It's a mental barrier. I think it makes sense to try to control this fear. As it would make you less of a tool. The government would have to put in more effort if wrong decisions would mean that the whole population would suicide. This fear is created because you value something. Could be possessions, your mind, family, your car etc. The stronger your attachments the stronger the fear. Often it's not suicide one fear, more likely what one will lose, and not one's life, but one's possessions, one's life work, the meaninglessness. I think those who get executed, if they are to do that calmly must go through a purifying process at the last moment. Not much of a fan of the emotionally upset suicides, typical teenage hormone imbalance. But like the monks who set fire on themselves, that I think is impressive. I think it makes sense to work out this fear, if one can, as it can make one more content with what one have, achieve more serenity in one's life. And not attach oneself to materialism that was never yours to own in the first place.
I think if you manage to live more free, fear of suicide won't plague you. To illustrate this I noticed at the farm, that newborns will roam freely. But once it's lived in a bordered stall for a while. It gets attached to this place, and terrified of stepping outside if you open the door. They may even hurt themselves to resist going out to freedom. I tend to be utterly fascinated by this, and it's generally similar. But some are more affected then others. Some will start to boss around. And a community is formed. When we mix in another calf. There is a huge commotion with bullying/excitement/disruption of the newcomer. But after a few days it's settled, and a new reality is formed. But it's clear that familiarity creates attachment. And no matter how good or bad this is, braking that bond comes difficult. Braking the bond to one's life should be the most difficult if it comes to this. As it is the ownership one have that is of the highest authority. And probably also what creates the most sound barriers, as it's always been there creating definitions, limitations. I doubt suicide is the answer, but neither is the fear of it.