What on earth can feelers do against thinkers in a war? Charm them to death?
Dude, we're never gonna kill a single feeler. We won't have to. We'll simply destroy their society from the inside, starting with infusing their curricula and academic institutions with all kinds of fucked-up ideas like Marxism, feminism, "equality", etc. Feelers are gonna be suckers for this stuff.What on earth can feelers do against thinkers in a war? Charm them to death?
Although this is kinda glorifying war, which I don't particularly like, I did get a chuckle out of this.
As stated, it really depends on if the killing is personal or not irt T/F killing someone. T's can kill in a dispassionate way and I'd argue that a lot of serial killers were probably Ts. I think a better metric to go by in terms of killing is Agreeableness from Big 5 in which case, the lower the agreeableness score, the more likely they are to kill someone. Why? Because highly agreeable people avoid conflict and disagreeable people like conflict.
Dude, we're never gonna kill a single feeler. We won't have to. We'll simply destroy their society from the inside, starting with infusing their curricula and academic institutions with all kinds of fucked-up ideas like Marxism, feminism, "equality", etc. Feelers are gonna be suckers for this stuff.What on earth can feelers do against thinkers in a war? Charm them to death?
Although this is kinda glorifying war, which I don't particularly like, I did get a chuckle out of this.
As stated, it really depends on if the killing is personal or not irt T/F killing someone. T's can kill in a dispassionate way and I'd argue that a lot of serial killers were probably Ts. I think a better metric to go by in terms of killing is Agreeableness from Big 5 in which case, the lower the agreeableness score, the more likely they are to kill someone. Why? Because highly agreeable people avoid conflict and disagreeable people like conflict.
The problem for most people is not that they choose their values based on feelings. It's rather that they don't have any values at all and choose actions based on feelings – resorting to use their rationality to validate their actions post-hoc. That's quite different from saying: I carefully choose certain values based on my sense of aesthetics or feelings, and then consistently live by those values even when I don't feel like it.Depends on what you imagine t vs f would be like. Even people who want to and consider themselves rational have their values based in feelings. Meaning, the need or want to have "logical" values is a personal preference and an emotional choice. There's no truth being logical is the true truth, it's the personal preference of an individual.
Erm, a bit clumsily said, but if you value logical consistency, that's your personal preference, not a objective truth. It's what you want to be true and it's what you want to prioritize when forming your values. You are just as much as slave as to your preference when choosing values as those who choose based on "feelings"
Oh, this might be misunderstandable. I'm not saying there doesn't exist some objective truths, I'm saying your value system is not objective. There being objective truths doesn't dictate what our values "should" be, is what I'm saying.
The problem for most people is not that they choose their values based on feelings. It's rather that they don't have any values at all and choose actions based on feelings – resorting to use their rationality to validate their actions post-hoc. That's quite different from saying: I carefully choose certain values based on my sense of aesthetics or feelings, and then consistently live by those values even when I don't feel like it.Depends on what you imagine t vs f would be like. Even people who want to and consider themselves rational have their values based in feelings. Meaning, the need or want to have "logical" values is a personal preference and an emotional choice. There's no truth being logical is the true truth, it's the personal preference of an individual.
Erm, a bit clumsily said, but if you value logical consistency, that's your personal preference, not a objective truth. It's what you want to be true and it's what you want to prioritize when forming your values. You are just as much as slave as to your preference when choosing values as those who choose based on "feelings"
Oh, this might be misunderstandable. I'm not saying there doesn't exist some objective truths, I'm saying your value system is not objective. There being objective truths doesn't dictate what our values "should" be, is what I'm saying.
The problem for most people is not that they choose their values based on feelings. It's rather that they don't have any values at all and choose actions based on feelings – resorting to use their rationality to validate their actions post-hoc. That's quite different from saying: I carefully choose certain values based on my sense of aesthetics or feelings, and then consistently live by those values even when I don't feel like it.
Indeed. Most people don't actually use their values as a compass as they should. I know I generally don't and it's a weakness I have. Don't get me wrong, I'm not very temperamental/sentimental at all, meaning, I don't really do "rash" actions. It's just that I don't actually have a very good grasp of my values as a whole. It's mostly because I never really stop to think about what my values are. I guess honesty would be one... Basically, I'd say the list is pretty short.
Well, that's not really values. That's just impulses. And these impulses change based on circumstances and various stimuli.I'm uncertain what you mean when people don't have values. The way I see it most people have values, even though they might not always consider them thoroughly, or understand where they come from. A lot of values come from feelings based on experience and an unconscious understanding of what they think should or should not be, but are values none the less.
Well, that's not really values. That's just impulses. And these impulses change based on circumstances and various stimuli.
Well, if, say, in one instance I shame someone for lying, and then in the next instance I lie to someone myself, do I have any values? I would say no, I just pick actions as I see fit based on circumstances.Well, that's not really values. That's just impulses. And these impulses change based on circumstances and various stimuli.
What is the difference between impulses and values in this case?
Sometimes values can change easily when people actually consider where their values come from. Doesn't mean their flimsy opinions weren't values.
Well, if, say, in one instance I shame someone for lying, and then in the next instance I lie to someone myself, do I have any values? I would say no, I just pick actions as I see fit based on circumstances.
I see values as axioms. Obviously one can change one's axioms, but that must be a conscious and rigorous process.
Indeed. Most people don't actually use their values as a compass as they should. I know I generally don't and it's a weakness I have. Don't get me wrong, I'm not very temperamental/sentimental at all, meaning, I don't really do "rash" actions. It's just that I don't actually have a very good grasp of my values as a whole. It's mostly because I never really stop to think about what my values are. I guess honesty would be one... Basically, I'd say the list is pretty short.
So, I guess this might come down to semantics. What is a value. Obviously you have some reactions to whatever you read or experience, but if you stop yourself from deciding to have an opinion, does that mean you don't have values? Or do you have some bias towards some elements, but decide not to settle on them? If pushed, I think it's hard not to have any type of response or opinion. So is it a thing where you remain undecided due to various factors, or is it that you are unable or unwilling to form values?
Also, you say people don't use their values as a compass. But that's exactly it. When people disregard what is considered "good" values, they are showing what their values are. They value their well being and interests above others. That is a value, that is what they value. If being passive or remain opinionless is their value, that's what they'll stick to. It's their preference. It's still a result of their personal preference of what they want to prioritize.