Spiritual "Woo"
So I am pretty sure I have figured out why people identify as a different sexual orientation than what they were born with.
Pretty sure it has to do with an inferiority to independence. They desire independence, but don't have the capacity for it. Hear me out. You have to ask yourself what do they get out of it? It doesn't really seem at first glance that the issue would be solved by what they get out of being trans because its so hard to quantify a trans person's thought process. But here's the thing. I have a person in my therapy group who is a man, but identifies as a woman. I've spent a lot of time in this group therapy with him - enough to have a firm handle on how he thinks. The most dominant characteristics that this guy has is that he is very high in Openness and very high in Agreeableness. Now I am not saying this to say all trans people have these traits, BUT I mention it to say that there is an undercurrent in a lack of independence from him. But that's not the full story really. The other part of it is that he just doesn't care about "traditional" ways to seek independence. He could care less if he has a car to get around, for example. So there is a kind of dissonance in him that he doesn't know/have a healthy view of independence and what that looks like. So what does someone like that get out of picking a gender disfunction having to do with identity? Well, they do gain a sense of independence, but here's the real key thing with their independence they gain: they gain independence from society. You see, trans people are completely rebelling from societal norms as a whole -- they are rejecting a hierarchy to a high degree. The natural order of things is something they have an inherent problem with. So rather than take a healthy stance on this to change their environment, they seek to change the one thing no one has any control over, themselves. See the thing about a hierarchy with humans, is that it only works if people have specific roles that they fit into. The trans people are completely rejecting that in a way that is dysfunctional and harmonious only to themselves. IDK why gender specifically plays a role in this, however, I do know that roles in a traditional society are generally separated by male and female at a fundamental level.
So there you have it, my thoughts on why trans people are trans in the first place.
Pretty sure it has to do with an inferiority to independence. They desire independence, but don't have the capacity for it. Hear me out. You have to ask yourself what do they get out of it? It doesn't really seem at first glance that the issue would be solved by what they get out of being trans because its so hard to quantify a trans person's thought process. But here's the thing. I have a person in my therapy group who is a man, but identifies as a woman. I've spent a lot of time in this group therapy with him - enough to have a firm handle on how he thinks. The most dominant characteristics that this guy has is that he is very high in Openness and very high in Agreeableness. Now I am not saying this to say all trans people have these traits, BUT I mention it to say that there is an undercurrent in a lack of independence from him. But that's not the full story really. The other part of it is that he just doesn't care about "traditional" ways to seek independence. He could care less if he has a car to get around, for example. So there is a kind of dissonance in him that he doesn't know/have a healthy view of independence and what that looks like. So what does someone like that get out of picking a gender disfunction having to do with identity? Well, they do gain a sense of independence, but here's the real key thing with their independence they gain: they gain independence from society. You see, trans people are completely rebelling from societal norms as a whole -- they are rejecting a hierarchy to a high degree. The natural order of things is something they have an inherent problem with. So rather than take a healthy stance on this to change their environment, they seek to change the one thing no one has any control over, themselves. See the thing about a hierarchy with humans, is that it only works if people have specific roles that they fit into. The trans people are completely rejecting that in a way that is dysfunctional and harmonious only to themselves. IDK why gender specifically plays a role in this, however, I do know that roles in a traditional society are generally separated by male and female at a fundamental level.
So there you have it, my thoughts on why trans people are trans in the first place.