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fallen angel who hasn't earned his wings
Local time
Today 1:32 AM
Oct 8, 2013
I know I have fucked up my entire life, but let me express myself about it once more. I cannot seem to do anything that makes any money, I don't trust anyone about anything, and so I am both alone and without the means to be alone. I seem to always have a breaking point that sends me down paths that keep me away from success in anything. I don't feel satisfaction from anything. It always seems hollow or unjustified. I have served as a listening ear for so many people, and have stood up for them, but the reciprocation is terrible. Even when they try to reciprocate, I don't trust them enough to tell them how I really feel about things.

Black Rose

An unbreakable bond
Local time
Today 12:32 AM
Apr 4, 2010
with mama
If its a roommate problem to afford an apartment but you cannot find people who are honest people then i would say that it's a social network thing. It is hard to find people if you are not good with people. you might want to try some self improvement in how to deal with people. Many INTP's before said that people were their biggest problem. Try finding those people who reciprocated and maybe anyone who was nice to you in the past. For business like deals look at all the reasons for successes and failures. I am sure you made it halfway to a key point that broke the plan. That point is the big issue and may be the social issue again. Make plans without linchpins.


Local time
Today 7:32 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I know I have fucked up my entire life, but let me express myself about it once more. I cannot seem to do anything that makes any money, I don't trust anyone about anything, and so I am both alone and without the means to be alone. I seem to always have a breaking point that sends me down paths that keep me away from success in anything. I don't feel satisfaction from anything. It always seems hollow or unjustified. I have served as a listening ear for so many people, and have stood up for them, but the reciprocation is terrible. Even when they try to reciprocate, I don't trust them enough to tell them how I really feel about things.

Uh, you just summed up my life.


Active Member
Local time
Today 9:32 AM
Apr 12, 2014
Can't say I'm in better shoes, just want to tell you that I feel you. Keep a lookout for hope, never know when it might hit you. Hope dies last.


angry insecure male
Local time
Today 8:32 AM
Jul 18, 2015
My own personal little model of failure is this: there seems to be 3 types of people in terms of how they react to failure:
1: identify with the failure, say "since I failed, I suck at this (or suck in general)". This seems to be the most common one.
2: deny the failure, blame it on external factors, claim that one did everything right but that circumstances and/or people ruined your results. This is probably the most dangerous one -- it denies you the possibility of seeing reality and taking the steps to improve.
3: Accept the failure, but instead of identifying with it, look at what actions one took leading up to the failure, what should be improved, what one can learn from the failure etc

It seems that most people are in 1, the worst losers are in 2, and people who succeed are usually in 3.


Local time
Today 7:32 AM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
You should meet me man, kt seems im the ultimate psychology friend for the voiceless, dunno how but people like you find me really cool, I find them interesting too. Weird.


Local time
Today 2:32 AM
Mar 7, 2015
I keep trying and failing every single important thing.
Commit, commit till success.
Don't expect nothing from the people around you, in the worst case, not even from your beloved ones. Life isn't fair, you will not get a fair trait just because you deserve it. A lot of people deserve the best, the best life, the best job, the best wife and children, but they don't have it either.
Focus on who you are and what do you want to achieve. Make goals, set you priorities.
And make the great bet on it.
You may fail, reflex, adjust. Retry.
Keep trying till sucess.

Also it sounds like you've built a shell, a wall that keeps you safe, safe from too much intimacy.
Why do you have to let in people you don't want to?
But there might be some persons or someone you trust, identify those relationships where you feel
comfortable, those that call you to grow. Feed them.

I always say: you don't have to do it if you don't want to. But you must do what you really want.



Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 2:32 AM
Mar 31, 2015


fallen angel who hasn't earned his wings
Local time
Today 1:32 AM
Oct 8, 2013
Thank you for your encouragement. The areas in which I struggle are in trying to find my own source of income, finding someone who can truly sympathize with me, and finding a part of myself that people truly appreciate. When you have felt weird your entire life and your strengths have been simply exploited by others, then you feel like everything about yourself is only to be used and thrown away. I also have anger issues associated with it. My shell has been well-developed, but it is starting to weigh me down and take too much energy. I just feel like I have tried and failed so many times that I am not fit for anything.


irony based lifeform
Local time
Today 6:32 PM
Jun 10, 2012
69S 69E
The areas in which I struggle are in trying to find my own source of income, finding someone who can truly sympathize with me, and finding a part of myself that people truly appreciate.

Sounds like what a lot of people struggle with. Maybe that's depressing in itself, but you're definitely not alone.

Life is pretty much a weird conglomeration of failures that people eventually duct tape together to resemble some fucked up version of success. As long as you're either willing to keep adapting or determined enough to force adaptation, you're never truly "lost".


Local time
Today 2:32 AM
Mar 7, 2015
It ain't easy to swim against the stream, but we need to understand that very sporadically appears some unique people who are not destined to live a normal life, with normal friends, and normal families.
Maybe the reason you don't fit is that you're not destined to fit. You have potencial for some better things than just fitting. The question is: will you?

I don't know how you exactly handle your relationships, but maybe take your time, go to your rhythm? Those who love you will keep your rhythm as well.

It might seem tricky to remain awake, but once you've opened your eyes it's hard to remain indifferent to the world opening to you. It's like when you learn to summarize, then you learn to multiply. At that point you can't say you can't summarize.
There's no way back!.
The person who is really tired of trying doesn't even bother to moan, just let's himself die.

...sorry, I'm way too inspired. :v
But something like that happened to me the last year.
I found myself son lost in trying to please everyone, betting for everyone except for me, expecting them to support me at some point. Funny thing they just ended up hating me.
It is beautiful when you finally stop giving a f**k about fitting, take the risk of being you and being responsible of your decisions. *.*


Ok, enough!
Good luck.
I hope you find your path.

Ex-User (9086)

Prolific Member
Local time
Today 7:32 AM
Nov 21, 2013
I know I have fucked up my entire life
You're exaggerating, unless you know for sure you are going mad or dying in a few days.

There's always hope and ways to start climbing from the bottom.

I, having failed in life numerous, or perhaps innumerable times myself, can only say that life is a mixture of multiple failed moments, avenues that one ceases to explore, few successful ones that one was determined enough to see to the end and a large number of unpredictable good opportunities dragging one in some uncontrollable direction if only one was willing to follow them without surrendering to their own misery.


pat pat
Local time
Today 8:32 AM
Jan 1, 2009
kfjdkjfdaksjfksj another (text) wall of death. Not sure if I should post this or not, but I guess if there's a chance someone would find anything of interest in it or something...


Difficult to give input with limited information, and maybe you just want to vent and find people who share your experience. If so, feel free to disregard following (I kinda suck at giving out sympathy and such).

Do you have any physical (neurological) or psychiatric illnesses? (semi-rhetorical question, you don't need to answer this).
Mapping these out would probably be essential to get to the root of things and more easily recognize where things go wrong and be better able to recognize when feelings are building up before they reach a critical point to where everything collapses.

I've been depressed for some 15 years and did manage to crawl out of it. Of course it might not be possible for anyone in any situation, but it did make me realize to what extent one can shape oneself to become something that is more helpful to oneself. I'm still not in an ideal situation, I've been unable to keep jobs and going into education. My autism causes a few problems, I usually think of myself as about 1/3 retarded (though becoming aware of it does help me improve in some areas). There's also the frustrations with society, people and myself etc etc. So I do know the feels. Err, not meaning the feels are identical or of same severity.

I find that for me I have to bend negative thoughts that lead to negative feel in such a way that leaves it neutral or positive or leave a problem possible to solve at some point (not necessarily right now, but perhaps in 5 years time). Sometimes the conclusions that arise from this will seem naive to other people, possibly because of how I write/ speak (my thought to verbal/ written form isn't as precise and clear as it could be, I see things very visually mapped out and I do think I tend to come off as dumber than I am, in a way. Or maybe just difficulter to understand).

But D-: they are the result of thinking things over from multiple perspectives and settle for something that understand a negative (terms negative and positive used in a simplified manner) reality, but makes a neutral, accepting or positive spin from it. I think what changed for me was the realization of how useless depression was. It didn't solve any problems, it only made me feel like crap. So instead of being a failure who was depressed, why couldn't I be a failure who was non-depressed and who might even feel some positive feels every now and then? For me the obvious answer was the latter would obviously be a better way to be a failure, at least I wouldn't feel bad and like shit all the time.

I guess people who get out of depression have similar moments of realization. But these types of realizations are difficult to convey to others. To the depressed they will often seem dismissive, naive, non-understanding. Even if the notion is understood, the experience behind is not. And without the experience one lacks an aspect that gives the wholer perspective and understanding. Sometimes this is a subtle lack of perspective, other times it is a gaping one. In the topic of depression, it's probably more in the shape of subtle. But generally the non-depressed is unable to convey their message in a way that can be absorbed and copied to the depressed's mentality to help them get out of depression. So usually the depressed feel even worse for not being able to adhere to the non-depressed.

For me, I started the change by accepting everything. I accepted my situation, I accepted my shortcomings, I accepted that some people suck etc. This made me even sadder for a while, but eventually the acceptance started to sink in. My situation sucked, but that was ok. It didn't need to not suck. And when I screwed up, I thought "I screwed up and it's ok". I became less angry with myself when not being able to live up to what I wanted to be. I do try to have a somewhat realistic perspective of myself, but ofc it can be difficult to judge certain aspects of myself. I do also acknowledge there are some things I might be good at.

For me this made me more able to start focusing on how I could work with things, change them and do them differently. It made me more able to look for solutions and look to a future where I'd hopefully be able to change some things about my present situation. I became more at peace, and feel more at peace now and more often than I have my entire life. My emotions and thoughts are also more robust.

I do still notice tendencies to what made me depressed in the first place, so I do have to actively bend my thoughts still. It also didn't happen over night, it took months to get to where I am today. Though, depending on how you view it, you could say it took years, as I had processed a lot of crappy things from the past before the realization.

So yea, not saying it works like this for everyone, or that it's an easy or doable thing for everybody. I don't know anything about your situation, so. Point merely is that maybe some underestimate their potential for mental fluidity.

One self defeating, self defense mechanism related to depression is the idea that if you are able to get out of it, it means your problems were never severe enough to be depressed about in the first place. You can see this when a former-depressed tries to convey their experience to the depressed. The depressed will react with how the former-depressed doesn't know how it feels, that it's not so simple etc. It's a reaction to protect the ego, it thinks that if you admit it's possible to get out and change, that means your problems are minor or not important. Just a side note observation from other places, not saying it applies to anybody here.

Though one response is also admitting one should be able to do something then feel even worse for not being able to. But this is a very "it must be success right now, right here mentality". Change takes time.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 2:32 AM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Sometimes circumstances need to change - or you need to change your circumstances, your environment.

History is filled with examples of people who were not much until circumstances changed around them, then they blossomed. I'll give you Ulysses Grant, who I strongly suspect was INTP, as an example. He almost washed out of West Point, he had no joy as an officer in the peacetime army, he failed at every business he tried, he lacked all faith in himself, and he was pretty much working in his father-in-law's store when the Civil War began. He volunteered, was appointed to a colonelcy, and immediately found himself in an environment where his knowledge of how armys functioned, coupled with his grasp of broad concepts, his ability to dispassionately analyze the reality of any situation he faced, and his ability to delegate the pesky details to subordinates rapidly produced positive results. He became a national hero. (He's commonly regarded as someone with an alcohol problem, but his pattern seems to be that of an INTP who regularly overindulges when bored. He had subordinates who actually grasped that, and kept him straight during the long periods of inactivity that went with mid-1800s military campaigning.) His memoirs are not at all what you'd expect, and are worth a read (Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain was his editor and, I suspect, somewhat of a ghost writer.) http://www.gutenberg.org/files/4367/4367-h/4367-h.htm

We have an advantage over those like Grant: We can see what happened. what changed, that gave them an opportunity to make their lives meaningful. We don't need to wait passively for something to happen to make our personalities thrive, we can change our own circumstances. Without knowing your environment, family situation or anything else, nobody here can give you specific advice on that. But if you're single, no dependents, you really are free to make whatever changes in, for instance, location, that you might want to try. Or circumstances: Any nonprofits hiring for low pay for overseas charity work? Does the Peace Corps still exist? Stuff like that breaks you out of your box and a changed perspective is sometimes like fertilizer on a garden, it grows like crazy.

My main advice, however, is to have patience with yourself. That was the hardest part for me.

Hope this helps.


caffeine fiend
Local time
Today 8:32 AM
Apr 21, 2014
I know I have fucked up my entire life
At least you have the energy to post about it whereas i can't be arsed to even think about my issues anymore, i just avoid them. I'm too meek for this society.


fallen angel who hasn't earned his wings
Local time
Today 1:32 AM
Oct 8, 2013
Lincoln and Grant were in many ways opposites of character, yet are both probable INTPs who saved the United States from destruction and slavery.


Magos Biologis
Local time
Today 3:32 PM
Feb 3, 2012
Probably one of my greatest motivations to improve is having people under me to look after. I may be quite lenient on improving myself but it's different for the people that I'm leading.

It's probably why I prefer that homeless people have pets with them. They will give up hope if they only have to watch out for themselves. However, they at least have some motivation to get their shit together since I think they don't have the heart to let an innocent puppy/kitten/velociraptor die because they're careless.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 2:32 AM
Mar 31, 2015
Thank you for your encouragement. The areas in which I struggle are in trying to find my own source of income, finding someone who can truly sympathize with me, and finding a part of myself that people truly appreciate. When you have felt weird your entire life and your strengths have been simply exploited by others, then you feel like everything about yourself is only to be used and thrown away. I also have anger issues associated with it. My shell has been well-developed, but it is starting to weigh me down and take too much energy. I just feel like I have tried and failed so many times that I am not fit for anything.

I took a few days to think about this...and I can relate to the parts that are underlined. I don't get the bolded part. Maybe it relates in your case to other people taking advantage of you.

I'm going to propose a theory here that may be of interest:

Indulging the inferior function leads to life failure.

What I've discovered is that happiness, peace of mind, and fulfillment only come from applying yourself towards a single aim while making use of your dominant function, whether that be doing homework in school, completing projects on the job, or even just getting errands done.

If you feel like a failure (which I certainly do in many ways), it's likely you're not making use of your dominant enough. I never would have thought doing calculus or computer science or programming intensively for several hours could ever act like a psychological balm that soothes and pacifies, and also brings with it a deep sense of fulfillment and inner peace...

That said, I have to white-knuckle it at the beginning of every day. I don't look forward to doing math or programming when I wake up in the morning, but once I start, time flies, I experience "flow", and all the negativity, anger, and frustration just dissipates. Incidentally, I better get back to work, because writing posts on INTPf is my inferior acting out and steering me away from what I really should be doing to feel happy...my work.


Local time
Today 7:32 AM
Oct 15, 2015
I went through a similar experience awhile back. Met with a therapist and I found out that something in the environment had triggered a traumatic event, leading to my confusion about my present circumstances, which obviously clouded my perspective and therefore led to more frustrations. I am wondering if you are in a similar situation-- I felt high levels of anxiety and stress. Either way, it might help to have a therapist talk to you in dealing with your heavy emotions in a confidential setting. My therapist specialized in mindfulness (no pill popping).

The most useful skill I learned was mindfulness meditation. But I am an INxJ-- Mindfulness only helps me in listening to my "gut feelings" without interference. Not sure if it would hold up as well in your case, though I'd imagine that it might. Since you are more aware of your surroundings when mindful, you would be living in the present and not always making connections and inferences to unpleasant things from the past. Also, it wouldn't hurt to use a bit more of the judging function and strategically coming up with a way to execute ideas. And look on the bright side by rephrasing current circumstances.

Failure can be very difficult to deal with for anyone. I'm not sure if my previous suggestions were at all helpful to you, so all I can really offer are my condolences. I know it sounds very cliche, but the most successful individuals are those who display resilience and grit-- All those quotes about how it's not whether or not if you ever 'fall' but how you get back up and etc. etc. are true.
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