So, I think I realized how, for me, I'm able to avoid pissing people off.
Explanation: over the last several years I've come to the realization that most people take offense when they think you are too smart. I don't think INTPs do this on purpose at all, its simply that the majority of us are and we enjoy this aspect of ourselves and want to share.
Still, the majority of the world is ever ready to take offense when the INTP is eager to engage at a relatively higher level of verbal and social intercourse.
Idiocracy the movie reference: "you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded":
So, I've been practicing the art of acting like I'm drunken in what I do or say in social situations where others might otherwise become unnecessarily offended (and I have some vested interest in seeing to it that they simply view me as the proverbial 'nice' guy).
So, my epiphany: act like I'm drunk in typical social situations. Its been saving me a lot of headaches as far as worrying if my INTP nature is rubbing others the wrong way.
Explanation: over the last several years I've come to the realization that most people take offense when they think you are too smart. I don't think INTPs do this on purpose at all, its simply that the majority of us are and we enjoy this aspect of ourselves and want to share.
Still, the majority of the world is ever ready to take offense when the INTP is eager to engage at a relatively higher level of verbal and social intercourse.
Idiocracy the movie reference: "you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded":
So, I've been practicing the art of acting like I'm drunken in what I do or say in social situations where others might otherwise become unnecessarily offended (and I have some vested interest in seeing to it that they simply view me as the proverbial 'nice' guy).
So, my epiphany: act like I'm drunk in typical social situations. Its been saving me a lot of headaches as far as worrying if my INTP nature is rubbing others the wrong way.