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Enneagram Type 8 Tri-Types


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Enneagram Tri-Type:

The term Tritype refers to a theory regarding the Enneagram of Personality and was coined by Enneagram researcher and coach Katherine Chernick Fauvre.[1] The word tritype was formed from Latin, with the prefix tri meaning three,[2] and the word type added referring to the Enneagram types. The theory was initially inspired and developed as the result of research studies Fauvre conducted in 1994-1995 on the internal experience and personal image of the 9 types. Later, in 1996, Katherine met a teacher from Arica that referenced Oscar Ichazo's teachings on a similar theory that he referred to as the "tri-fix",[3][4] but there was nothing published on Oscar Ichazo's "tri-fix" work. In December 1996 and January 1997, Enneagram Monthly published an interview with Oscar Ichazo that included the concept of tri-fix. This validated Fauvre's research findings that individuals have not just one, but 3 Enneagram types. In 2008, Fauvre coined the term Tritype in order to distinguish the Fauvres' vast research and resulting theory from both Ichazo’s teachings, as well as from the teachings of Arica.

Tritype theory suggests that while individuals primarily utilize one of the main Enneagram types as their "core type", everyone actually employs three central Enneagram types - the one that is the most dominant within each center of intelligence (the Head (567), Heart (234) and Gut (891) centers respectively). According to Katherine Fauvre, individuals use their main Enneagram type along with two other types in a consistent and cascading manner, to produce a kind of ego intersection among all three types.[5] Therefore, while each type within the Tritype is employed separately, the combination of all three types coming together gives each Tritype a unique defense strategy (or way of defending against reality) and a focus of attention. The Tritype is used to explain the distinctive way in which each individual manages life using various combinations of ego strategies and coping mechanisms, yet Tritype (like the Enneagram) still remains a theory of motivation and not one of behavior.

Fauvre frequently refers to the "high side" and "low side" of these Tritype interactions and distinguish each as having a separate purpose. The high side of the Tritype intersection is that it gives direction, focus and purpose to the individual ego. The low side of this Tritype intersection is that it creates a blind spot which can narrow a person's ability to accurately self-assess and may even prevent a person from achieving a higher level of self-awareness by keeping them stuck in habitual and self-defeating patterns.


The 9 Archetypes/Tri-Types of the Type Eight Enneagram:

852 - The Strategist (258, 582, 825)
853 - The Solution Master (358, 583, 835)
854 - The Scholar (458, 548, 845)

862 - The Rescuer (268, 682, 826)
863 - The Justice Fighter (368, 683, 836)
864 - The Truth Teller (468, 648, 846)

872 - The Free Spirit (278, 782, 827)
873 - The Mover & Shaker (378, 738, 837)
874 - The Messenger (478, 748, 847)


Compiled and organised from here:
Edited only for continuity.


Prompted by: Share your Enneagram


The strategist Eight - (852)
Archetype, The Strategist - Tritype (258)

Cynical, headstrong, passionate, and moody.

The 258 Tritype really wants to be of service by providing useful information to others and protecting others through their knowledge or expertise in a particular area. The energy seems quite split because of the introverted 5 interjecting with the extroverted 2 and 8 energy mingling. She said it can be a confusing type because there is a hot/cold quality to them that can be difficult for people to understand. One minute they are helpful and warm, the next cold and rejecting, and then another seemingly directive and blunt. On the high side they really know what is needed to protect and guide others. They can sometimes feel they don't have the internal resources to help others but want to have something to offer (which contributes to the hot/cold quality).

If you are a 258, you are caring, knowledgeable and protective. You want to be helpful, wise and straight- forward. You are an intellectual ambivert both extroverted and introverted. You are caring and can easily move towards others to help, or feel over extended and feel the need to be pull away. Your life mission is to help, inform and/or protect others. A true analyst, you are happiest when you are in a position of leadership and can use your natural instinct to understand strategic principles to guide others. You can be so identified with your opinions that you can be too forward or too distant from others, which can appear intense, unpredictable and intimidating

You have all three Realists Enneacards, (types: 2, 5 & 8) in your Enneaspread.
Your emotional energy goes towards seeking safety and certainty in relationships. You are sensitive to and expect rejection from others. Also, you tend to feel separate from others. You hold back your true self in relationships, offering instead, a skill, service or protection. Overall, because you expect to be rejected, you are cautious in relationships and may be hesitant to form attachments. As a result, you want others to come towards you

258: Triple rejection.... probably the most power-hungry of all fixes. Likely to deny that they have needs themselves, deny vulnerability, deny, deny, deny "it's the others who depend on me, not the other way around", and can exert a great deal of strategic insight into most situations and become the classic 'mastermind' behind affairs. When less healthy they are control freaks and can't leave others alone---they need to be the prime mover of them all, while denying all the way that they need the control.

258: What's hard with her is that she inadvertently forces people (even friends) to be very blunt when her services, advice, or even presence is not needed. I guess it's the triple-rejection nature that brings on this.

258: Expects rejection, works hard to prevent it and acts like it isn’t important.

Type 8 in this Archetype:

Eight/Two fix: The overtly magnanimous and big hearted eight. sacrificial-dominant
style of relating to others; as protector, big spender, mama-bear

852: Fear of weakness, humiliation and disenchantment. Tendency to seek strength, approval and intrigue.

852: The rejection types it is said, are most comfortable at the initiation stage of a project or group, when they have to initiate and control things.

The Competent Eight– (853)
Archetype, The Solution Master – Tritype (358)

Naturally inclined to be tenacious and persistent

The Solution Master Archetype’s (358, 538, 853) are ambitious, knowledgeable and protective. You want to be efficient, wise and straight-forward. Tough-minded, you are good at studying a problem and finding both original and practical solutions others miss. Highly tenacious, you work tirelessly until you find solutions and prevail against adversity.

Your life mission is to use your cleverness and astute powers of observation to serve the greater good. A true problem solver, you are happiest when you can evaluate what is needed and take action to create change.

You can be so focused on your goals and ideas that you become an opinionated, hardnosed thinker that are in denial of your feelings. You can feel so vulnerable that you refuse to let in the importance and wisdom of your painful emotions.

Type 8 in this archetype:

853: Are focused and knowledgeable Eights. Most scholarly 8, especially if introverted. Most impersonal 8, especially if self-preserving. The 835 is the ambitious, tenacious, opinionated, tough minded, hardnosed, foundation building, mental giant that is in denial of and minimizing of their more tender emotions. The 835 is the most direct and blunt combination.

The Withdrawn Eight – (854)
Archetype, The Scholar - Tritype (458)

*Darkest Tritype

The 458 Tritype is the most direct and blunt and intense of all the Tritypes, with the exception of perhaps 358.

They have an impenetrable inner world. They are complex individuals, but they are more characterized by the way they tend to push everyone away from them.

The Scholar Archetype: (458, 548, 854): This is the most intense type, particularly if sexual. Intuitive, knowledgeable and direct. This is the type that really craves knowing what makes people tick and builds what she calls mental or internal maps that are quite astute as to what makes people do what they do. David said there is a propensity toward the grotesque, anatomical or intensely esoteric. This is the "true scholar" and the life mission is to disseminate what information is found. The blind spot is this has 3 types that can be prone to arrogance and the attachment to the internal map of what they've found can make them blind to new information as it comes in. So there will be a tendency to become fixed in their worldview or ideas particularly about people and not take in new information. So while the map is quite extraordinary that they've painted they may miss a whole region and thus not have the full picture. This is also the most cynical and the tendency to be so overly opinionated can make people turn off to their wisdom. She said when 8 is in charge there is a bit more compassion, and with an integrated 5 or 4 in charge you get a gifted spiritual teacher (Russ Hudson for example). An intensely original archetype with a passion to explore and to find the hidden meaning in all things.

Type 8 in this archetype:

The 854 is the somewhat introverted, intelligent, headstrong, a detached, hyper introspective problem solver, with strategic thinking and emotional astuteness.

The 854 is intuitive and knowledgeable, the most withdrawn Eight, especially if introverted, has a 9 wing and/or sp. They have a self-possessed confidence with solution mastery.

The 854 is more introverted intuition with the attention going inward. It can be darker and is more cynical.

The 854 is the artsy and intellectual Eight, with a secret self-consciousness.

Intense, especially with SX first. Independent, dark, cynical. Most eccentric. A withdrawn, sensitive, creative Eight. "Scholar" archetype. Wants to know what makes people tick.

874 and 854 are very similar and can be difficult to distinguish as 8 has access to both 7 and 5. What is helpful is to look at the differences between 7 and 5. The most critical aspect engagement. The 7 engages and brings a positive outlook to the 84_. The 5 is more internal and brings more introversion and reserve. The 874 is more outgoing and spontaneous. it is the difference between facts vs activities.

The 4 brings more moodiness, more depth, more introspection; the 2 is more extroverted, more focused on helping other. The 458 Tritype fears rejection, hides it as well and can be hypersensitive to small slights. The 8 in both cases keeps these Tritypes from showing their sensitivity to rejection.

The Compliant Eight – (862)
Archetype, The Rescuer – Tritype (268)

There is nothing passive about the 268.

This type is characterized by the issues they have with others. They tend to get easily frustrated with others. They want help others but they also want things to go their way. They have a 'let me help you' quality.

The Rescuer Archetype: (268, 682, 862). By nature, you want to be in charge of your world and are attracted to the noble cause. You wish to shield others from harm and challenge what is unjust. You want to know the rules to feel safe to break them. Your life mission is to track the needs of the vulnerable and take action on their behalf. A true rescuer, you are happiest when you can use your people skills and desire to protect others to help those that feel alone, desperate and are in a crisis. Your blind spot is that you can be so identified with the pride of knowing how to help others that you may give unsolicited advice or meddle in the affairs of others. You over-give to others to be well-liked, which prevents a deeper connection to your true self. Your growing edge is to recognize that always rescuing others does not mean that you will always be liked and cared for in return, and that it may prevent them from learning how to care for themselves. True protection comes from listening to higher guidance and knowing when to assist others and when to let them learn for themselves.

The strongest theme I associate with the 268/682/826 is the need to rescue and protect, but not necessarily put up with problems on an extended basis. It's a kind of in-the-moment problem solving that expects the other to deal with it and move on.

SX/SO 268 Tritype: I will describe this individual as obsessively possessive and domineering, taking on parental roles in most, if not all situations, and the SX/SO simply complete the smother. Most people will find him/her "way too much", like get the hell off me can't you and stop telling me what to do.

For them power is dead important, though it will be more obvious to the observer than to the person him/herself.

Both 2 and 6 leads to some issues with denial. Main type 2’s especially will "play innocent" while their power motive is seen by all those who suffered under his/her dominion.
Also all three fixes have a somewhat calculating quality to me. They are definitely not without ulterior motives.

The 8 in this archetype:

Eight/Two fix: The overtly magnanimous and big hearted eight. sacrificial-dominant
style of relating to others; as protector, big spender, mama-bear

The 862 is a more cynical, loyal and helpful type 8, and is a more dutiful, loyal and helpful. They have a self-possessed confidence with solution mastery.

The Normative Eight - (863)
Archetype, The Justice Fighter – Tritype (368)

Characterized by confrontation. Immovably disagreeable. They stay firm in their direction and beliefs and won't let anyone but themselves change that.

The Debater Archetype: (368, 683, 863), The Justice Fighter. Verbally adept and a good reader of people and situations, you have the ability to identify unjust authority, rebel against tyranny and verbally spar against it. Your life mission is to challenge what is unfair and protect the innocent. A true justice fighter, you are happiest when you can use your protective energy and debating skills in service of others or a cause. Your blind spot is that you can be so identified with challenging what you perceive as unfair that you become overbearing, confrontational, anti-authoritarian, and indifferent to the wisdom of emotional intelligence and your tender emotions. Your growing edge is to recognize that your need to challenge and oppose can keep you from knowing who you are or what you feel. True protection comes from being in alignment with your higher self and knowing when to intervene and when to allow events to unfold.

The Tritype 368 is focused on fighting for justice, the 8 brings a need to overcome and prevail.

The 8 in this Archetype:

Eight/Three fix: The notably success oriented, prominence seeking eight. utilizes
image and manipulation to advance their career or enterprise. Business achievement can lead to political aspirations. The 864 is one of the most confrontational Tritypes, the other is the 863. The 6 amplifies the 8 need for loyalty and trust.

The Truth Teller Eight – (864)
Archetype, The Truth Teller – Tritype (4.6.8)

*most reactive Tritype

Intense, truth tellers, shoot from the hip, push for a response, rebelling, reacting, and defending. Direct and intuitive.

The sexual 468 is very impacted by truth and speaking to what is hidden, unknown or unspoken. The intensity of the sx 468 puts this Tritype on the fast track.

For self-preservation 468s the truth is fundamental in life, it requires calm, openness, free from mental noise or emotional reaction. Slow exploring and understanding. It feels like being free from emotional hooks and forget false views from the society without fighting them, to restore a peaceful and benevolent sense of my own goodness and truth at 1. After that I can become really happy and powerful at helping others by simply explaining what I've understood about life.

The Truth Teller Archetype: (468, 648, 864). If you are Tritype 468, you are intuitive, inquisitive and direct. You want to be original, certain and straight-forward. You are highly sensitive, track inconsistencies and are like the ‘canary in the coal mine’ calling off unspoken agendas, motives and emotions. You are also very intense and can at times be rebellious and emotionally reactive. Your life mission is to identify what is insincere and not what it appears to be, and alert others of potential hazards. A whistle-blower, you are happiest when you are in a position to help others from being misled. You can be so focused on what can go wrong and on potential hazards that you miss how controlling you become and your impact on others and what is truly important and meaningful.

The 468 is constantly calling off truth as they see it and sees it as their business to warn people of the potential downfalls and pitfalls in the emotional and mental world. It's the type in each centre that is "truth telling" and tends to be the most reactive, even hyperactive. She said it's typically sexual subtype, but she's seen social too. There's a tendency to feel an acute sense of disappointment because their incredibly acuity at seeing the problems ahead or the potential pitfalls of any situation causes people to misunderstand their reactivity and emotionality.

You have all three Immediate Responder Enneacards, (types: 4, 6 & 8) in your Enneaspread. You see yourself as intense, responsive, challenging and instinctive. You avoid insincerity and people with hidden agendas. Like a canary in a coal mine, you are sensitive to what others miss. You tend to react strongly to pretence, seeking to call off the truth before moving forward. The 468 is a true challenger and truth teller. The 4 may be shy but this Tritype is very intense and reactive, quick to speak their mind. The 485 is the true intellectual that has strong opinions about their feelings and thoughts but less reactivity. Sexual instinct with 4 dominant makes both Tritypes more intense. The 468, however, is more dutiful and feisty whereas the 458 is one of the Tritypes that lives in their head researching and following their own muse.

The 468 Tritype is meant to name the emotional truth that is unspoken and therefore missing and to go on a quest to find it. The Tritype 468 has a counter-phobic 6 and.... the 4 is counter-envious... as in... they hate being envious and try to contain their negative emotions. The problem is that the 468 is impulsive and emotional.... often confronting before they think about it. The 468 has the instinctual, emotional type in each centre. And, there is a need to call off the truth of what is unspoken. I find the 468 to be very persistent... relentlessly so when seeking whatever ignites their passion.

As a 468, I find it tough to be up all the time. I see the darkness, the shadow, that the emperor has no clothes, I see the truth behind the persona, the lie we tell collectively to avoid the pain underneath. When the 4 and 6 are in the tritype there is more negativity as a strategy to prevent making a mistake that will bring shame, blame and criticism.

Type 8 in this Archetype:

Eight/Four fix: The moody, loner eight. Distinct outsider quality; as if on a highly
personal mission. Tendency to feel exempt from conventional rules
and circumstances.

Sexual 4s, 6s and 8s can all be pretty fucking ruthless in their extermination of foes; take a sx 684 and you have a veritable pit bull, someone who potentially sees extermination as their mission. And given the truth telling nature of that Tritype and sx/so (at least their truth), that tendency is also compounded. (Truth telling= extermination of lies)

The 458, 468 and 478 are all truth tellers in their own way. The 468 is the one that is hyper reactive and still seeks a fair authority.

The Positive Eight - (872)
Archetype, Free Spirit/Humanitarian – Tritype (2.7.8)

*Most freedom loving

Hardy individual and other-focused. Fun, charming, and sexual.
Personifies the outgoing, helpful and confident nature of that lively archetype.

The Free Spirit - (278, 782, 827): You like to use your charming, sunny disposition to create an upbeat, positive, and action-packed environment. You are also very nurturing to those in your circle of care. Your life mission is to be an instrument of change, transforming difficult situations into moments of inspiration. A true free spirit, you are happiest when you are on the go and helping others to learn to act on their own behalf. Your blind spot is that you can be so focused on keeping everything positive and honest that you can be too aggressive and fail to recognize the importance of difficult emotions. You also keep busy and in motion to avoid painful feelings. Your growing edge is to recognize that you need to always be positive, upbeat, and free can limit your ability to self-reflect and fully be yourself. True happiness and joy come from being present to your higher self and experiencing all of your emotions.

The 8 in this archetype:

Eight/Two fix: The overtly magnanimous and big hearted eight. sacrificial-dominant
style of relating to others; as protector, big spender, mama-bear

Eight/Seven fix: Focused, intuitive, and innovative. Most assertive and nonconforming 8. Moody, intense, eccentric, and entrepreneurial especially if SX.

(872) Is caring and innovative. Most people-oriented 8. Likes to be in relationship. Gentle and helpful, especially with 9 wing. (872) is extremely positive, upbeat and helpful. They take charge but do so with a light touch that is sensitive to the needs of others. They are often humanitarians that focus on manifesting their vision..... Excess meets gluttony and pride... When the core fears of these three types unite it can create a defence strategy that is quite compassionate but can also struggle with issues of arrogance and/or pride about what they do. Most freedom loving.

The Mover Eight – (873)
Archetype, The Mover & The Shaker – Tritype (3.7.8)

*Most assertive Tritype

The Mover & The Shaker Archetype: (378 ,738, 873). If you are Tritype 378, you are ambitious, innovative and protective. You want to be efficient, happy and straight-forward. You are a dynamic go-getter, focused on the prize. An expansive powerhouse, you see the big picture and a positive future with the will to make it happen. Seeking success, obstacles are seen as competitive challenges. Your life mission is to see what is possible and find innovative ways to achieve your goals. A true mover and shaker, you are happiest when you are in a position of power to manifest your vision and make things happen. You need to be doing to feel alive. You can be so expeditious, assertive and results oriented that you miss your impact on others and the deeper meaning and significance of why you are doing what you are doing.

You have all three Expansive Solution Enneacards (3, 7 & 8).
Naturally forward and expansive, you see yourself as assertive, self-motivated, expeditious and results oriented. Focused on action, you resist being controlled and letting your feelings get in the way of achieving your goals. When opposed, you react immediately and when necessary are not afraid to move against others to manage problems.

The Tritype 378 is triple assertive and has the added jolt of the high intensity sexual energy if SX. 378 is self-assured, innovative and bold, there will be more of a focus on being strong and attractive compared to other instincts. The 379 is a bit softer and more adept at softening their presentation. The 378 may be more outlandish so pays less attention to being cool and more attention to being the trailblazer.

If you lead with 7 instead of 3 you will be less concerned with image and be less likely to track what others want you to be, as the 7 is more concerned with following their own muse. However, with the sexual subtype in charge both the 378 and the 738 will want to be alluring to potential intimates and mates and have a desire to find a mate who can handle their triple assertive energy.

Type 8 in this Archetype:

Eight/Seven fix: Focused, intuitive, and innovative. Most assertive and nonconforming 8. Moody, intense, eccentric, and entrepreneurial especially if SX.

Eight/Three fix: The notably success oriented, prominence seeking eight. Utilizes
image and manipulation to advance their career or enterprise. Business achievement can lead to political aspirations.

The 873 is more focused on overcoming obstacles and succeeding in spite of the obstacles...they never give up. The 873 is less focused on the role and more focused on the position of power. With power comes success. The 873 wants to be seen as successful but wants autonomy more and are not dependent on other's view of them.

The Idealistic Eight - (874).
Archetype, The Messenger – Tritype (748)

The Messenger Archetype: (748/847/874), is the most in need of freedom. This is the messenger archetype that feels they have a message to impart and wants the freedom to explore themselves and their external worlds. With 7 in charge it's an extremely hard to pin down type, that typically has no problems expressing the flamboyancy this tritype can bring (with 4 in charge the self-consciousness can take over, like with myself, and with 8 in charge you get more of a playful 7ish 8, like Pink or Katherine Fauvre). She also said it's the least political of the Tritypes (except maybe the 548 Tritype) because of the outspoken nature of the three types coming to together.

If you are the Tritype 478, you are intuitive, innovative and straight-forward. You want to be original, inspirational and self-possessed. A cutting-edge tracker of both your internal and external worlds, you are an unconventional, passionate master of solutions. Outwardly, you are confident but inwardly you are emotionally vulnerable. Life Mission: Your life mission is to find truth and communicate your findings. A true messenger, you are happiest when you use your creativity to find compassionate ways to understand yourself and empower others. Blind Spot: You can be so focused on your opinions, insights and what is new and profound that your freedom seeking nature can come across as arrogant, resistant, and/or uncooperative.

The 458, 468 and 478 are all truth tellers in their own way.
The 458 and 478 are their own authorities.

4 brings more a focus on the self and the internal world. The relationship to others is important. The 4 brings a move away with a pull, wanting others to follow. The 258 tentatively moves towards others. The 458 is as individualistic as the 784 but more opinionated and focused on and identifies with intellectual pursuits more sensitive and less people pleasing

Type 8 in this Archetype:

Eight/Seven fix: Focused, intuitive, and innovative. Most assertive and nonconforming Eight. Moody, intense, eccentric, and entrepreneurial especially if SX.

Eight/Four fix: The moody, loner eight. distinct outsider quality; as if on a highly
personal mission. tendency to feel exempt from conventional rules
and circumstances.

874 is intuitive and innovative. Most creative, original and nonconforming Eight. Moody, intense, and eccentric, especially if sx. The 874 is fast paced, emotional, optimistic and creative type Eight.

As an sx 874 I feel called to discover as much as I can about human nature and then share what I learned. Some of my greatest moments of clarity have come during times of great adversity. When I feel grief and loss it always feels personal and I feel separate from others. When I allow the pain and suffering the 8 wants to avoid, I am able to connect to that which is universal and know that all people everywhere understand the meaning of loss. This is when I remember that I am never truly alone or separate


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
It's so difficult for me to say sorry. Even when I attempt to, I use every word in my vocabulary bar the word sorry.

Why am I incapable.


lust for life
Local time
Today 9:17 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Imagine you're telling someone named E that you're sore. :p

I don't know, I think someone saying sorry all the time seems rather contrived and afraid to stand by their actions and accept consequences.

What did you mean to be sorry for? Confess your sinns. :twisteddevil::angel:


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I have no issue's saying sorry when I think I'm in the wrong..

It's just in the other instances, lol.

Here's a rant from earlier:

For context, apparently the group of us, including the manager, gate crashed his room at 6am, where he and his new girlfriend were sleeping and we apparently royally pissed him off.

I had no recollection of this when I woke up on Sunday and knocked his door, seeking a friend. What I got was a barrage of abuse which was way OTT, considering the circumstances. "You and Laura are lucky I don't sack you, your only saving grace is that you weren't the instigator, nor the worst offender" . But there was a lot of talking down to boot so I didn't respond very well. I done my own talking down and now we are at an impasse.

The manager and everyone else agree's that if it's not on work hours, then its not on work record. This dude threatens people with sacking just willy nilly. But I compromise a whole third of the best team that disfuctional bar has ever had.

Over the last two days I've come to discover that he's moody, stressed, aggressive, stubborn, unhelpful, unmoving, he has is issues with autonomy, and he has issue's with issuing wanton ultimatums like he's some sort of Godhead.

In short, what I have discovered is another Ennae type 8, and now I know that I need to tread carefully. I managed to hold my tongue yesterday, as I've got dirt on him and he knows it. He knows we're having an ego war, but he doubts that I could win. He's calling my bluff, I could win, only my win would be highly destructive. But I don't want to be destructive. I want to constructive.

He's lucky I'm on a character building journey. I'll have to swallow my pride. It's the only way forward.

Basically, he broadcast to everyone (behind my back) that I'd quit work because, unlike everybody else, I wouldn't apologise for the 6am transgression.

In actual fact, we didn't even make it that far into our conversation because he started the conversation with a 'stripping down' and threat of sacking. Which is where I then stuck my heels in on principle, that he needs to get off his power trip.

Since then he denies ever threatening us with the sack, (which is easily disproved in the staff group chat) , and he has since settled for the apology which I eventually pained myself in writing; It took a day and half and help from my best friend, but I got there in the end:

You would have got an apology if you werent talking to me like a peice of shit. Anyway even Alan said, no need to be threaten people with their jobs when its not work related.

** I wanted to leave it at that, but figured an actual apology had to go in their somewhere **

I'm sorry for gate crashing on you at silly o'clock in the morning, and for the way things escalated and what was said. I didn't want to actually quit the bar, and I don't really want to fall out with you.

He replied back with "Well, you clearly have issues taking a bollockin, but at least you've said sorry... See you Friday".

Ugh. Course I have issues in takin a bollockin, don't be pilin your anger on me, and then expect remorse from me. If you're gunna screw at me, make sure you know where the boundaries are: Work, not work. Anger, amusement. Face, bothered?

I'm annoyed yet proud, that I managed to get the damn apology out the way. There were maybe other means of getting what I wanted, but this was the cleanest.

Anyway, he's just sore because he started the banter, but he can't hack it in return.


lust for life
Local time
Today 9:17 AM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
Those E8 war games sound amusing, but also toxic tbh. At least you are venting. :)


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Yes.. And so addictive. I can't help but push peoples buttons sometime's. They need to aggravate me first, and even then, I'm usually the last to know that I'm aggravated. But I know that these days, hence the attempted mindfulness. Try and keep my Roger Smith alter ego in check.

I aint done anything evil in like, two years.

Some slight misadventures, but nothing sadistic.


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
Apr 19, 2014
Objects in the mirror might look closer than they
i made an enneagram weird test the other day, i will post the link later and i got 8,7,5
i don't know how to match those numbers to make sense but by interpretating the description of each type the thing that comes to mind is ENTP mbti


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:17 PM
Mar 11, 2016
Just North of Normal
854 fits really well
Still reading everything tho


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Latest test:

Knew I was going down hill..


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Anger. The one thing I'm always trying to control, and the one thing which always controls me. - She say's whilst she's nursing bruised knuckles.. I'm not even quick to anger these days, I'm a very patient person who first ignores all things in the hopes that they'll go away... But some things in life insist on persisting, and then triggers get triggered, and then, before I know it, my crystal clear thoughts are lost in a flurry of action which takes me by surprise more so than anybody else.

The whole time just disappears into the void, unless I'm lucky enough to have a harsh and fleeting flash back. Coldly and unconsciously calculated, my actions are quick, deliberate and brutal.

I'm left in the wake wondering at which point I lost control, not remembering the point at which I lost control, denying that I ever lost control. But then I take in my surroudings, the blood on my hands, the damage that has been wrought. I look to find another perpetrator.. But there's only ever me.

...Just an inanimate object, this time around...


Together forever
Local time
Today 6:17 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Latest test:

Knew I was going down hill..

Can you link this particular test? Haven't seen one that compiles a verdict yet.


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
The test is from Similar Minds.


Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK


Pink is one of my favorite artists and thought a blog dedicated to her 8ness would be enjoyable and particularly illustrative of the 8w7.

Of the 8w7 Thomas Condon says: "Awakened Eights with a 7 wing are often expansive and powerful. Gregarious and generous. They may display a cheerful bravado. Can be forceful but with a light touch. Funny. Often have a good sense of humor about themselves. Generally more extroverted, ambitious and materialistic. May talk loud and be sociable party goers...Sometimes driven to bring the new into being. Can be visionary, idealistic, enterprising. Willing to take risks...When entranced aggression combines with gluttony to form an almost virulent tendency to addiction. Many entranced 8w7 have problems with drug and alcohol problems or tensions around addictions...can be moody, egocentric and quick to anger."-Thomas Condon, The Enneagram Movie and Video Guide

Of the Sexual 8 Susan Rhodes says "They tend to be larger than life characters who believe in the values of a bygone era. Values such as honor, courage, integrity and justice. They expect others to live by such values, too...SX 8s are extraordinarily intense and need good outlets for that intensity-usually physical outlets, since they're gut types. They're well aware of the power of their energy and take it seriously, because they see what happens when it gets out of control. Sexually they seek intense, over the top experiences that take them right to the edge. They like to take on a dominant role and often seek their opposite: someone willing to take on a submissive role. On a deeper level, though, SX 8s actually long for submission..."-Susan Rhodes, The Positive Enneagram

Pink has a rough and raw energy that speaks to the power of the 8. She is creative, visionary, and reactive and she takes this energy and channels it wholeheartedly into her musical expression. She has a visceral energy about her (not unlike most gut types), that reads to me intuitively like a boulder wrapped in fire. The sexual subtype is smeared across her eyes in which her gaze is glued, intense, laser like, and intimidating. Many 8s exhibit these "laser" or "dart" eyes that scan whomever they are talking to for weakness and vulnerability. Often this happens without the 8 even being cognizant of their probing nature. It is this scanning for weakness that contributes to others being intimidated by the 8 even when this is not the intention.

Her body language is relaxed and rarely is she nervous when interviewing or performing. She's spoken of the incredibly amount of adrenaline she gets from performing, and the dangerous aspects of her performances are what contribute to the "rush" she feels. Pink was admittedly addicted to various drugs in her youth and in some respects her physically demanding shows are a replacement for the artificial high from drug use. The video and song for Sober illustrate this tendency quite well:


In the song she speaks to her addictive demons and expresses knowledge and awareness of her excessive tendencies.

One can also see the influence of the 7 wing, and the effect that has on her hedonistic, excessive qualities.

Of course no discussion of an 8 would be complete without speaking to the characteristic "toughness" that they typically exhibit. Pink is no exception. Perhaps it seems more evident because of the juxtaposition of her gender and the societal pressure to conform to more feminine standards of appropriate behavior. Nonetheless, Pink feels as though she has no problem backing up her claims of toughness with swift and powerful action. I think that her toughness is a source of pride and one of the reasons she sings about it with such gusto. For her, the ego identification lies in knowing she can protect herself and others should this be necessary. She sees herself as a survivor and willing to overcome any obstacles necessary in order to avoid being controlled or dominated in any way. The public got its first glimpse of the defiant and subversive Pink on her second album, which, according to her was the first time we got to see who she really is:


"I was always in a fight, cause I can't do nothing right." This line is pretty indicative of how her rebelliousness and unwillingness to take direction often found her in opposition to authority. She had a rocky relationship with her parents as an adolescent, which is not uncommon for teenagers in general, but seems to be amplified with a rebellious 8 (or sometimes 7 or counterphobic 6 kid). However, in keeping with her value of truth and honesty we see the awareness of her own ego limitations and the willingness to take risk despite consequences from the outside world. Katherine Fauvre states that one of the tantamount points of 8 is the willingness to act on one's own accord without care for the consequences of the actions, it's sort of a "fuck you, I'm going to do it anyway" attitude that screams in the face of authority and says "I'm the boss, not you!"

Another song that showcases her feelings of being a survivor and her belief that she is sort of constantly pushing against the grain. Many 8s see life as an uphill battle and perceive opposition and control where there may be non. With counterphobic 6 in the tritype the fear of being controlled or taken advantage of is amplified:


Here she speaks again of her unwillingness to just "lay there and let you come first", which speaks to the desire of the 8 to make sure that they are satisfied at all costs (lust). This is certainly excerbated again by the 7 wing (gluttony).

In her more light heartened pop songs we see Pink poking fun at her own over the top personality. Another marker of the healthy to high functioning average 8 is the willingness to poke fun at their own aggressive and dominant tendencies:


Again the explicit recogintion of her hedonism (7 wing) "I live a life of sin", the desire to overcome over the war that is life, "I'll cash my checks and place my bets, and hope I'll always win", and the defiance and unwillingness to be controlled by others' rules; "I don't play your rules I make my own, tonight, I'll do what I want, cause I can."

The analogy of life being a war often comes up with 8s, in which they literally see the world as a battlefield in which one must protect themselves and one's fellow soldiers in order to survive. The war anaology shows up in a couple of Pink's songs but most explicitly in My Vietnam. In this particular song we also see the tendency for the gut type (8,9,1) to not know how to adjust themselves to the demands of the parents/world at large. Each of the gut types deals with this differently, 8s by refusing to mitigate the fiery energy of the gut center, 9s by repressing the energy, and 1s by controlling the angry energy of the gut center. Life becomes Guerrilla warfare in which only the savvy, bold, and tough survive, however in the last stanza we see her awareness that she is not what people expected her to be, and the pain this causes:


I get the impression that Pink finds it exceedingly difficult and unacceptable to mitigate her own energy because the force of her own bravado and intensity is not likely to be squelched, however since she found music it seems that this became the main channel in which she channels the anger and aggression that boils inside of her. Pink's adolescence was about as rebellious as one can get and she exhibited a fearlessness and recklessness at a young age that was terrifying for parents who didn't know how to handle a young, aggressive 8 child.

The ballsy outspoken nature of Pink can be seen in this "Choose or Loose" interview in which she speaks to her own belief in her own convictions (often thinking those who disagree are wrong, another common and amusing feature of 8), and her fearlessness at expressing what she believes:

Pink, like most reactive types (4,6,8) value truth above the cloaking of emotional or threatening content. As she speaks about each song on her latest album Funhouse there is frequent mention of the values of truth, honesty, and a great emphasis on the beauty of emotional honesty and expression. This sort of artistic sensibility often accompanies the sexual 8 whom I like to conceptualize as the "Boxer Poet" archetype (as suggested by Tom Condon). One can see the intensity and desire for creative catharsis of the sexual subtype mingling with the strength and veracity of the 8 to support a creative process that has a rawness and visceral quality that captures a very "real" moment in time. Pink has 4 in the tritype which contributes to the confessional style of her music (as the sexual 4 is the confessional subtype), and amplifies the desire for emotional truth and honesty as displayed through art:

Her adventurous 7 wing is displayed throughout the above interview as she mentions her desire to be kept in the dark about the future as well as her mention of the energetic aspects of the creative process. I often see the idiosyncratic style (talking about energy, vibing, etc) with 8w7 as opposed to the 9 wing as the visionary, inventive nature of the 7 wing adds a slightly mystical bent to the usually very grounded and practical 8. She speaks of the frequent writing of songs spontaneously and often in the company of the very person she is writing about, (husband Carey Hart-either a 6w7 or 9w8). Exposing the rawness of their relationship to the public and close friends by writing revealing songs personifies the confessional nature of the sexual subtype and the need for truth and realness of the 8.

Here again she speaks to her impulsive song writing style. As a side note, I am particularly struck by the sardonic look on her face throughout most of her interviews, there is an implied threat even when she is seemingly quite cheerful (a state she admittedly inhabits frequently, due to the influence of a strong 7 wing) one still gets the sense of strong, impenetrable, invisible boundaries:

Her primary inspiration comes from personal angst and relationship turmoil (not uncommon for many artists). However, in some respects she needs this tension in order to create (another testament to 4 being in the tritype). In fact, it is the tension of her most vulnerable life area (the sexual arena) that allows her to channel her vulnerability into creative expression. We all experience the most pain in our primary instinctual arena, and it is there that we find the inspiration for creation. Nonetheless, though she speaks about her vulnerability and sensitivity after the fact, and we are very rarely allowed access to the softer Pink in interviews. We can however see it in her lyrics and videos.

The vulnerability of the 8 is kept well hidden as this is what is to be protected at all costs. I especially appreciate Condon's analogy that states that the 8 takes their own vulnerabilities, places them in other people, and protects it there. I think this is incredibly appropriate and accurate for the way in which most 8s explore their softness. However, the sexual 8 can show a bit more softness and vulnerability than the other 8 subtypes, thus contributing to the sort of boxer/poet archetype mentioned earlier:

Whether it's the pain of her parents separation and tumultuous relationship:


The vulnerability and sadness she feels while alone, and a recognition of her own schema that life is a battle to be won and the toll that position can take on one's emotional state:


Or the vulnerability and confession of her fears of abandonment, rejection, and loss of romantic love:


In all three videos we not only have soft, poetic and vulnerable lyrical content but we also see a softer Pink; her vulnerability and grief are expressed visually through the softening of her surroundings and a smoothing of her typically sharp, hard-edged Pop-punk style. Whether it's the expression of the scared and hurt inner child as in Family Portrait, the burden of being everyone else's pillar of strength as in Nobody Knows, or the woman who just wants to be reassured of her value to the beloved in I Don't Believe You, Pink shows her vulnerability to us through her artistic expression.

However, it is not always sad and serious. The ability of the 8 and particularly the 8w7 to play with their own "psychosis" (to use Pink's terminology) points to the playful energy of the 7 mingling with the strength of the 8. We see the expression of vulnerability in a much more playful albeit macabre way in Please Don't Leave Me:


The juxtaposition of the vulnerability of the lyrics and the playfulness of the video likely helped to ease her uncomfortability with expressing her insecurities about her relationship to the world. It also shows the strength and forcefulness of the sexual 8 in relationship mingling with the push pull tendencies of 6 and 4 in the tritype. The result is a tumultuous and rocky relationship.

In many of the interviews you can see a sort of go to hell silliness that feels as though at any moment her bantering and witty playfulness could erupt into rage. In the following interview with Jimmy Kimmel I was struck by how comfortable she felt, the expansiveness of her energy as well as the visceral sensualness of her body language which reeks of sexual 8, it is as though at times she just wants to allow herself to love everyone in the room but catches herself and jumps back into a defended body armor that keeps people slightly away. I once saw a sexual 8w7 at a Condon panel discussion at an Enneagram Conference who exhibited this same body language and expressed the desire to "have sex with" everyone in the room and a subsequent fear of letting anyone get too close lest they take advantage of her, and push her out of that loving feeling.

I think you all get my point. I could go on and on. All in all I think Pink is a great representation of the sexual 8w7. I believe she has 4 and counterphobic 6 in the tritype, so she is triple reactive and faces fear and anxiety head on in an aggressive and intuitive way.

Final Weigh In:

Pink: 8w7 sx/so
8-6-4 Tritype: "Intuitive and inquisitive 8. Intense, reactive, loyal 8. Rebellious and confrontational, Most outspoken 8. Seeks alliances with friends and foes."-Enneagram Explorations

Q. Would you say that you're a happy person?

A. I would say that I'm a.. joyful person. I think happiness is momentary..


Johnny Depp is fucking hot tho.​



Local time
Today 5:17 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Thread Dump - Borrowed from PerC

What type Eight is really about

The Economics of Conflict and Type 8

Do Eights Devalue Kindness?

Emotional Origins of Type 8

What does it mean to "Survive" ?

Naranjo's 'Character & Neurosis': Type 8 Chapter

RAGE and Loss of Self Control

8w7 control style vs 8w9 control style: The Conqueror vs the Patriarch

8's, What Authority Can You Submit To?

"Letting Go" As An Eight

How long do you hold a grudge?

How can you not be afraid in a world so fucked up ?

Are you lovable?

8s: Have you Considered Type 5 or Mistyped at 5? Why?

Eights and Bi-polar spectrum mood disorders

Female 8s: To what Degree do you Feel Male?

8s: Do you have lots of Emotions?

Im an 8w7 INTP

E8 not liking E8 descriptions...


Instincts, Premonitions, and Insights

Being Questioned & Explaining Themselves

How Eights Pay Attention [Palmer]

Pushing buttons with lonely backfire

8 In Bed & Intimacy


8's and 8-fixers only - Are you angry, or just making a point?

Morality and the type 8

How to hold an Eight accountable without them feeling controlled?

How do I get along with an enneagram 8?

How to disarm an 8

8s how do you get people not to fuck with you?

Type 8 women: How often are you approached?
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