It's been my experience that it has little or nothing to do with functions. Alcohol softens your brain tissue and reduces your inhibitions - so it seems to bring out the parts of yourself that you keep hidden or repressed. I usually repress my emotions when sober and prefer not to say what's on my mind in RL - hence why I become a feeler and sometimes and extrovert when drinking.
It doesn't bring out what isn't there - it brings out the parts you don't usually let people see. In many cases, this is because those qualities are hidden for a good reason. Effectively, it brings out the inner dick that people hide.
I guess, partially true, but I find for me some things are exaggerated. Like, once I remember drunkenly telling my bf we should just start gassing people. And though I can be frustrated with people at times, I certainly do not want to start mass murdering them. Well, maybe.
Also, there are some things I've been vocal about drunk, that I don't care about in my everyday life ("fuck people who don't use their blinkers, we should murder them"). I'd say my feelings and opinions in general tend to be exaggerated or exist where they normally wouldn't.
I have terrible memory and ability to recall what I read. I tend to read some random article about global politics or some sciency things every now and then, but after having read it, I'm only left with an vague idea of what is what about, and even if you asked me straight after what I just read, I would have difficulty telling you in detail.
So generally I tend to avoid talking about such things with people, because I'm very aware of how conspiratory I would sound to others because I can only give a big picture without recalling details and my knowledge is inaccurate. I will also get stuck very easily, because people tend to want these details when they don't believe you or are skeptical or just curious I guess.
Erm, my point is, when I get drunk, I'm not so reluctant about talking about these things anymore... I'd say I become more passionate about """world problems""" or problems in society in general. And I enjoy talking about ideas and hypothesises more.
Other than that, I have more fun with people, I'm more happy, talk more (quantity over quality I'm afraid). Overall just
more enfp, I guess