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a scream in a vortex
Local time
Today 8:23 AM
Aug 16, 2011
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"I keep my belongings in their proper place"
Yes, on the floor.

"I am very attentive to deadlines "
Yes, i can't get going until after the deadline has passed - frozen in fear.

"I get a thrill out of meeting new people "
In deed, it's terrifying.


my highest are INFP 67, INTP 64, ISFP 60, ISTP 57, INFJ 56, ENFP 54, INTJ 53

my lowest are ESTJ 32, ESFJ 35, ENTJ 40, ENFJ and ESTP 43

90+% Agreeable Conceptual Progressive Insightful
80+% Placid Easygoing Aloof Solitary
70+% Private Calm Tolerant Relaxed Spontaneous
60+% Expressive Imaginative Aesthetic Compassionate Interdependent
Local time
Today 1:23 AM
Dec 29, 2016
I think they call it Earth
Don't really feel like going through and analyzing this whole test -took too much of my time anyhow. copy/pasted for whoever wants to read it. Only thing I strongly disagree on is the disciplined thing. Probably because, I said I don't act on impulse all of a sudden I'm disciplined. I just try to think first about that impulse and ask myself "how much trouble COULD this POSSIBLY get me in?" and then I do it or I don't. not necessarily disciplined because most the time I know I shouldn't do it but I do it for the lols
60.81% INTP (The architect)
59.81% ENTP (The visionary)
54.95% ISTP (The craftsman)
54.48% INTJ (The mastermind)
53.95% ESTP (The dynamo)
53.48% ENTJ (The commander)
52.38% INFP (The healer)
51.38% ENFP (The champion)
48.62% ISTJ (The inspector)
47.62% ESTJ (The supervisor)
46.52% ISFP (The composer)
46.05% INFJ (The counselor)
45.52% ESFP (The performer)
45.05% ENFJ (The teacher)
40.19% ISFJ (the protector)
39.19% ESFJ (The provider)
Energetic 64%
You have a high energy level and like to keep busy. You tend to leap out of bed in the morning and buzz from one activity to another. You have a lot of things you want to get done and often find that other people can't keep up.
This trait is usually associated with Extraversion and, to a lesser extent, with Judging.
• Expressive
Expressive 60%
When you have a thought, a feeling, an idea or an observation, the people around you know it. You're not one to keep things to yourself, and most people would say you're an open book.
This trait is usually associated with Extraversion and, to a lesser extent, with Thinking.
• Prominent
Prominent 52%
You love being around people, in the center of the action. You like to feel that you’re an important part of the group and that your friends, family, and acquaintance seek your company. You tend to make an effort to entertain others and enjoy their attention.
This trait is usually associated with Extraversion.
• Joyful
Joyful 60%
When good things happen to you, you feel it completely. You’re capable of tremendous joy and enthusiasm and you make the most of the high points in life.
This trait is usually associated with Extraversion.
• Friendly
Friendly 64%
You love meeting new people, and you’re far from shy when it comes to approaching someone. You’re a master of small talk and finding things in common, and you like having a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
This trait is usually associated with Extraversion.
• Solitary
Solitary 64%
You’re highly sensitive to sights, sounds, and other stimuli from the world around you, and often find busy environments overwhelming. Most of the time, you prefer quiet and solitude. Where others may seek to be in the middle of the action, you’d rather find a tranquil corner where you can reflect.
This trait is usually associated with Introversion.
• Imaginative
Imaginative 72%
You have an abstract way of thinking and tend to focus on ideas, concepts, and theories rather than concrete things.
This trait is usually associated with Intuition.
• Conceptual
Conceptual 80%
You’re interested in discovering the larger principles behind what you see, and enjoy learning about scientific, mathematical, and philosophical theories that can give you more insight into the events you observe in your daily life.
This trait is usually associated with Intuition.
• Progressive
Progressive 64%
You love new ideas and you feel that innovation and futuristic thinking is the key to making the world a better place. You’re attracted to politicians with radical ideas and love to imagine how things could be done better.
This trait is usually associated with Intuition.
• Insightful
Insightful 84%
You enjoy exploring cause and effect, and always ask “why.” You’re not content to accept things as they are, instead preferring to search for deeper answers and a sense of the big picture.
This trait is usually associated with Intuition.
• Aesthetic
Aesthetic 72%
You have a love of the arts and appreciate a wide variety of cultural experiences. You enjoy anything that elevates your sense and reminds you of the beauty in the world.
This trait is usually associated with Intuition and, to a lesser extent, with Feeling.
• Adventurous
Adventurous 60%
You love new experiences; the more exotic, the better. You’re often willing to try things just for the sake of novelty, because even the most unlikely activities seem interesting once or twice. On the other hand, you may get bored with experiences as they become routine. You may find yourself abandoning hobbies and interests that begin to feel too familiar.
This trait is usually associated with Intuition and, to a lesser extent, with Extraversion.
• Objective
Objective 84%
You are a logical person who tends to evaluate information objectively. You tend not to be swayed by personal pleas, and believe that the best decisions treat everyone equally. You prefer to let impartial analysis guide your actions, and do your best to avoid emotional decisions.
This trait is usually associated with Thinking.
• Rational
Rational 64%
You tend to keep a stiff upper lip and prefer to be around people who do the same. Emotions and vulnerability may make you uncomfortable, and you may avoid people who you perceive to be weak or overly sensitive.
This trait is usually associated with Thinking.
• Challenging
Challenging 64%
You enjoy a good debate, so much so that even when you agree with someone, you’ll often play devil’s advocate just to stimulate the discussion. You don’t shy away from conflict, and you may even find it invigorating.
This trait is usually associated with Thinking.
• Helpful
Helpful 56%
You feel called to care for others who are less fortunate or less capable than yourself. You enjoy providing for others and are often drawn to children, the elderly, and others who can benefit from your help.
This trait is usually associated with Feeling.
• Self-Reliant
Self-Reliant 68%
You prefer not to depend on other people, and don't mind striking out on your own path. Although you may enjoy the company of others (then again, you may not) you don't need their approval to decide on your own course of action.
This trait is usually associated with Thinking.
• Tolerant
Tolerant 56%
You believe that everybody makes mistakes, and everybody deserves forgiveness. Most often you give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they do something to hurt you. It’s important to you to preserve your relationships, even if it requires you to forgive and forget.
This trait is usually associated with Feeling.
• Relaxed
Relaxed 72%
You appreciate a little chaos in your life. You dislike very orderly, structured environments, feeling that life is more interesting when things are a little messy.
This trait is usually associated with Perceiving.
• Spontaneous
Spontaneous 60%
You dislike having your time scheduled, preferring instead to go with the flow and do what you feel like doing at any given time. For you, even fun events feel a bit constricting when they must be planned in advance.
This trait is usually associated with Perceiving.
• Casual
Casual 68%
You’re a fun-loving person who feels life is to be enjoyed. You try your best to avoid taking on too many responsibilities which may get in the way of your enjoyment of life. You don’t always get your chores done, but you usually have a good time avoiding them.
This trait is usually associated with Perceiving.
• Disciplined
Disciplined 60%
You resist temptations and distractions, focusing instead on your personal goals. You are not easily lured away from your plans, even when the alternatives are attractive.
This trait is usually associated with Judging.
• Ambitious
Ambitious 64%
You would describe yourself as ambitious, and you have many goals that you have set for yourself. You like to have a sense that your current actions are moving you forward toward a better future.
This trait is usually associated with Judging and, to a lesser extent, with Extraversion and Intuition.
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