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ENTJs Rare?


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 7:32 AM
Aug 23, 2009
It's been a while since I've done anything with this thread.

He is rarely ever in tune with other peoples feelings, and he has no need to, he simply dominates people without flinching. OF Course the ENTJ STARE just destroys about anyone who thinks of even flinching.

Lol, when the ENTJ I am friends with now and I first started hanging out he gave the stare while we were having a discussion. I had disagreed with him. I remember feeling intimidated at first. I thought for half a second about backing down but instead I looked him square in the face and said, "bring it bitch!" He was so caught of guard he laughed his ass off and we've been friends ever since.

I have finally met an ENTJ who is immature, self-centered, and bossy. Wow, what a nasty piece of work she is to. I've discovered that if I don't give her anything emotionally or socially (with a bit of coaching from my ENTJ friend*) she runs into me like a car hitting a brick wall. If I don't give her anything she beats herself on me for a while before giving up in frustration.

*My ENTJ friend advised that if the girl tries to force her opinion/bossiness on me to not bother with eye contact as if blowing her off and then say "that's nice". Works like a charm!


Local time
Tomorrow 12:32 AM
Nov 22, 2010
I know one ENTJ. Takes the nice christian guy characteristics up to eleven. He knows that GOD exists and we just have to live by HIS word and the bible. So he already knows what's going to happen when we die, how the universe was made, how we should live, etc... Its all in the bible.
He is a christian ENTJ and sincerely believes in the 'do to others what you would have them do to you'. Whenever I feel like brushing up on my spirituality:smiley_emoticons_mr I go to him and insult his religious convictions INTP style(If god is that good why did he make a world where we eat each other...) which results in a long discussion on life, universe, and god in which I question everything and he somehow defends all his viewpoints in a calm logical manner and tries to change my views. It always ends with him shaking his head saying 'I'm sure god loves you anyway' and me laughing.
I like him as do most people and animals. Conversations with him are priceless. When people say his nickname should be Jesus Christ they mean it in a nice way.:D
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