tbh I never experience suffering. I don't really understand what everyone is whining and crying about.
I'm justing flowing through life like liquid.
TLDR: life is hard, and its even harder for some people
Attachment and expectations are the causes of most suffering, I would think. If you don't have any attachments (family, lovers. friends,), or you aren't aiming very high, it would make sense, to not have much suffering. I would guess you are, the exact type of person this society was built for, or a monk, or you aren't taking risks.
Ignoring human needs, and keeping yourself busy 24/7 with work and hobbies, isn't exactly something to brag about. It isn't strong, or admirable. (not to say it isn't preferable, its tempting)
Maybe you have it all figured out, maybe you aren't living, maybe you just have a very fortunate life.
You live in norway too, one of the safer, easier places to live. If you were raising your siblings, while still being a child yourself, growing up with no connections, and all of your parents toxic coping mechanisms, perhaps you would understand why some people suffer. I think norwegian prisons are nicer than middle class living is, here. You probably didn't put yourself in debt, you would be paying off, until you are in your 40's just to get an education. You probably didn't have to work 40 hours per week, while going to school full time, just to get by. Your dad probably didn't illegally kidnap you, pulling you out of a school you just joined. You probably didnt have to teach yourself a years worth of classes, because you were pulled out of school, because your psychological problems were mimicking cancer symptoms. Everyone has problems, and if you don't, you really aren't pushing boundaries, or you have had a fortunate life. If you aren't failing, you are only doing things that are too easy for you.
If you actually thought about it, this would be obvious, but you didn't.
I think my life has been a bit rough, but there are so many people who's lives make mine look very fortunate, I don't see how you could actually say, " I don't see what people are whining and crying about"
Big talk for a man in arguably, the best country in the world. free education, you most likely have both arms, eyes, both feet. I bet nobody even threatened to kill you before you were 10. I was raised by the neighbor kids, because my mom was working 24/7 to pay off loans, she had to take out, to get custody of her child, from a psychopath. The problems that sort of thing causes, are not fixed in a few years. The scariest person I ever encountered, was my dad, the person I relied on for safety and care. When you are mistreated, and neglected to that degree, you don't live a normal life, with normal coping mechanisms. It is a painful effort to convince yourself life is even worth living, or that you even matter. When you cried, even if you were ignored, thats better than being beaten. Don't fucking talk about it like you are so fucking strong. I wanted to kill my dad before I knew santa wasnt fucking real. I would bet my life, that the people whining online, are doing it because they have literally no one, not a single person that would listen, or care. Oh, or maybe they live in america, where its actually cheaper to buy an ar15, than to go to a single therapy session. most of the reason shootings dont affect me, is because ive been in desperate need of help, many times, and I had no way of getting it. These idiots want to make therapy expensive? let them pay for it with the blood of their children. Thats pretty dark, but its reality. Thats happening, most likely today, some place will be shot up, people will die, and its because modern life isnt worth living, and help is too expensive to afford. (not saying im hurting anyone, just statistically, its more likely than not)
oh, but its cold in norway, so it evens out, I guess.
Also, aren't you around 30? most of us are in our early twenties, everything is more competitive now, and the internet has destroyed most of our social skills. Kids now, are growing up, with the very real risk of dying, at school, every single day. You and I cant act like we understand that.
not to burn you at the stake for a simple comment, but cmon, wtf? looking down on people who are struggling, as if you had the worst experience possible, and everyone else is just a bunch of weak dumbfucks?
I actually wanted to kill my father before I even learned how to ride a bike, does that put things in perspective for you? not mad at him, planning it out, and wanting it. TBH is pretty funny looking back, I was planning to take his truck, drive it down the street (was on straight street) and drive it straight through the house, to kill him. It was a manual and I couldnt even ride a bike yet. lmao lil PS u crazy.
Im obviously one of the whining bitches, so was your life really that much harder than mine?