I'm separating my questions from my response to said questions. Let's get this one started.
The purpose of online communities are for people with similar interests to come together and have fun. Whether it be by having engaging conversations on the complex issues of the world, playing an online chess match, or just talking about something interesting in a hobby.
The purpose of a blog, Is to have a personal podium to vent your opinions, or day to day problems to any passerby who cares to listen. You are the subject. The point of importance. The ruler of the kingdom. In blogs, people gather to read what you say, and can respond accordingly.
Here is where things get kinky: A forum is about a common interest, and gathering like minded individuals to talk about that subject and any other subjects that it feels to engage. A blog is the person's venting box, to launch out his/her opinions out to the world. The community is the vortex of a forum, not the individual. In respect, a blog is not a community. Well, it's a community of like minded friends, but it is centered around you.
What is free game in an online forum is up to whatever the founders, or people who have been appointed as leaders of the community decide it is, and not every single individual within the group. What is free game in a blog, is whatever the blogger/live journalist decides it is. The individual is king in his own blog. (Save the contract agreed upon when creating said blog).
However, i created this thread to note that i've been observing more and more users who seem to be using forums, as a blog, to vent about irrelevant personal issues. Asking for advice is fine, and i'm never against that, but there seems to be this growing narcissism across the web, where every single opinion and personal angst is a precious diamond (which are overpriced to begin with), and it can't be counter-argued, in a community.
...Do you think the various internet mediums are bleeding into each other? Can there be enough structure in online communities, to prevent internet anarchy within the community?