how to reconcile them, but it is a hard subject of study.
I should think there is no surprise they don't work well together as GR deals with the universe as a whole while QM deals with the very small. If gravity at large exerts such as small force relative to other forces, then measuring its influence would be subject to experimental difficulties. At least that is my impression of the issue.
I think it is just a bit cynical and antirational to say that both theories don't logically go together.
Well they certainly seem to go together in this universe of ours.
There is some truth in it of course, but the way it is presented in popular books is, in my sense, grossly exaggerated.
I'd even say the difficulty to reconcile them seems to me rather pointless to mention, and only interests specialists. I don't see the point to worry about this problem of how to reconcile both theories. I see it just as a technical difficulty, while "in spirit" they go together well, through the least action principle.
A reconciliation would be of interest to novice amateurs as myself and the general public as well.
I did not invest myself in the hard part of quantum theory. I just know the basics (non-relativistic theory with hilbert spaces, and some intuitive understanding of the link between quantified fields and feynman diagrams, which provide the wave-particle duality). I don't know enough technical details to even figure out where trouble is with quantum gravity.
I guess we'll have to live with that. I have the equivalent of a Master's Degree in math but never got to Hilbert Spaces or Tensor Analysis really.
Anyway, both theories are wonderful and complementary. And even if someday the problem of reconciliation will be solved, I don't think it will make any difference: people will continue to learn GR and QM the same way, and the solution of how they are indeed compatible, will only interest a few specialists.
I'm so glad you are interested in this field. May I run some questions or comments by you?
In conclusion:
- You did not tell whether you know GR and QM or not
Only from basic popular works. I know enough to ask questions. Asking Qs is what I do.
- The remark that there remains a little problem to solve between them, is rather pointless in this discussion; all it can bring is to serve some sort of religious antiscientific propaganda. It does not substract anything to the wonderful interest in knowing these theories, nor their relevance to the understanding of our universe.
So, to the question "Have you been able to see those two put together? Is that logical?" the right meaningful reply to give is: Have you been able to see what the so-called "logical incompatibility" between GR and QM consist of, in the way specialists did face it ? Were you even aware that it is NOT that QM depended on any assumption of flat space-time, nor that gravitation would be of fundamentally different nature than the other interactions, but it is much more subtle than this ?
If ever you did study this, does it trouble you as for the relevance of these theories ?
I am very much interested in understanding this, at least intuitively. I understand String Theory is only in its infancy and is undergoing change.
Well this is trivial. Nobody could ever learn the currently known laws of physics without going on the way through tons of mathematical models of other sorts of universes with different laws than those of our universe.
You mean the laws of our universe are as arbitrary as the postulates in a mathematical system?