I like nerdy-looking glasses when women wear them. Heck, even when men wear them I think it looks really cool. I also like feet, but who doesn't, amirite?
I've heard of different theories on fetishes. I think it's more nurture than nature, but there may be innate predispositions to certain fetishes. I know that abuse, particularly during early childhood can cause them. But so can relatively benign experiences during that time or later. People are sexual by nature and are capable of associating almost anything with sexual desire, given the right conditions. Memes of attractiveness throughout a culture often function as fetishes, it seems. An entire culture or subculture may sexualize a particular characteristic of the body, dress, or personality. This meme then spreads and conditions generations of people to associate otherwise nonsexual* stimuli with sex/lust/romance/etc.. People don't have to subscribe but they will tend to.
Also, people, as far as troll-drama goes, a supposed enemy wins when you allow them to permeate your perceptions to you point where you lose enjoyment in favor of paranoid suspicion (though I'll admit that such can be enjoyable for an INTP, so carry on if you like)
* I suppose this means anything not related to genitals or secondary sexual characteristics. Still, one could argue that nothing is inherently "nonsexual" since, from an evolutionary psychology standpoint, almost any characteristic could signal some aspect of evolutionary fitness, especially when you factor in the roles characteristics play in a given culture. For example, a "clean cut" man is often attractive because it suggests he's more business-oriented an thus more financially successful. But in other cultures it may suggest totally different things.